Thanks, basically I want to follow more in the steps of becoming a computer consultant of working more with ERP Systems such as QAD and SAP. I have also expressed interest in networking and have explored options into just obtaining Cisco and CompTIA certs. But I haven't found any reliable info about taking courses for those certs here in SD (besides ITLA). I'm still young and trying to figure some stuff out in my life and even though I've always been a tech guy my whole life, I've been interested in some other career paths such as business or teaching using technology.
What is your age? Do you have a previous college degree?
Just throw an age range if you're uncomfortable disclosing your age.
It seems that you are knowledgeable regarding the career path you want to take, which is not common among recent high school grads. To speak on a more personal note, I enrolled in a B.S. in Computer Science (Ingeniería de Sistemas) here in Dominican Republic the minute I graduated from high school. I switched careers after a year, although I must admit I had nowhere near the insight on what I really wanted to do with my life back then.
Since you've mentioned that you are interested in working with ERP systems, and are also interested in networks I believe that a college degree would be important in this case. The types of entities that CAN afford ERP systems are big institutions with well established requirements for hiring and in most cases (not to say 99%) they require a Bachelors Degree. In several cases a Masters and previous work experience would be needed as well. Small businesses that do not spend resources to hiring network specialists or database management specialist would not be your target.
Do you desire to come here, get your education and then go back to the states?
This is where certifications will add and expand on your Resume and provide an indication to prospective employers that the quality of the education attained in DR would not necessarily be on par with the standard but would be more than adequate and sufficient to fulfill the responsibilities of the vacancies they're looking to fill.
Even if you're not taking the programming track, most of the work on software, systems, networks is English-based. To be honest, Spanish (aside from the initial core requirements such as History, Literature, etc etc. ) is not a definite need. You will have a HARD time if you do not CONSTANTLY practice your Spanish, make no mistake about it.
To me it seems that there is little alternatives to your case based on your career desires. A B.S. in Computer Science seems the way to go.
PUCMM, INTEC & UNAPEC are your likely choices, particularly I've received feedback that actually INTEC & APEC are recently superior to PUCMM in IT so I would delve into those two.
Where are yo located in the USA? Which state are you from?
EDIT: Re-reading your last sentences, it is actually good that you're open to delving into other fields alongside Information Technology such as business, perhaps entrepreneurship or others. Luckily the transition is fairly feasible later as you progress into your career and find out what you really want to do in life. The B.S. in Computer Science will not only specialize you but will also give you a strong Mathematical and Analytical mindset which can translate later to various fields. You will go through Logic, Calculus, Math, Linear Algebra, Statistics & Probability which in today's worlds and likely in the immediate future are a vastly important base to have.
Math & Logic are really important, so please meditate on whether you enjoy Math and have an analytical mindset.