Strike Tomorrow Higuey and Macao


Active member
Aug 30, 2008
Anyone really know what this disruption is about? I have heard that Playa Macao has been sold and the people there have been given 30 days to get out.

I hope this is not the case, as we need at least one frigging beach that is left for people who live here.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
B?varo Digital is reporting that it is a group of community organisations demanding the resolution of several problems and completion of several public works: an annex at the hospital in Higuey, an aqueduct, a bridge, road repairs, street lighting, improved refuse collections. It also mentions that they are demanding a guarantee of free access to Macao beach but does not provide any context for this.

Un grupo de organizaciones de la provincia La Altagracia convoc? este lunes a un paro general por 24 horas para este mi?rcoles, en demanda de una serie de obras que aseguran el Gobierno central y la Alcald?a prometi? hace un a?o y no han cumplido.
Felipe Mart?nez, presidente de la Federaci?n de Asociaci?n de Juntas de Vecinos y vocero de los convocantes, exhort? a la poblaci?n unirse al paro que comenzar? a las 6:00 de la ma?ana del mi?rcoles y concluir? a la misma hora del jueves.
Mart?nez explic? que es un paro c?vico, pero que no se hacen responsables si algunos comerciantes y transportistas no acatan el llamado y deciden trabajar.
Detall? que est?n solicitando la terminaci?n del anexo del hospital Nuestra Se?ora de La Altagracia; la conclusi?n del acueducto; la construcci?n de un puente sobre el r?o Due; que se garantice el libre acceso a la playa del Macao; arreglo de calles y caminos vecinales; el alumbrado p?blico; la mejora en la recogida de la basura y la soluci?n de otros problemas.
Adem?s de la Federaci?n de Asociaci?n de Juntas de Vecinos est?n apoyando el paro la Federaci?n de Estudiantes Dominicanos, la Asociaci?n de Pescadores del Macao, el Frente Amplio, la Asociaci?n Dominicana de Profesores, el Partido Revolucionario Moderno, Alianza Pa?s, la Comisi?n Nacional de los Derechos Humanos, entre otros grupos.
Bavaro Digital


Jan 8, 2002
Stew of discontent

The organizations are exercising their only options to make government take notice that its dragging its feet on public projects does not sit well with the public. The focus of recent government projects has been the construction 10,000 classrooms. Anything related to improving education makes good press. However, the organizations are saying what about the long promised projects we, the public, have been denied ?

The matter of Playa Macao has been a long simmering stew of discontent and not without cause. Recent government actions may give the vendors and service providers at Macao reason to be concerned about their livelihoods. "Illegal" vendors on Bavaro beach between the Bibijagua and IFA resorts were removed by authorities. Just a matter of fact is the IFA resort purchased the beachfront property at the location the vendors were working. Those who have traveled the south coast know of Los Patos. It is a quaint stop to view the worlds shortest river, ducks, and indulge oneself with local food and beverage in the shade and welcoming breezes of the location. The government removed all the former restaurants and constructed new ones and added a boardwalk. It looks prettier. Yet, the former ambiance is lost. Government rents restaurant space and favors it favorites for opportunities to set up shop. Out with old local setup in with the new government setup. The vendors in Macao fear same. They fear losing local control of their beach.

Should government allow Macao to be closed off to public access there will be an uproar it will not be able to control as it is the last large public access beach in the east. Generations of Dominicanos have enjoyed this beach. Government should not screw it up.




The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
right, Macao Beach is the lastreal Beachstretch for the local community to enjoy a day on the beach with some good affordable non touristy priced food.
what they should stop/ban since a long time, is the very bothering Excursions coming with their vehicles right on the beach, doing their rounds in those lil trash buggies, filling the scene with their safari trucks and alikes.
provide those tours parking at the beach entrance and let the people walk in to enjoy restaurants and bars and beach.
but to close it for the public completely? under what reasoning?
what kind of project is planned there to kick the local commerce out there now? one year it was the plans for a large Marina, an other year it is the Ministerio de Nuevo Ambiente telling all get's "polluted", an other year is told that the currents there would be too dangerous to be open for the public.
well, the reasonings always depend on from which side big money is offered.
close it for the Tourvehicles, kick your authorities to do their job guarding the beach to keep swimmers safe, provide parking for private vehicles in a way that fits fine with the natural beauty of the place, build real washroom facilities where every visitor has to pay some pesos for their use, and it could be for ever a beautiful place to visit.
