I agree they may like to see the bay and sit in the shade and enjoy a cool brew.Hundreds of cruisers are doing just that each day paying USD$80 to board the Ocean King and tour Sosua Bay. They used to go diving as well, but not sure if that is still happening. Although not in Sosua, Outback Tours in Munoz, is full daily with cruisers going on buggie adventures. Most of the cruisers are anxious to get off the boat to visit the country and experience the culture. The tour guides will no doubt bring the tourists on a "plaza" tour to buy overpriced gifts, enjoy a cold coconut drink or eat an authentic Dominican meal to support the local economy. This has been the Turismo plan from the start. The plazas are certainly not being built for us locals to enjoy.
But not up the hill in some concrete kiosk adjacent the bus depot and noisy & charmless Charamicos.
Yeah there may be a few that aren't able to walk down stairs to the real beach and hobble from the parking lot to a hot kiosk just to get off the boat for an hour, but I will guarantee this stupid idea isn't going to be a hit among tourists.
And for certain there will be no local culture displayed there