Sosua to Playa Rincon (day trip)


Oct 2, 2007

I want to do a day trip with my family when they visit from Sosua to Playa Rincon.

It's been years since I went to Playa Rincon, but I remember it being one of the most beautiful beaches on the North Coast.

(1) Can someone give me en estimate of how long it will take to drive from Sosua to there? (I understand the road alone getting to Playa Rincon will add quite a bit of time cuz of how bad it is...unless it's been fixed?)

(2) Can anyone give me follow-able directions to actually get to Playa Rincon? (I didn't drive last time and it's been a few years).

(3) What would be the closest marcardo and the closest colmado to stop at to get some drinks and snacks before arriving at Playa Rincon?

(4) When I was there last it was Samana Santa, and there was a local gentleman who had a really old row-boat type thing who took me up the stream quite a ways for a very beautiful little ride. Does anyone know if he is still there, and if so on what days?

(5) How far is it actually from Samana as well? I would like to stop in Samana on the drive back.

(6) Is there still the Chinese Restaurant on top of that really big hill in Samana?

Thanks in advance for any assistance in answering any or all of my 6 questions :) :cheeky:


New member
Mar 14, 2006
Havent done this one in a year so YMMV:

1. I would make this an overnight trip if I were you. You are looking at spending most of your day in the car. To save time (about 30-40 minutes each way) stop in las galeras and take a taxi-boat (10 mins) to rincon.

2. Getting there is easy enough. Go east. In Nagua, you will turn towards the left, follow signs for samana. Theres a roundabout in samana, keep the bay on your right and continue up the hill. Just before las galeras there is a brugal indicating the left turn to rincon. Then one more turn to the right at some little town, also indicated by a brugal sign.

3. There are 2 small mercados in galeras, but your best bet is in the town of samana.

4. I took this tour with a drunken teenager, perhaps the old man was busy. Best bet is on Sundays, which is also when there are more food tents and general revelry on the west end of the beach.

5 & 6. Roughly an hour from rincon or 30 mins or so from galeras. The Chinese place is still there.



Jan 18, 2008
This trip should not be done in one day. If you do you would have to leave very early in the morning - you would have a few hours on the beach in the afternoon - and then have to drive back at night (very dangerous).


Aug 29, 2005
For a day trip I would suggest Playa Grande. It's not Playa Rincon, but it's pretty spectacular in it's own right and only about an hour from Sosua. There is great food and drinks available at very reasonable prices, or if you bring your own you'll be left alone, besides the chair guys, and a few snack and trinket sellers, there's not a ton of beach vendors there. Also there are a couple of very cool smaller, more secluded beaches within a few minutes from PG

...or plan an overnight for Rincon.

To try to not only do the beach at Rincon, but also take a boat ride and visit Samana on the same day, traveling from Sosua, is WAY too much (IMO of course..)


Active member
May 31, 2008
I agree with David Z

A day trip to Playa Grande would be best. The beach is beautiful and inviting.
The fresh fried fish there is delicious. The food vendors are quite good.

The drive to Las Galeras could take close to 4 hours. This is not a day trip.
The road conditions are horrendous. Night driving is dangerous since a flat tire
could prove to be very problematic... the potholes and other obstacles are very challenging. Other drivers will be another constant hazard! Make sure
your spare tire is in good shape. And a road map is helpful for distances and
potential stops along the way.


New member
Apr 15, 2004
I agree, this is definetly not a day trip. And make sure you bring a spare tire and a car that is in good running condition.

The Chinese restaurant is awful.


Oct 2, 2007
Thanks everyone for all the info, comments and advice.

I thought it would be a pretty full day, but I thought it might work out. When I went we were staying in the area for a few days, so it was no problem.

Juniper, is it under new management or something? To my recollections it was pretty good back about 4 years ago.

I guess I will have to save this trip for a weekend one sometime later on. :)


New member
Apr 15, 2004
I honestly do not know if the management at the Chinese restaurant has changed
in four years. My husband and I have been there a few times thoroughout the last four years thinking each time that it would be better and have always been highly dissapointed.