What exactly do you call a lie in this story? Elaborate me please.
1) For starters, Sea World and the Dominican Republic do not have any dolphins that were caught in Taiji. This is a blatant lie.
2) Then, the slaughter is not perpetuated by the marine mammal parks, the Japanese have been doing this for hundreds of years, way before aquariums came into existence. In The Cove Ric OBarry contradicts himself, first he says its because of marine parks, then he says its because the fishermen kill dolphins because of 'pest control.' So which is it Mr. O'Barry?
3) In fact, any dolphin taken by marine mammal parks, would save the life of that animal, since it would come out of the yearly quota for consumption.
3) Foreigners are allowed in Taiji, however, foreigners that break the law like Ric O'Barry who trespasses, are not allowed.
4) Ric O'Barry was never a dolphin trainer for the Flipper movie, according to Bill Hertz the owner of the Miami SeAquarium who was in charge of the filming of the movie/series.
5) The house that he claims he lived in, during the filming of Flipper, was a prop.
6) And he really showed Flipper the series on TV, and the dolphin recognized himself on TV? Come on.
7) Dolphins are slaughtered in the US, Norway, Canada, Russia, Faroe Islands (Denmark).
8) Trevor Spradlin of the National Marine Fisheries Service division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), ?the reality is that the public-display industry has not requested permission to catch animals since the late 1980s.? Instead, the American industry has switched focus to captive breeding and artificial insemination. The movie leds you to believe that Sea World currently imports dolphins from Taiji.
9) Dolphins live more than 5 years 'in captivity,' contrary to Ric O'Barry's claims. Their lifespan under human care can actually be much more than in the wild (+15 years), depending on the quality of the facility. We have dolphins at our facility in The Bahamas that are in their 30's and 40's, one of them is about to have its 5th baby.
These are just the ones I can think of the top of my head, without watching the film again.
The other lies I am talking about are the one spewed by Mr.O'Barry in a tv interview he did on Medio a Medio in Santo Domingo, where he personally attacked me with lies which is the basis of my defamation lawsuit. Basically, every sentence he said on the interview was a lie.