Smoking outdoors


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
Are you aware that the first guy that published that story in Japan spent 5 years in jail there for inventing his data? But it turns out like the joke "Even if you know you are paranoid that doesn't mean they aren't out to get you!" After his data was withdrawn others proed what he couldn't find true data to prove.
Der Fish

I suggest you use Google and do a little research.

Many research papers substantiating that second hand smoke kills.
Cases have been brought to court over it and won.


Dec 12, 2009
Was doing the Tourist thing in Times Square couple days ago with the Novia visiting from Santiago.. it was quite amazing, not a single person Smoking a cigarette.

As much as I do not like peoples individual rights eroded away , I have to admit, it was SO nice to be free of Cigarette Smoke in such a busy and well visited part of NYC.
Pretty damnnn Impressive....


Jan 7, 2016
I suggest you use Google and do a little research.

Many research papers substantiating that second hand smoke kills.
Cases have been brought to court over it and won.

I now see a typo, but that is what I said in my last sentence. But the first guy to prove it did spend time in jail because his data was faked.


Oct 11, 2011
SOMETIMES I THINK IT MIGHT BE COOL to Vape??? big cloud of smoke no harm yet u are smoking ,,,,blow it in someones face and no bother....


Jul 10, 2004
Was doing the Tourist thing in Times Square couple days ago with the Novia visiting from Santiago.. it was quite amazing, not a single person Smoking a cigarette.

As much as I do not like peoples individual rights eroded away , I have to admit, it was SO nice to be free of Cigarette Smoke in such a busy and well visited part of NYC.
Pretty damnnn Impressive....

A person should not have the right to do something that can harm another person. Smoking is one of those things that can harm someone else. Keep in mind I am a Libertarian and very sensitive to issues of personal rights. Smoking in an area where it can harm other people is not a personal right.


Jul 10, 2004
SOMETIMES I THINK IT MIGHT BE COOL to Vape??? big cloud of smoke no harm yet u are smoking ,,,,blow it in someones face and no bother....

E-cigarette vapor exposes people sharing a room with an e-cigarette user to contaminants, including nicotine, particulates and hydrocarbons. Variation in product contents, designs and emissions suggests that some produce little toxicant exposure, whereas others may pose greater risks. However, the risks to health appear likely to be far lower than from indoor exposure to tobacco smoke.

E-cigarette use produces a visible vapor that is usually able to be smelled, depending on the flavors and other contents of the fluid. The vapor is discharged into the air only when the user exhales (i.e. there is no sidestream vapor), in contrast to tobacco cigarettes that discharge smoke continuously while kept alight, and when the user exhales.

The emissions discharge water, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nicotine into indoor air at levels far lower than found with tobacco cigarettes (Schripp et al., 2013).

Schober et al. (2014) measured levels of potential e-cigarette pollutants in a ventilated room while volunteers consumed e-cigarettes with and without nicotine for two hours and found a change in air quality. The concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the indoor air increased by 20%, while particulate numbers also increased. The authors concluded that exposure to e-cigarette pollutants might be a health concern, as fine and ultrafine particles might be deposited in the lung.

There is a limited body of published research on the health effects of ‘second hand’ exposure to e-cigarette vapor. McAuley et al. (2012) assessed indoor air concentrations of common tobacco smoke by-products (VOCs, carbonyls, PAHs, nicotine, TSNAs, and glycols) emitted by generic e-cigarettes using four different high nicotine e-cigarette liquids (‘e-liquids’), and compared the results with those from analysis of tobacco cigarette smoke tests; they then undertook risk analyses based on dilution into a 40 m3 room and standard toxicological data. This assessment revealed no significant risk of harm to human health from e-cigarette emissions. In contrast, the tobacco smoke analyses mostly exceeded risk limits (McAuley et al., 2012). Flouris et al. (2013) exposed healthy volunteers to ‘second hand’ e-cigarette vapor for one hour and found small increases in serum cotinine but no significant changes in lung function. No studies have been conducted on the impact of longer second-hand exposures, exposures in children or third-hand exposures.

Any risks to health from second hand e-cigarette vapor are likely to be far lower than from exposure to tobacco smoke, given the constituents, their toxicity and exposure times (Burstyn, 2014).

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
I only smoked for a couple of years in my early 20s, and never heavy. More of a social smoker. Stopped before I was 25. Three decades later I ended up with lung cancer, had very painful surgery to remove half my lung in 2003.

My dad smoked. In the house, in the car, at the beach, in every restaurant, you get the picture. Then Mr. AE smoked everywhere. Then I worked in Manhattan offices where everyone smoked. Because I hadn't smoked for about 30 years when I was diagnosed, the surgeon said it was probably the years of second hand smoke. He was no slouch, he was the Chief of Surgery at University of Pennsylvania Hospital in Philly, and ranked #2 in the country behind a doc at UCLA.

I've heard that smoking in a car with kids present is illegal in some places. I'm living proof that it's a good law.

We don't run across a lot of smokers in DR, only one regular visitor to our house smokes. He goes outside.

My friend just had lung cncer.
He reports that 30% of all lung cancer patients never smoked....

It isn't all smoking , they say.

Same with melanoma, it isn't all sun.

In each case, the chances might increase but it's not the only cause


Feb 7, 2013
A person should not have the right to do something that can harm another person. Smoking is one of those things that can harm someone else. Keep in mind I am a Libertarian and very sensitive to issues of personal rights. Smoking in an area where it can harm other people is not a personal right.

I couldn't agree more. There is no evidence that smoking outdoors has any effect on passersby. There might be a one in a million chance of an allergic reaction. But we don't legislate to such a fine degree. If we did...What about the children. Taken to its logical conclusion parents should be disallowed from smoking in their private home as the risk to the children is known.

La Profe_1

Moderator: Daily Headline News, Travel & Tourism
Oct 15, 2003
I couldn't agree more. There is no evidence that smoking outdoors has any effect on passersby. There might be a one in a million chance of an allergic reaction. But we don't legislate to such a fine degree. If we did...What about the children. Taken to its logical conclusion parents should be disallowed from smoking in their private home as the risk to the children is known.

Did you see my post #60 above? If walking past someone smoking outdoors makes me wheeze, that is an effect!

Hector L

New member
Jun 11, 2010
Vaping is so toxic that many cities and states are now including it in their no smoking ordinances. I was on a flight when a
passenger started vaping. He was threatened with arrest if he did not stop. He stopped.


Feb 7, 2013
Did you see my post #60 above? If walking past someone smoking outdoors makes me wheeze, that is an effect!

Yes, I saw your post above. How many parts per billion of tobacco smaoke cause you to wheeze? What volume of lung capacity is required in that breath to cause the reaction. 200ml? 500ml? Every breath you take has an effect. is it lasting. are you bed ridden? are you sent to the EW? or are you momentarily distracted from your day? It is noxious, no doubt. As are taxi's, grilling sausages and peanut butter on hand rails. I don't mean to be insentisitve to your extra sensitivuty to tobacco smoke, but it is not reasonable to expect everyone to change their habit just for you. every time you get on a plane to go to the DR that has a direct and measurable effect on global warming. some kid is going to drown from global warming so we can debate the merits of smoking on the internet. When you take a taxi to the airport you contribute to thousands of asthma attacks of children close to the airport. Unlimited studies show the effect on urban transport on children of color.


Sep 27, 2010
Did you see my post #60 above? If walking past someone smoking outdoors makes me wheeze, that is an effect!

I feel for your suffering but find it difficult to believe that a whiff of tobacco smoke in the open air sets you off.You must therefore stay indoors most of the time because when I am out and about walking or biking I am often choked by trucks and motorcycle fumes here.

I'm sure that must be more deadly.

My mother smoked till her 87th birthday then died of old age.My wife's grandfather smoked stinky Digger shag in his pipe for 70 years before dying of old age.
Life is a game of chance it seems to me.

Stressing about it is more dangerous.

I must admit,since I stopped all those years ago I still don't feel much better for it or have a Ferrari.It's nice not to be a slave to it though.


Feb 25, 2011
My friend just had lung cncer.
He reports that 30% of all lung cancer patients never smoked....

It isn't all smoking , they say.

Same with melanoma, it isn't all sun.

In each case, the chances might increase but it's not the only cause

I looked it up once. IIRC, the figures for lung cancer were that 80% of the lung cancer in women was attributed to smoking (primary and secondary smoke). For men, the figure was 90% !

To those of you who smoke, if you enjoy it so much, why don't you smoke in your car with the windows rolled up, you know, so you can get the full benefit. ( roll eyes). C'mon, even if you won't admit it publicly, deep down inside you know it bad for you. And your second hand smoke is bad for the rest of us.

Both my parents smoked. And both died way too early from it. I now avoid anyplace where people are smoking (you hear that bar and restaurant owners?) to lessen my cumulative exposure. But I wouldn't be surprised if 20+ years of heavy second hand exposure (including in the womb - my mom didn't know any better back then!) results in a diagnosis of lung cancer for me someday.

Just because you "can" smoke among the public in the DR doesn't mean you "should" smoke in public.

La Profe_1

Moderator: Daily Headline News, Travel & Tourism
Oct 15, 2003
Smokers can justify all they want, but my reality is that smoke makes breathing difficult for me, to the point of having needed respiratory therapy in the past.

My family history includes a father and grandfather both dead of respiratory diseases. My father smoked from the age of twelve until his death from lung cancer at sixty-two after twenty years as a respiratory cripple. I will never be able to forget seeing him smoking while holding his oxygen mask away from his cigarette after his diagnosis of inoperable lung cancer.

I have seen first-hand the ravages of smoking.


Jan 7, 2016
Vaping is so toxic that many cities and states are now including it in their no smoking ordinances. I was on a flight when a
passenger started vaping. He was threatened with arrest if he did not stop. He stopped.

I was told that in Colombia the same hospital that developed the stent used in place of heart bypass surgery at times has said that vaping is worse even than smoking.
Der Fish

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Smokers can justify all they want, but my reality is that smoke makes breathing difficult for me, to the point of having needed respiratory therapy in the past.

My family history includes a father and grandfather both dead of respiratory diseases. My father smoked from the age of twelve until his death from lung cancer at sixty-two after twenty years as a respiratory cripple. I will never be able to forget seeing him smoking while holding his oxygen mask away from his cigarette after his diagnosis of inoperable lung cancer.
I have seen first-hand the ravages of smoking.

My friend the surgeon used to tell me similar stories about terminal patients always seeking that 'last puff'
Just before they died.....the last act, so to speak