The Fanjuls Sugar


Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
There are hundreds of machines in all the cane fields around la Romana. When you say all the workers do you mean the mechanics, the truck and tractor drivers, the people processing the cane , the maintenance crews or do you mean just the cane cutters. I do not believe that La Romana Central or the Vicini family employee men to cut the cane through some form of charitable feeling . It is an economic decision where cheap labour is better for company profits than a machine cutting the cane .
I think Bob is being sarcastic.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
There are hundreds of machines in all the cane fields around la Romana. When you say all the workers do you mean the mechanics, the truck and tractor drivers, the people processing the cane , the maintenance crews or do you mean just the cane cutters. I do not believe that La Romana Central or the Vicini family employee men to cut the cane through some form of charitable feeling . It is an economic decision where cheap labour is better for company profits than a machine cutting the cane .
I don't disagree with anything you have said, but I don't think that anyone is forced to work there. it is a labor-intensive job and not easy work, and maybe the workers deserve higher wages but that isn't any of the US governments business. All the NGO and even the American government people have said the conditions have vastly improved so what's the reason for this type of government action from the Americans. Something stinks and it isn't blue cheese.


Apr 11, 2004
This is what the US foreign policy is worth. Abinader does not play ball so this crap comes out of the cesspool in Washington..........

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Feb 16, 2016


Jan 12, 2010
The statement from the US Customs and Border Protection in their press statement, which is available on line, said that La Romana Central isolated workers, withheld wages, fostered abusive working and living conditions and pushed for excessive overtime. These points fall under the general heading of Forced Labor as opposed to Child Labor or Human Trafficking . The press release does not mention forced labor in the sense of being physically forced.
In response, la Romana central released a press release that denied everything and said that they had always looked after the welfare of their employees. The press release is also on line.
There have been condemnations of la Romana Central for decades by various international bodies and by authors and by film producers and there have been many attempts by la Romana Central to silence their critics by way of injunctions and threats but this time the company has been called out by the US Government .
la Romana Central is not totally evil , it owns a very good hospital and has reasonable working conditions for the employees who work in the large complex in La Romana but everyone who lives in the La Romana area can see with own eyes the conditions imposed on their workers in the cane fields . I personally would never have issued such as deceptive press release denying all charges but that is never the way of la Romana Central . I think a press release pointing out the progress that has already been made on employee conditions but acknowledging that there was still work to be done especially for the employees working in the cane fields. That would have been a starting point for negotiations with the US.
If this all ends up with the cane field workers having better pay and decent housing with water and electricity , then I think it would be a good result. The cost to la Romana Central to improve their conditions for their employees would not be too great.


Apr 11, 2004
Quote: The statement from the US Customs and Border Protection in their press statement, which is available on line, said that La Romana Central isolated workers, withheld wages, fostered abusive working and living conditions and pushed for excessive overtime

If you believe this I have a Bridge to sell you in Brooklyn..............


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
Years back there was a documentary on sugar cane workers in the DR ....... not viewable when in the DR, as in blocked. ....... suspicious ? lol

Also years back, touring the island in our pick-up, we ended up someplace or other that had old railroads ( not many trains in the DR ), and i dont recall the exact circumstances, but a bunch of random guys--- as not military or PN--; pulled up and told us not to film/take pictures, can you believe.
Well they should have asked and not told and would have missed out on an earful from the wife🤣🤣🤣🤣


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2012
I’ve been approached on more than one occasion in the bateyes and told to put away my phone.

But I’m sure any so inclined journalists are allowed to thoroughly document conditions there.