...Western Union is a full time job... in the DR...….
The longest lines in DR during the quarantine is not the bank or the supers its the western union line. Many chapis in line.
...Western Union is a full time job... in the DR...….
That's why I like to meet women coming OUT of western union.I know they already have some money. And if they like you they will spend it on you.
I was advised long ago there is a simple way to see if a Dominican really likes you, ask her to spend HER money on you.
Also if you don't live here and under a certain age your chance of finding a "good girl" are pretty much .0004%
For the cause of most gringos problems please Google the word "pendejo".
Yeah but you’re special Tambo. Not that old and still cute.Where do you get your statistics from, I am old and live in NYC, and have no problems meeting "good girls" with bank accounts and real families in RD.
Perhaps spend some time outside of Sosua.
Not all gringos are pendejos.
Where do you get your statistics from, I am old and live in NYC, and have no problems meeting "good girls" with bank accounts and real families in RD.
Perhaps spend some time outside of Sosua.
Not all gringos are pendejos.
SNH, you are obviously a man with much experience here and I agree with almost everything you have said. The biggest thing is if you don't live here and you don't speak Spanish, you will have a very difficult time meeting a real women. I can't tell you how many first dates I have gone on where within the first 10 minutes the girl is asking for a new cell phone, computer, help for a sick aunt/cousin/father/mother/sister/brother etc etc. The moment any of this comes out I cut the date short and drop her back off at her house and never call her again.
Rule #1 - never ever send money to a women without first meeting her in person.
Rule #2 - See rule #1.
That's why I like to meet women coming OUT of western union.I know they already have some money. And if they like you they will spend it on you.
Desperation drives common sense from people.Unfortunately gringos common sense has become very uncommon in DR.
Brilliant unearthing analysis to both SMH and Blueco.Exactly! How it starts is how it ends.
If she starts off the date, conversation, text begging. It's only downhill from there.
Cut your losses immediately!
All you have to do is get up and leave.
So lets get this straight your phone is broken so how did write me on whatsapp and post 3,456 pics a day on IG and 37 status updates on whatsapp (tip: they will say they are using a sister, prima, mother phone) sure ok. And if you aunt/cousin/family is really on their death bed you took time out you day to come meet me at Jade Teriyaki. (wow I must be really special, she really does love me. I mean she left her sick family member to come meet me. )
ok how much do you need for the salon? 1500 pesos??? but the sign says 250 pesos.
oh well she loves me here you go mi amor jajajaj.
Unfortunately gringos common sense has become very uncommon in DR.
I like you comment, but why Western Union? Una directora at utility company with a monthly salary north of RD$ 100k would rather use domestic banking system.
- Nothing spends as easy as the money someone hasn't earned. (Those chapis sure know how to spend money!!)
- The directora is probably still at work at 3pm in the afternoon as most people with jobs are.
- You know those professional women can be a little "tacaña" with their hard earned money. (tip: when gringos say no to anything you will automatically be called tacaño. Deal with it. I personally take it as a compliment. To keep the peace and end all debates you never say NO, you say "no tengo amor" i don't have it, but you have to say it with love the more love the better throw in a kiss too if possible
. Remember never NO its NO TENGO! However if THEY tell you no thats not tacaña they are just being smart. ok back to the list.
- Finally the directora has direct deposit.
- Bonus - I will never disclose where or how to meet those type of women such as our lovely directora with that kind of salary, no kids, jeepeta and own apartment and visa. Caribe was just teasing you guys, don't mind Caribe. Caribe we both know those type of women do not exist. 😉
How soon before you start your own YouTube channel?
How soon before you start your own YouTube channel?
Eres tú!!!!Don't have time right now Im too busy these days flying my Chichigua.