Snail Killer


New member
Jul 10, 2006
exactly what I am looking for - is it available here? tried beer as well with little success...tom
thanks exoman

Yes, it is available at most places you can buy fertilizer and is sold by the pound. It is quite effective. Ask for a product para "matar babosas", comes in small purple granules.


Born to Ride.
Oct 17, 2015
My sister used to make Tofu, and since she was vegetarian (she is in Heaven now) she called Tofu "natural." It took at least a dozen processes to turn whatever one starts with into tofu and then she'd bake and mix it with other stuff before serving it as a natural food. I'd ask her for a definition of natural and basically for her it meant vegetarian. I pointed out into her yard at a rabbit hopping around one day and said If I were to be able to catch that rabbit and know how to kill it and saw off a leg and cook it that would be natural, but there is nothing natural about this. Same sis also got into selling "natural vitamins" at one point. The makers of these vitamins claimed that they had discovered a place on earth where God's flood didn't touch and these drugs were made from plant derived material from there. They didn't even hint as to where on the surface of earth that spot was, but seemed to believe it! I am only spouting off, and have no idea whether your bug killer is environmentally friendly or not.
Der Fish

No offence taken amigo. Trust me when I say that I would never recommend a product I considered to be toxic to people and pets. Ive seen the effects of chemical spills on human health over the years and I know the devastation caused by the loss of family members who have had severe exposure to these chemicals. I'm sorry your sister fell victim to the unethical vultures who prey on people in desperate circumstances. They are everywhere. I worked and lived in a science based environment most of my professional career. I've always approached it in an ethical manner.


Born to Ride.
Oct 17, 2015
I seem to have a ton of snails in my garden as of late. Does anyone know of a product that will kill them? Thanks....tom


I know nothing about the purple granule product mentioned by riojuanero. The fact that it is a different colour indicates it has different things in it than the SLUGBEGONE I was talking about. It may be a good product but get as much information as you can on handling it and its impact on people and pets.