Traffic Tickets


Feb 27, 2006
When I rent a car at SDQ I make sure I already have copies of my licence and passport with me. Along with that I go to the homepage for the US Embassy Santo Domingo and print off the page with the picture of the Ambassador( or charge de affairs as the US does not currently have an ambasador in the DR) and his biography (in spanish) and phone numbers for the embassy. I also hand write the phone numbers on the page to give it a personal touch. I staple all my copies together along with a copy of the rental agreement and make sure the embassy papers are on top. When I have been stopped and asked for papers I hand them the whole package and only speak in english. The few times I have been stopped and questioned I was very quickly told to have a nice day and waved through. If they are not sure who they are dealing with they will save themselves a possible headache and wave me through and wait for the next "fish".

Am really pleased that this plan you have described has worked well for you but it sounds like a huge amount of, possibly, unnecessary hassle to me.


Active member
Sep 7, 2004
No Hassle

I just print one page from the web site and put it with my other copies. ( I would never give them the originals). It takes maybe 30 seconds. So far no tickets and no problems. I don't know how much money and or trouble it has saved me. I hope I never know.