

Nov 4, 2011
May be i well PM you booth . I did Ok . But lirned my lesson on posting my personal stuff on a open foram . I posted it so others could lurn from my mestakes ! But that did not work out so well for me . Nice people do sometimes finish last but can hold there head's high at least thy finished and did not throw in the towal .

YC don't let people on this board stop you from being who you are. If you have info that might help someone who is not familiar with a certain incident in DR, PLEASE!!! share it. Let me tell you there are many men on this board that went through the samething you did, but they will NEVER admit it.

Don't listen to these guys. If they have a Dominican wife or GF in the Dominican Republic they pay MAJORITY of everything. There is a price you pay when you date a Dominican woman in DR, your MONEY.

When I lived in DR it was so many things I had to accept and overlook because the Dominican Republic was home at the time. When I chose to move back to the USA, I do not accept nothing that I feel is not acceptable behavior anymore while I am in DR. For instance I do not allow anyone drink around my daughter here in Chicago, but my daughter in Santo Domingo people drink around her like she is 51 yr old woman and I thought to myself what type of person has this much beer and rum around a child that is not even 5 yrs old yet. Now when I visit my daughter in DR and pick her up all I say to my ex wife and her friends and family is "hola" and como estan? and I make a point to say como estas instead of como tu ta.

Once Dominicans understand that you have drawn a line in the sand, they respect you alot more. What make me so powerful in DR is I am a Chicagoan visiting his daughter in Santo Domingo, not an American looking for a "new life" in DR.