The corruption continues

Feb 7, 2007


Jun 17, 2005
The fix was in when they changed the rules. I am surprised that the results surprised anyone.


Sep 27, 2006
Google up "Joao Santana" "Odebrecht" "Dominicana" ...
Main adviser to the presidential campaign of DM 2012 & 2016

this is old news, mate. and the whole thing was of no consequences to PLD. just as i said, another sunny day in the banana republic.
give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.



Feb 3, 2009
The fix was in when they changed the rules. I am surprised that the results surprised anyone.

Ha, this is the funny thing, I don't think it did to be honest. The entertaining aspect of this is that corruption is so ingrained, so second nature that even when there is no need to fix anything, they still need to stick these twisted fingers in things and fix things, work dirty, it's insane. They are fukcing idiots.

It's like a heavyweight taking steroids to fight a featherweight, what's the point, it's yours anyway. Do the unnecessary and it is just because it is second nature, doesn't understand any different, it's natural.


New member
Jul 13, 2006
It is very funny that you see signs to vote for certain diputado and yet there is no ballot for them there is three ballots 1 president 2 senators 3 alcalde so there is no other choice. We elected a PRM alcalde and yet we get a PLD person in our area. Democracy???


Jun 4, 2003
bannana republuc "Fk you corruption"

I've always said that a big downfall of the country is that the politicians don't care what the rest of the world thinks of them, they are openly corrupt and don't care, but JCE deducting votes and producing it on public records? Another level of Fk you corruption.

Now I know people in the DR when something goes bad they say it can happen anywhere..... and I also know in this case, the argument by many is that this is a bannana republic problem. Well I want to assure you.....


Take my word for it, corruption is a function of the concentration of money. As such, for your own sake, do not flee the DR if your justification is that you are fleeing corruption, rather, keep a low profile there, and enjoy the sun, the food and your friends and family.

Leaving DR for these reasons would be leaving out of the frying pan and into the fire. For those who emigrated to DR pre 2005 , first world nations have become banana republics in regard to political corruption.

you are probably thinking, what happens here can't happen in the US, or the UK or where ever, let me assure you once again ....


"openly corrupt politicians that don't care what the rest of the world thinks of them"
is an extream growth industry worldwide in the 21st century, and very profitable.
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Feb 3, 2009
Now I know people in the DR when something goes bad they say it can happen anywhere..... and I also know in this case, the argument by many is that this is a bannana republic problem. Well I want to assure you.....


Take my word for it, corruption is a function of the concentration of money. As such, for your own sake, do not flee the DR if your justification is that you are fleeing corruption, rather, keep a low profile there, and enjoy the sun, the food and your friends and family.

Leaving DR for these reasons would be leaving out of the frying pan and into the fire. For those who emigrated to DR pre 2005 , first world nations have become banana republics in regard to political corruption.

you are probably thinking, what happens here can't happen in the US, or the UK or where ever, let me assure you once again ....


"openly corrupt politicians that don't care what the rest of the world thinks of them"
is an extream growth industry worldwide in the 21st century, and very profitable.

Not sure I get your point and you seem to be making two opposing points for the same argument. If however you are saying the blatant corruption in the DR could happen anywhere else then I think YOU ARE WRONG.

Yes there are levels of corruption throughout all governments the world over, but you can tell how deeply it runs by the absolute blatant transparency with which they go about it, and are able to go about it without any consequence.

If what has happened in the DR, regardless of how close the candidates were, there would be cast immediately a second and third party recount. If there were claims that the original figures were adjusted due to corruption then there would be a serious claim for a revote and all proceedings to be undertaken by a second and third party.

Now you know this does not happen, because corruption is rarely if ever as blatantly corrupted to such a level where no other voice can be heard. Do you think all this drama has been created by opposition, maybe on the face of it, but it is a smoke screen to take away from everything else that is going on internally, divert attention if you will.

Why are our more developed nations not called out to recount, well because they are never so blatantly FK you about it. Any corruption within intelligent politics of cleverly hidden.

And as for people getting involved in politics in DR....................... no one ever moved to the DR because they were interested in the politics. People live along side the BS, and it is not the political BS that drives people away if that is the case, it is the Dominican BS, something that is as far from politically orientated as you could possibly get.


Feb 3, 2009
It is very funny that you see signs to vote for certain diputado and yet there is no ballot for them there is three ballots 1 president 2 senators 3 alcalde so there is no other choice. We elected a PRM alcalde and yet we get a PLD person in our area. Democracy???

If you look at La Vega for PRM between wave 4 and 5 (page 14 on the JCE docs) you can see there that in that wave alone 377 was deducted from the PRM, just one example. God knows how many more were deducted throughout all over. Democracy indeed.


Jun 4, 2003
If however you are saying the blatant corruption in the DR could happen anywhere else then I think YOU ARE WRONG.

I'd go off topic by replying to you, but all I can say is, you are listing a litany of issues that you feel only happen in DR, and I am smiling nodding my head, saying, yes, delt with that, yep , that too, unhuh, yeah, know what you mean there....


Jan 12, 2010
I have a very strong feeling that for the overwhelming part of the elections, everything went correctly and the final report from the hundreds of observers who were here will prove that. We know that there were no widespread protests but isolated cases of incidents where votes were declared invalid for some reason or other . I suppose we will find out soon in the report of the voting . I have not been in a counting room here but have seen various photos that indicate that there are scrutineers present during counting so there would have to be much collusion for cheating to occur . The violence in the streets while counting is taking place was a wasted effort especially in Villa Hermosa where louts drove around the streets like drunken is very nasty barrio at the best of times . Overall the victory was extremely easy for the coalition parties and so we know who the Dominican people want to govern even though some writers here may not the same people. There is a very old maxim that you can fool the people some of the time but not all the time so I believe that all the pork barreling with small gifts or money is accepted by the Dominicans but does not influence their votes . .


Feb 3, 2009
I'd go off topic by replying to you, but all I can say is, you are listing a litany of issues that you feel only happen in DR, and I am smiling nodding my head, saying, yes, delt with that, yep , that too, unhuh, yeah, know what you mean there....

Where have I stated these issues only happen in the DR? Look, if you are going to try to get smarmy and sh1t at least address the entire post and not just remove a single sentence in order to spin my entire point and attempt to make an appearance. The reply was to a comment that stated this kind of blatant corruption that goes on in the DR could go on in the UK and alike. I stated that no way in hell could corruption ever be as blatant and transparent as it is in DR. In the UK government has to answer to the people, they can't just get away with that kind of sh1t and is why it never happens. The same with most corruption in more developed nations, the corruption that goes an is hidden well, they make the effort, they have to.

Now either reply to that which is the base of what I wrote in the same smarmy tone that you attempted to cut and spin this crap above, and you will sound like an utter retard. So i think it's best you respond fully or shut up fully.
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Feb 3, 2009
I suppose we will find out soon in the report of the voting .

We have had the evidence infront of us for days if you fancy looking at the JCE reports, I've pointed it out twice on this thread where there is some examples. No need to wait, it's there.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
And the bickering ends now please.

The aroma of a juicy pernil is coming out of my kitchen, and you're disturbing my zen.



Feb 3, 2009
And the bickering ends now please.

The aroma of a juicy pernil is coming out of my kitchen, and you're disturbing my zen.


There is no bickering, only someone correcting someone talking crap about something that he wrote. Can you not see that, really? If no then there in lies the problem.

Ever considered taking your own advise?

Enjoy your concoction, I think DR1 will survive if you can draw yourself away for a few hours to enjoy it.:D


Oct 26, 2013
It is very funny that you see signs to vote for certain diputado and yet there is no ballot for them there is three ballots 1 president 2 senators 3 alcalde so there is no other choice. We elected a PRM alcalde and yet we get a PLD person in our area. Democracy???

I guess you have never seen a Dominican congress ballot (C). In the same ballot there are Senators and diputados. The voter could freely choose a specific deputy from those listed by a given party (a picture of each is included).

What the voter cannot do is to vote for a senator of one party and a diputado from another. That is a restriction that could be removed, but it is there for now.
If a voter does NOT vote for a senator, his vote for a diputado automatically counts for the same party's senator.
