Travelling from DR to Germany with a dog


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2020
Santo Domingo
So we are planning our next visit to Europe (Germany)next year and checking the possibilities to take our 11 year old dog with us. The dog must be chipped for entry in Europe and she isn't, anyone knows a Vet in SD who does this? Allso the Vet must be authorized to take blood and send it to an special laboratory to the US for rabies check.
Perhaps someone of you here has done such procedure with his own dog or cat and could help me?


Dec 5, 2013
So we are planning our next visit to Europe (Germany)next year and checking the possibilities to take our 11 year old dog with us. The dog must be chipped for entry in Europe and she isn't, anyone knows a Vet in SD who does this? Allso the Vet must be authorized to take blood and send it to an special laboratory to the US for rabies check.
Perhaps someone of you here has done such procedure with his own dog or cat and could help me?
We have done exactly this, except on the NC and our dog was a puppy back then. There is Clinica Veterinaria de la Cruz who is authorized by German authorities both to chip and take the blood.

They are, I think, only in POP and Sosua but I think he mentioned he knew someone in the capital who does this. So I would call him and see what vet to go in in the capital.

He sends the blood straight to Germany though, not to the US, not sure why you mention the US? There is a list of authorized labs available online, and he had a standard lab he used straight from that list.

Once the results from the blood some back, you're good to go. Mention in the beginning that you want to import the dog to the EU and he will have all the papers ready for migration and customs in the right language when you have agreed them to be picked up. Be sure to start the process a few months advance if possible if the dog needs further shots.

Fun fact: We were really prepared with all the papers and the chip card ready with our passports and were really disappointed when the customs area and booth were not manned in Frankfurt when we arrived, so nobody could care less to even check our dog or the papers...
  • Haha
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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2020
Santo Domingo
Thanks a lot josh, I'll call them tomorrow and ask for the contact in SD. Can I ask what was the cost of all the process? We plan to stay 3 or 4 month and come back then with the dog, I hope the entry to DR with the dog is not that difficult.


New member
Dec 31, 2004
Hi, I did it a few time the other way from Brussels to Punta Cana and Santo Domingo a few points (at least it was like that for Belgium)
The blood test is to see if there are signs of anti rabies in the blood triggered by the anti rabies vaccine, they can take more than a month to appear in the blood so make sure that you have a least one month between the vaccine and the blood sample.
In the DR, was very easy, had to seek the vet myself and just had a look at the dog int the "carrying box" and a short look at the papers, if I remember asked for 500 pesos but not sure about this.
For the return the Belgium, I never saw a vet around, that does not mean that I would risk it.


Dec 5, 2013
Thanks a lot josh, I'll call them tomorrow and ask for the contact in SD. Can I ask what was the cost of all the process? We plan to stay 3 or 4 month and come back then with the dog, I hope the entry to DR with the dog is not that difficult.
If I recall correctly, for the blood test and documents it was around 15k-18k DOP and then additionally the chip and vaccines, I think it was around 5-6k DOP. Obviously, taking blood does not cost that much, but they need to get it refrigerated all the way to Germany, and I can imagine lab work in Germany is not exactly cheap...

Correction: I'm pretty sure for the whole package, so vaccines, chip, paperwork and blood test, we came pretty close to 30k DOP (around 28 I I think), but I have to say for the service de la Cruz provided and his professional staff, I would recommend him to anyone. Also, at least his clinic in Sosua when we went there, was always filled with expats...


Active member
Jul 4, 2006
I think the pet clinic in Arroyo Hondo does that, they are very good, best I have seen in the country.

Thanks a lot josh, I'll call them tomorrow and ask for the contact in SD. Can I ask what was the cost of all the process? We plan to stay 3 or 4 month and come back then with the dog, I hope the entry to DR with the dog is not that difficult.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2020
Santo Domingo
Thanks all for your input. Bruessel is normaly our go to Airport, my hometown is only a 2 hours ride away, it seems it's the same process to do like Germany.
I'm in contact with the german authorities and they hace a list of the accepted Labs who can do the blood check worldwide, and the US and Mexico are the closest to DR. Well let's see, I go next week to my Vet and talk to him about our plan, I hope he can help a bit.


Dec 5, 2013
Thanks all for your input. Bruessel is normaly our go to Airport, my hometown is only a 2 hours ride away, it seems it's the same process to do like Germany.
I'm in contact with the german authorities and they hace a list of the accepted Labs who can do the blood check worldwide, and the US and Mexico are the closest to DR. Well let's see, I go next week to my Vet and talk to him about our plan, I hope he can help a bit.
Just to correct a couple of things having already been through this:

The link you provided is indeed a list of approved labs, but not from the German authorities, but rather the EU, as the URL also shows. There are two lists, one for EU countries and one for non-EU countries. We have used exactly those lists to check this as well, and yes, I would imagine the German authorities accepting results from any of those labs. The problem is, you have to see how will you get the blood samples there, as that is the tricky part. De la Cruz, the vet referred to, already had connections the German lab on this list:

the place is called Eurovir Hygiene-Labor GmbH. The point is that I think you can also choose any other lab from the list, but then you have to take care of the costs and shipping yourself and also that you get the right documents in the right language. So you would need to make sure that the US or Mexican lab provides the docs in German in this case. We went with the package deal and let the vet handle everything, as he had done this countless times before and turned out to be worth it. Bear in mind that this lab charges only for the test 250 EUR, so if you go with non-package deal, then you have to factor in all the other costs as well, whereas we did not do any of that. As the lab charged 250 EUR, the shipping etc part was only about 4000 DOP with secured shipping and document handling.

Adding to this (in German, copy/paste from an email), a communication and details received back then from the responsible govt veterinary in Frankfurt, please therefore also make sure with the vet that the chip fulfills the following requirements:

Sie möchten einen Hund aus der Dominikanischen Republik einführen, dies ist ein sogenanntes nicht gelistetes Drittland. Die Einfuhrbedingungen sind folgende: Frühestens mit der vollendeten 12. Lebenswoche des Welpen darf die Tollwutimpfung gegeben werden, dies am schon durch einen Microchip gekennzeichneten Tier, sonst wäre die Impfung nicht gültig. Nach der Impfung sind 30 Tage

Wartezeit vor der Blutabnahme für die Bestimmung des Tollwut-Antikörper-Titers einzuhalten. Das Blut muss in ein dafür von der EU zertifiziertes Labor gesandt werden. Auf der Homepage des BMEL findet sich eine Linkliste aller zugelassenen Labore weltweit und innerhalb der EU. Ist der Titer größer/gleich 0,5 IU /ml Blut, dann ist vor Einreise in die EU eine Wartezeit von drei Monaten ab Blutentnahmedatum abzuwarten. Zusätzlich braucht der Hund eine Gesundheitsbescheinigung nach der Verordnung 576/2013 in der aktuellsten Fassung, die von der zuständigen Behörde ausgestellt und gesiegelt wurde. Vom Datum der Ausstellung ist dieses Zeugnis 10 Tage gültig, um damit in die EU einzureisen. Bitte das Einreisedatum, die Flugnummer, Tierart schriftlich mitteilen. Falls Sie mit dem Tier am Flughafen Frankfurt einreisen, wenden Sie sich bitte an den Zoll (roter Ausgang/rotes Telefon) für den Importcheck Ihres Hundes, danke."


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2020
Santo Domingo
I think the pet clinic in Arroyo Hondo does that, they are very good, best I have seen in the country.
Yes they do, talked with the Vet, they do the hole process, cost is about 35000 Pesos. So we will see, if we take the dog to Europe or let her here with son and other family members, like we do in the past.


Active member
Jul 4, 2006
Yes they do, talked with the Vet, they do the hole process, cost is about 35000 Pesos. So we will see, if we take the dog to Europe or let her here with son and other family members, like we do in the past.
That’s not to bad, I think they have to send the blood work to the US, a friend of mine took 3 German Shepards back.