Tragedy in Santiago; policeman accused of accidentally killing a child


Staff member
Feb 20, 2019
Santiago’s very popular carnival was suspended for next Sunday, 19 February after a bullet fired by a policeman accidentally killed a 12-year old boy Donaly Martínez in a confusing incident. Several officers and civilians are under arrest, including the policeman who is accused of firing the lethal shots, Alejandro Castro Cruz. Castro Cruz had joined the Police in 2016.

The incident occurred during a confusing altercation between police and civilians who had been enjoying the carnival celebrations in the vicinity of Las Carreras Avenue corner Mella Street.

Donaly Martínez was accidentally hit by three bullet impacts, when Castro Cruz struggled with Anthony Martínez, father of the minor, over the high volume of music played in a vehicle owned by the boy’s father.

According to the surveillance video, the police officers never gave first aid to the bleeding child who was sitting on a chair. The video shows the police left the area after arresting Martinez and taking him in...

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chico bill

Dogs Better than People
May 6, 2016
Sad indeed and very odd the young child would be hit by 3 bullets unless the father had a hold of the officer's hand and it went off during the struggle.
But it does not surprise me considering the poor quality of police applicants and even worse training and a lack of monitoring police activities.

In reality the PN is just a shakedown force, and compliant in some crime. Witness them arresting Haitians only to release them after extorting them for 5-7 K pesos
We can see how is that formula worked out for Mexico ?
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JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
This cop screwed up for sure.

He told the father to lower the volume on his music, Father said OK, cop came back a few minutes later and the music was turned up again. Cop says he's going to confiscate the speaker and a struggle follows.

The correct procedure would have been to get a prosecutor to supervise the confiscation. That's where the cop screwed up.
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May 21, 2015
If those things you say are accurate, then that amounts to extreme overreaction by the cop. Popping off four shots with three hitting an innocent child, for what, loud music? This sounds like the USA and it's militarization of the police all over again. I know loud music and the urban setting are parts of D.R. culture and that can get aggravating. But after staying in La Romana for periods of time, I have learned to request - in sometimes a rather direct manner - to turn that f'in music down. And it has worked. It seems the cops in D.R. would rather talk with deadly force.


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
Confused reporting of the incident as well.
The kid is 11,12 or 13 depending on what article one reads.
Some social media and/or news article say there was a struggle, others say the father was pepper sprayed and flayed around......


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
Nobody here was there so we can't really know what happened. We do know if dad had complied the kid would be alive.
This incident took place about a 5 minutes walk from where I live.
Dozens of people witnessed what happened.
Loud music played from people's cars during the parades is normal.
During the last 11 years I've never seen anyone complain about it or the PN pay any attention to it
during the Carnival celebrations, This is definitely a first.
The PN have a real problem.
Many of them are accustomed to the old way of policing especially the
one's who've been on the force prior to 2020. I wouldn't be surprised if
it comes out later the officer who fired these shots is from the Valerio detachment
as they have a reputation for being a little trigger happy.



Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
I guess I am old school in that if the P.D gives me direction I take it.
I agree but there doesn't appear to be much of a stop gap between an
argument and the guns coming out. With this incident happening late afternoon
not late evening the officer involved should have known there were way to many
innocent people standing around to be firing off 3 or 4 shots.


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
Even though there were many witnesses my gut tells me there will be multiple versions of the story. I'm glad I don't have to sort thru it to try and find the truth, if that can even be done.
So far there are no reports of the child's father brandishing any type of weapon.
What you seem to have trouble understanding and where you're gut is most likely
wrong is...
many of the police across this country have absolutely no business being in law enforcement
or allowed access to carry a firearm in a public place. Like I've said many times before...
they can start by doing random drug testing. Wouldn't hurt to conduct psychological evaluations
followed how to properly hold/ use a firearm either.


Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
So far there are no reports of the child's father brandishing any type of weapon.
What you seem to have trouble understanding and where you're gut is most likely
wrong is...
many of the police across this country have absolutely no business being in law enforcement
or allowed access to carry a firearm in a public place. Like I've said many times before...
they can start by doing random drug testing. Wouldn't hurt to conduct psychological evaluations
followed how to properly hold/ use a firearm either.
I'm sure much of what you say is true. How much exactly we will probably never know. I agree with random drug testing but psych evals are something I have little faith in.
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ese tipo

Apr 12, 2019
I guess I am old school in that if the P.D gives me direction I take it.
I too guess I'm old school whereas I take all under consideration:1) perhaps alcohol may have played a part? imagine someone having the gall to play loud music on a weekend day at a festival no less 2) approaching an individual in a crowd where it can easily escalate to an unwelcomed situation and not having the wherewithal to deescalate and or seek out other more serious infractions.3) probably most paramount ,having said officer prove "quien es mas macho" in front of your kid is a no holds barred "come at me bro" scenario if there ever was one.I am a firm believer that respect is reciprocal. I've been in situations where I have been cordial to law enforce and have had traffic fines waived off, but I have also had situations where no matter the amount of diplomacy I displayed it was in any way a deterrent to the situation.

I don't in anyway see the dad as an innocent bystander and do acknowledge his part, but much too often we are told that compliance = safety when in all reality we've chosen to ignore tangible video proof!


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
I don't in anyway see the dad as an innocent bystander and do acknowledge his part, but much too often we are told that compliance = safety when in all reality we've chosen to ignore tangible video proof!
Don't get me wrong, I'm all in favor of the police using deadly force when it comes to cancelling taxpayer funded vacations
especially when it comes to carjacking and home invasion robberies as they often do up north. The folks down here
are a lot more passive than a lot of people give them credit for but more often than not words exchanged will often end with
gun shots when it comes to the PN due to their ignorance. Killing a 12 yr old child isn't the best way for the PN to gain
public support now is it?

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
This incident took place about a 5 minutes walk from where I live.
Dozens of people witnessed what happened.
Loud music played from people's cars during the parades is normal.
During the last 11 years I've never seen anyone complain about it or the PN pay any attention to it
during the Carnival celebrations, This is definitely a first.
The PN have a real problem.
Many of them are accustomed to the old way of policing especially the
one's who've been on the force prior to 2020. I wouldn't be surprised if
it comes out later the officer who fired these shots is from the Valerio detachment
as they have a reputation for being a little trigger happy.
I don't know what detachment he's from, but he's a young guy. I'd guess younger than 30.
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Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
Appears next Sunday's festival here in Santiago has officially been cancelled as a result of the PN murdering a young child.

Facepalm Supreme

Active member
Dec 29, 2022
Santo Domingo
I too guess I'm old school whereas I take all under consideration:1) perhaps alcohol may have played a part? imagine someone having the gall to play loud music on a weekend day at a festival no less 2) approaching an individual in a crowd where it can easily escalate to an unwelcomed situation and not having the wherewithal to deescalate and or seek out other more serious infractions.3) probably most paramount ,having said officer prove "quien es mas macho" in front of your kid is a no holds barred "come at me bro" scenario if there ever was one.I am a firm believer that respect is reciprocal. I've been in situations where I have been cordial to law enforce and have had traffic fines waived off, but I have also had situations where no matter the amount of diplomacy I displayed it was in any way a deterrent to the situation.

I don't in anyway see the dad as an innocent bystander and do acknowledge his part, but much too often we are told that compliance = safety when in all reality we've chosen to ignore tangible video proof!

Personally I never did understand how people get macho when their wife and kids are around. I mean I get it, you don't want to be "backed down" and have set a "poor example" or to "not look like the man" in front of your family but it's a huge liability. When and/or if I would ever be in public with any hypothetical women or children of mine I'd choose to play the alert and ready yet chill and non-confrontational role. Fight, flight or freeze - I choose flight in that situation. I mean you have the most important people in your life present alongside you and you choose to become involved in a potentially violent situation with someone who may or may not be armed? It's basically like being responsible for VIPs and instigating or IN ANY WAY becoming confrontational or responding with like energy to a confrontational situation.

The proper move is to GTFO of there - posthaste and if you're the type that can't let something go then you go back later and handle the situation to your liking, alone or along with other allied combatants. But you don't become involved in or allow the escalation of conflict, of any sort, when you've got your VIPs present.


Jan 12, 2010
No matter what the provocation was, and playing loud music during a carnival seems harmless during the day, the firing of a pistol 4 times into a group of people seems to me criminal and barbaric. The Dominican people will now have even less respect for the police than before,if that is possible. There is another video and some photos that I have seen that show the Policeman with his face half covered.
Maybe it is a result of the harsh days living under police and army brutality during the Trujillo days , but in my opinion, Dominicans do not like to be pushed around by aggressive police behaviour .