think South Africa, and that is the DR
If your experience in the US is typical, then the DR will offer no suprises. Latin American countries seem to have this comical fascination with white skin. The underclass is predominantly non-white while the newspapers, TV, professional and leadership positions are almost exclusively white. This is true, despite the fact that whites are overwhelmingly in the minority in this country. Remarkable.
The typical Dominican almost looks like the typical African-American in the United States. If a Dominican was in Baltimore, or Detroit, or Houston, there would be no way you could tell they were from another country unless they started speaking.
As a tourist, (regardless of skin color), you are a guest, and treated similarly. Quite simply, you are bringing dollars into the economy, an asset valued worldwide. Also, you are a US citizen, backed by the might and force of the US army. That is respected in the DR. For that reason, do not expect to be treated poorly here (however, do expect plenty of tourist-type scams to get your money).
The country seems unspoiled by pollution, overdevelopment, or high crime (unlike Puerto Rico). There is an abundance of natural coastline, beaches, and palm trees. Expect lots of sun, cool ocean breezes, warm weather, and clear, star-filled nights. You will not be disappointed if you are looking for a vacation on this tropical island.
However, from the perspective of the non-white US citizen, it becomes clear that the vast majority of Dominicans have little power, influence, or opportunity in their own country. It is reserved for a very small white minority. It is very disturbing if you spend any time considering it. It is as if you are in South Africa before Apartheid ended.