U.S. Citizens Residing in the D.R. -- Some Useful SSA Information


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2014
retired English teacher (30 years)
Hello All,

This post is offered FYI and pertains to U.S. citizens residing in the Dominican Republic who do or may receive SSA benefits. I am giving no advice or expressing opinions; rather, I am giving you some publicly available resources that you may find useful.

(1) ssa.gov/pubs Here you will find many publications, updated through 2024, downloadable as .pdf’s. A significant one for us is the document “Your Payments While You Are Outside the United States.”
(2) ssa.gov/foreign Here you will be apprised of the Social Security Office of Earnings and International Operations and be given both phone numbers and means of electronic communication with SSA.gov with entities in the Dominican Republic.

After perusing the above sites you will also learn details of your legally required reporting requirements, maintainance of addresses, years in which you can expect to receive required forms to complete depending on whether your SSN ends in an odd or even number. And much more.
I am purposefully not providing details here as I do not want to make errors or mislead; rather, I am providing two URL sources (/pubs and /foreign) from which you can glean potentially valuable useful information and decide what pertains to your individual case.