Selling dads house


New member
Jun 7, 2004
Hello everyone my father has a house in Santo Domingo which has been rented to the same person for the last 30 years, we would like to sell it and buy some property in a tourist area.
How should we go about this, my dad has an attorney who has been in charge of the property and collecting the rent but has not been helpful on my fathers request to sell the house. Should we just get a different att. how easy or difficult could that be.


Rest In Peace Ken
Jan 1, 2002
Getting another attorney should be easy, providing your present attorney does not have legal status with respect to the property given him by your father. Sounds like he may have been appointed by your father to represent him and receives a portion of the rent as part of his compensation..

Talk with your father to see if he remembers giving the attorney his power of attorney with respect to the house, or something similar.

I think it would be wise to get another attorney to investigate. Fabio Guzman, the lawyer who, with his son, answer the questions in the legal section of this board, have an office in Santo Domingo. They are attornies you can trust, which can't be said for all attornies in the DR. You will find the contact details for the Santo Domingo office on this page of their website

Just keep in mind that there are lots and lots of attornies in SD who can represent you. But getting one you can trust, that is another matter.

Robert, this thread should be moved to the Legal section.