Travel Agency in POP


New member
Sep 8, 2004
gringosabroso said:
The office center - shopping center ronv is describing is called 'Plaza Turisol'; his directions are more or less correct. Almost directly opposite the huge Brugal plant on the POP- Sosua highway. [Circumvaliacion Norte].
* There are 10 - 15 - 20 package tour & charter flight operators' offices in Plaza Turisol. I think that many, perhaps most, are British.
* The existence of empty seats is common, depending on the season. While it is technically illegal [why?] to fly to the UK in an empty charter seat, while never having flown to the DR on the correcsponding flight, it is done & can be done. Ask around. The same principle applies to USA charter flights.
* Hint: many of the employees, primarily British, socialize @ Cafe Cito, behind Harrison's Jewelry Store, next to Avis, same highway. Most seem to be pleasant, compassionate people; typical of the British. Showing up @ 5:00 PM & buying a round of cheer might lubricate your process.
* Food for thought. Good luck!

Beginning to think that everyone was ignoring my sugestions WHY pay ?800 when you can get a direct flight to U.K. FOR ?200 ISH each.



New member
Sep 8, 2004
Lambada said:
Because..........Kennedy doesn't have a Brit. passport & DB has been told in uk that this is a requirement, by each of the Brit. charter companies she has contacted.

Well after 15 years of travelling to the D.R. and now having a Dominican son-inlaw who has been living in the U.K. for 3 years on various Visa's over this period.
And also having helped 6 other Dominicans obtain visas to travel to the U.K. and 2 of them to end up living in the U.K.

I,M certentainly no expert so who am i to argue!!!!!!!!!!!



Mar 4, 2004
Yes, Ron, both you & I know it can be done. DB's problem is that she doesn't want to set it up to then have it fall down when they are both at the airport waiting to board. I've spoken to two of the Brit. charter companies out here on her behalf & one of these is a personal friend (who admits it can be done, but says technically it isn't allowed) & in both cases the regulation now appears to be that the charter ticket has to be bought & originate in UK. And when DB tries to do that..........she gets told what I posted above. I think for her own peace of mind she is probably better pursuing the schedule arrangements she now has in hand. First Choice is one of the few Brit. companies where you can still buy a one way at the DR end, the others seem to have moved to ticket sales originating in uk.