US Predator Act

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*** Sin Bin ***
Nov 18, 2004
How has the US Predator Act affected how American men interact with Dominican women under 18? The new law says you can do some serious time in an American prison if the US government finds out an American man had sex with a Dominican girl under 18. Or, you may get thrown into a Dominican prison.


Grande Pollo en Boca Chica
Jan 9, 2002
Idiots deserve to get caught doing something illegal in two countries at once and totally preventable since cedulas are readily available for scrutiny and are a lot harder to forge than the old days.


Mar 18, 2004
not so sure

ricktoronto said:
... since cedulas are readily available for scrutiny and are a lot harder to forge than the old days.
I met a 17 yr old dominican girl in Sosua last year who showed me her cedula stating that she was 21. She's not a 'working girl', don't know really why she felt like needing to 'upgrade' her age, maybe just in order not be harassed by the local PN.


New member
Feb 3, 2004
Maybe its just me. But perhaps a real man would question his masculinity for desiring a child. Yes. I know there are some fine azz 17 yolds out there. Do you know what they do to child molesters in prison?? From what I've heard many of them would have rather been stoned to death.


*** Sin Bin ***
Mar 25, 2004
TEHAMA said:
Maybe its just me. But perhaps a real man would question his masculinity for desiring a child. Yes. I know there are some fine azz 17 yolds out there. Do you know what they do to child molesters in prison?? From what I've heard many of them would have rather been stoned to death.

We shall create a "snitch" phone line to report this type of abuse against the children of the world.


*** Sin Bin ***
Nov 18, 2004
tomgallo said:
We shall create a "snitch" phone line to report this type of abuse against the children of the world.

The way the USA is going in violating people's civil liberties and privacy, a worldwide snitch line may be just around the corner. Pres. Bush loves stuff like that.


Jul 2, 2004
A, A
miami33172 said:
The way the USA is going in violating people's civil liberties and privacy, a worldwide snitch line may be just around the corner. Pres. Bush loves stuff like that.
Dude you are an idiot. What does President Bush have to do with the Dominican Republic? Are you afraid someone may snitch to Bush about your love for very young girls?


Oct 21, 2002
miami33172 said:
How has the US Predator Act affected how American men interact with Dominican women under 18? The new law says you can do some serious time in an American prison if the US government finds out an American man had sex with a Dominican girl under 18. Or, you may get thrown into a Dominican prison.

Confusion reigns, but I'll give the benefit of the doubt and take this at face value. Uhm, what was the question again? Oh yes.. US Law putting US citizens in jail for doing the thing with young girls in the DR? OK, I'm confused again... What is the predator act? We live in the DR, mostly we don't keep up with US Law or US predators.


Apr 7, 2003
Chris said:
Confusion reigns, but I'll give the benefit of the doubt and take this at face value. Uhm, what was the question again? Oh yes.. US Law putting US citizens in jail for doing the thing with young girls in the DR? OK, I'm confused again... What is the predator act? We live in the DR, mostly we don't keep up with US Law or US predators.

As I understand it, the new Federal US law allows for the prosecution in the US, of US citizens, for engaging in sexual activity anywhere in the world with someone under the age of consent in the US (which is 18 in most if not all US States) it does not make allowance for the age of consent in the country in which the sexual activity took place.

It was correctly introduced to allow prosection of paedophiles who systematically visit places like Thailand, Phillipines and of course the DR to engage in such acts with minors.

However the Act is flawed in that it does not define "minors" or recognise other countries ages of consent, so a 19 year old (or older) American guy can go to England and have consensual sex with a 16 year old (UK female age of consent),a totally legal situation, and yet still be prosecuted under this Act on return to the US.

As we all know the US Govt never makes frivolous or malicious prosecutions ;) so time will tell if this would this ever happen.


New member
Feb 3, 2004
The bigger picture as I see it is not Bush and his merrymen of idiots. Its simply the time has come to say "no more." Many poor countries have accepted and in some fashion promoted this abuse for far to long. I saw for myself grown women with little boys at Boca Chica. Most on DR1 felt it was cool, and okay. porqueria

Grown people should not fkk with children, no matter how sexy or gender. Orphans in Africa and Indonesia, and children in general in Thailand and Russia suffer this blight at the hands of nasty "mostly" white rich americanos. They think because we have a few bucks more than you....we can make kids jump around and perform circus tricks to get their jollies off. Can you even image what might be going the childs head with some overweight unattractive bigger than you person on top of you? You certainly dont want it, but feel compelled to out of economics.

What I saw at Boca Chica pisses me off to no end, even still today. If I ever see something like that again....I WILL RAISE HOLY HELL and make biggest damn scene ever. And yes, i'm extremely happy there is now a law stateside to stop this shtt.

Snitch line?? For what? I will tell you to your face!
TEHAMA :mad:
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Apr 26, 2002
TEHAMA said:
Grown people should not fkk with children, no matter how sexy or gender. Orphans in Africa and Indonesia, and children in general in Thailand and Russia suffer this blight at the hands of nasty "mostly" white rich americanos. TEHAMA :mad:

Not fair! Without even going into whether sex tourism numbers can come close to competing with domestic, home-grown abuse in these places you list, it also seems to me that most sex tourists in the places you list are European, Japanese and Australian.


Jan 8, 2002
Save a child from hell

miami33172 said:
How has the US Predator Act affected how American men interact with Dominican women under 18? The new law says you can do some serious time in an American prison if the US government finds out an American man had sex with a Dominican girl under 18. Or, you may get thrown into a Dominican prison.

It is the arrsss-wholes of the world that feel what they cannot get at home compels them to go offshore to obtain and prey upon the young because of lax laws and enforcement offshore. The Preditor Act by the U.S. is at least an attempt to make these perverts account for their behavior. As far as I am concerned these people are sick, cowards, the low lifes of the world, and the people who promote the same are as equally low.

I can only hope that each report and arrest saves a child from hell. Sex abuse of children has no special boundries or countries. It is world-wide


Victor Laszlo

Aug 24, 2004
The Protect Act and Operation Predator

The Protect Act (Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to end the Exploitation of Children Today), became US law in April, 2003. It deals with several aspects of child abuse. Title I, Section 105 concerns child sex tourism.

Operation Predator is a law enforcement initiative of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), part of the Department of Homeland Security. It is aimed at enforcing the provisions of the Protect act.

This is the text of Title I, Section 105 of the Protect Act:


(a) In General.--Section 2423 of title 18, United States Code, is
amended by striking subsection (b) and inserting the following:
[[Page 117 STAT. 654]]
``(b) Travel With Intent To Engage in Illicit Sexual Conduct.--A
person who travels in interstate commerce or travels into the United
States, or a United States citizen or an alien admitted for permanent
residence in the United States who travels in foreign commerce, for the
purpose of engaging in any illicit sexual conduct with another person
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.
``(c) Engaging in Illicit Sexual Conduct in Foreign Places.--Any
United States citizen or alien admitted for permanent residence who
travels in foreign commerce, and engages in any illicit sexual conduct
with another person shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not
more than 30 years, or both.
``(d) Ancillary Offenses.--Whoever, for the purpose of commercial
advantage or private financial gain, arranges, induces, procures, or
facilitates the travel of a person knowing that such a person is
traveling in interstate commerce or foreign commerce for the purpose of
engaging in illicit sexual conduct shall be fined under this title,
imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.
``(e) Attempt and Conspiracy.--Whoever attempts or conspires to
violate subsection (a), (b), (c), or (d) shall be punishable in the same manner as a completed violation of that subsection.
``(f) Definition.--As used in this section, the term `illicit sexual conduct' means (1) a sexual act (as defined in section 2246) with a person under 18 years of age that would be in violation of chapter 109A if the sexual act occurred in the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States; or (2) any commercial sex act (as defined in section 1591) with a person under 18 years of age.
``(g) Defense.--In a prosecution under this section based on illicit sexual conduct as defined in subsection (f)(2), it is a defense, which the defendant must establish by a preponderance of the evidence, that the defendant reasonably believed that the person with whom the defendant engaged in the commercial sex act had attained the age of 18 years.''.
(b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 2423(a) of title 18, United States Code, is amended by striking ``or attempts to do so,''.

Here are some relevant links:


New member
Feb 3, 2004
Porfio_Rubirosa said:
Not fair! Without even going into whether sex tourism numbers can come close to competing with domestic, home-grown abuse in these places you list, it also seems to me that most sex tourists in the places you list are European, Japanese and Australian.

I admit. Its not fair. And probably just a drop in a much larger bucket. The law as I understand is not meant to address domestic issues in other countries. What it says to me is ...go out and do your shtt in another country and we find out yo azz go to jail as if you did that crap stateside.

its up to other countries to handle their own domestic abuse.

Please dont misunderstand me. I believe in driving a younger model (I am driving one now). But anyone driving a tricycle should be shot. And that include bicycles with training wheels, too.
PS- If the heat is on in those sex-tourist places (Australia.. etc) then I would expect a migration towards less known places. Possibly the DR.
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Oct 21, 2002
This maybe a good thing overall.. but how on earth is Uncle Sam or Uncle George going to find Freddy who travelled to Taiwan with the express purpose of making merry with a child. Don't mistake this question, I think Freddy should be slowly barbecued till he is well done and well dead, and then he should be buried in a landfill, but how is this enforceable?

Surely if another country has as age of consent maybe 16, and Freddy plays with a 16 year old, Uncle Sam/George cannot do much about it? Something really worries me about this, there is a principle that is wrong... somewhere...


*** Sin Bin ***
Mar 25, 2004
TEHAMA said:
The bigger picture as I see it is not Bush and his merrymen of idiots. Its simply the time has come to say "no more." Many poor countries have accepted and in some fashion promoted this abuse for far to long. I saw for myself grown women with little boys at Boca Chica. Most on DR1 felt it was cool, and okay. porqueria

Grown people should not fkk with children, no matter how sexy or gender. Orphans in Africa and Indonesia, and children in general in Thailand and Russia suffer this blight at the hands of nasty "mostly" white rich americanos. They think because we have a few bucks more than you....we can make kids jump around and perform circus tricks to get their jollies off. Can you even image what might be going the childs head with some overweight unattractive bigger than you person on top of you? You certainly dont want it, but feel compelled to out of economics.

What I saw at Boca Chica pisses me off to no end, even still today. If I ever see something like that again....I WILL RAISE HOLY HELL and make biggest damn scene ever. And yes, i'm extremely happy there is now a law stateside to stop this shtt.

Snitch line?? For what? I will tell you to your face!
TEHAMA :mad:

Well said!

The only thing is that under "International Law" the laws of one country (USA) are not legal in another sovereign nation. Prosecution takes place in the jurisdiction where the crime has been perpetrated.


New member
Feb 3, 2004
not exactly. there is a guy in Atlanta facing trial for "playing" with boys in Russia. Whatever the consent age is for that country he went below that age. I hope the US law does not attempt to set the legal age for all countries. If so thats a waste of time and my dollars.


Jan 2, 2002
Does anybody here realize how useless this predator act will be as far as the DR is concerned? In New York, age of consent is 17, in the DR it is 18. The DR is stricter than many states in the US.

As someone else mentioned, how would uncle sam find out or obtain proof? The only way I can figure is if someone was arrested in the DR for having sex with a minor. If that happens, the guy should get on his knees and PRAY that he gets extradited for the predator act. In the DR, he gets 30 years in a dominican prison.

Also the problem with cedulas is it is not very uncommon for the age on the cedula to be wrong. In many families that are politically active they will get a child's cedula changed so that they can vote for their party during elections.

In all my trips and time spent in the DR, I have never seen a gringo with someone I thought was under age. I have heard about "casas" that have underage chicas, but these are not the ones tourists frequent. Dominicans are the target market for most casas in the DR.
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