To Much FUN!

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New member
Sep 4, 2010
Ok, I know I will get beaten up by this forum but I have to express my feelings. I have a home in Sosua and traveling there for 6 years. So I am not an old timer nor am I a newbie. I just got back from a 2 week stay in Sosua and it was the best time I have had in 6 years. My last trip was Jan. 2010. The changes that the new mayor has made is fantastic! Now it is my comment, to each his own.
I noticed the following;
Big reduction in motorcouches,,, how nice,, :)

Presents of the police,,day and night,,, how nice,,:)

Main street is CLEAN!!!!!,,,,, how nice,,:)

Stores have painted their exterior,,, how nice,, :)

Ladies for cash, not out till after 10:00pm,, ok,, :bunny:

Very few if any trashy people,,,,, very nice,, :)

I was very impressed with the overall feeling in the city,, just good vibes! Yes I believe if the new mayor continues on course there is room for the families and the solo traveler. It will take some more time but the road is there and I think Sosua will be a better place,, now is it due to a woman being the mayor,, I can not attest too.

I am happy to see some , and I mean some order to the city,, no I would not want to impose to many rules and regulation but my comment is anything is better than the "Wild Wild West " of the past,, Yes I beleive in this day an age of communication word will get out fast and show the rest of the world Sosua can be an excellent tourist holiday for everyone.
The little steps need to be taken NOW, before Cuban and the United States agree on total travel,,

Looking forward to my next trip down!
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Mar 2, 2008
I agree, waverider, for the most part.

I think it is great that things have been "toned-down" a notch or two.

The problem, as I see it, is reaching a happy-medium, without destroying the character of the town. So far, I believe that the new mayor is doing a good job, and that things have improved. I just don't want to see them throwing out the baby with the bath water.

The other problem is that when the police get too much power here they tend to abuse it. I have witnessed some of that behavior already.


New member
Sep 4, 2010

Yes I agree that all things need moderation,, and the mayor needs to keep an eye on the Police to ensure they donot go overboard! Which of course would ruin Sosua.


Sep 10, 2008
you can always visit her facebook page and leave a message if you want to bring something to her attention


Jan 1, 2002
Good post, waverider. I think most actual and prospective home owners are pleased with the efforts of the new mayor.

It is worth noting that she is one of a handful of PRD candidates that won in the last election. My cleaning lady lives in La Union and the great majority there voted for PLD in the previous election. This time they strongly supported the new mayor because they felt she would get Sosua back on the right course.
So far they, and I am sure most others who went against the tide and voted PRD for mayor of Sosua, are very pleased with what is happening. They are very optimistic that she will use her 6 years in office to better Sosua and not herself.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Good post, waverider. I think most actual and prospective home owners are pleased with the efforts of the new mayor.

It is worth noting that she is one of a handful of PRD candidates that won in the last election. My cleaning lady lives in La Union and the great majority there voted for PLD in the previous election. This time they strongly supported the new mayor because they felt she would get Sosua back on the right course.
So far they, and I am sure most others who went against the tide and voted PRD for mayor of Sosua, are very pleased with what is happening. They are very optimistic that she will use her 6 years in office to better Sosua and not herself.

Yes too bad more people didn't vote for the person instead of voting for the party.
Aug 21, 2007
Appreciate the outside eyes and positive post, Waverider. Sometimes we, who live here, can't see the forest from the trees.



Jan 1, 2002
Still a lot of trashy people on the streets. Around Plaza Sosua theres still a lot of Haitian street youngster on the sidewalks.


New member
Sep 4, 2010
I do not know the spelling of the new mayors name,,, if someone has it,yes I will Facebook,, everyone needs good feed back when tiny steps are taken


Jul 9, 2010
The new improved Sousa

I do not live in Sousa but have stayed there many times. I think what is happening there is happening at the direction of the Minister of Tourism and the current government in conjuction with local municipalities to clean up their act in order to attract foreigner's and their money. It makes perfect sense. If you create a nice environment for travellers than the word will be passed on and more North Americans and Europeans will show up. Someone in the government is finally using his head and convincing others to spend the resources on things that will bring in the biggest return, "tax dollars" from hotels and restaurants.
Let's hope after the next national election in 2012 that the trend continues. Currently the DR is experiencing the largest economic growth rate of any Caribbean or Latin American country. That is very impressive considering where they were just 10 years ago. I guess a Harvard educated El Presidente is not a bad thing.



hasta la tambora
Apr 4, 2005
Harvard??? I think it was NYU, but I might be wrong.

He graduated from Louis Brandeis HS in NY, then got his JD @ UASD, Santo Domingo in 1978.

He was awarded Doctor Honoris Causa in 1999 from Harvard, along with 10 other institutions.
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