Visa scandal at US embassy????


Mar 14, 2002
There is nothing unusual about people who have been helpful to an election campaign getting patronage appointments, including ambassadorships. There are long list of such appointments of people of every political stripe going back centuries in American history. It has no significance to the events at the Santo Domingo consulate/embassy. The idea is no more logical than blaming the career diplomat who led the Benghazi diplomatic mission for the attack that killed him.

It's real easy Gorgon. The consulate is a subordinate post under the embassy.....which is administered by the ambassador.

As to "cheap shotting" the administration, please list Brewsters CV as it relates to foreign service. He was a bundler and was given the post as a reward by the President.

If you have other facts that refute that....please post them.

Jan 9, 2004
playa, what we have here is a group of people participating in a clandestine criminal conspiracy. there are only two possibilities when such a thing is eventuating goes on forever is discovered.

in this case, we know it was discovered. how that was achieved is still a mystery, at least to us. that being the case, we do not know how well the Embassy performed its duties of due diligence.

we also know that drastic steps were taken, once the discovery was made. it is apparent that draconian measures have been taken to remedy the matter.

that having been said, maybe you can show us where the event constitutes a failure to perform.

and, please, save us the old cliche that the buck stops at the top. if one of my employees robs my company, not because i am head of the department makes it my fault. if i wait until he gets out of jail, and offer him an even more sensitive job, and he does it again, then maybe the buck stops with me.

You are jumping the gun. You presuppose by your statement that the event took place.

I never said it happened...I said if the allegations are true.

Perhaps the embassy may issue a press release regarding the matter and more facts, if true, will come to light.

Sorry you don't like the cliche...but it is accurate in both government and business.

Perhaps you have been living to long in the land of no es me culpa.

Either way, the ambassador is 1) not qualified as an ambassador and; 2) ultimately responsible for both the good and the bad that occurs on his watch.

I await further details on the matter.


the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
You are jumping the gun. You presuppose by your statement that the event took place.

I never said it happened...I said if the allegations are true.

Perhaps the embassy may issue a press release regarding the matter and more facts, if true, will come to light.

Sorry you don't like the cliche...but it is accurate in both government and business.

Perhaps you have been living to long in the land of no es me culpa.

Either way, the ambassador is 1) not qualified as an ambassador and; 2) ultimately responsible for both the good and the bad that occurs on his watch.

I await further details on the matter.


so go start a thread about his qualifications, if you feel like that. this thread deals with malfeasance on the part of consular employees, not Brewsters lack of qualifications as an ambassador.
Jan 9, 2004
There is nothing unusual about people who have been helpful to an election campaign getting patronage appointments, including ambassadorships. There are long list of such appointments of people of every political stripe going back centuries in American history. It has no significance to the events at the Santo Domingo consulate/embassy. The idea is no more logical than blaming the career diplomat who led the Benghazi diplomatic mission for the attack that killed him.


I do not disagree. These have been in large part political patronage positions for far too long.....but should they be?

Should we not appoint qualified foreign service officers to these posts.

I say that as the relative of a career service ambassador who has more than once lamented about the appointments of less than qualified individuals to important diplomatic posts.

As to blaming the ambassador Chris Stevens in Libya for his own demise after he requested more defenses... is not even a close analogy.


the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
You are jumping the gun. You presuppose by your statement that the event took place.

I never said it happened...I said if the allegations are true.

Perhaps the embassy may issue a press release regarding the matter and more facts, if true, will come to light.

Sorry you don't like the cliche...but it is accurate in both government and business.

Perhaps you have been living to long in the land of no es me culpa.

Either way, the ambassador is 1) not qualified as an ambassador and; 2) ultimately responsible for both the good and the bad that occurs on his watch.

I await further details on the matter.


if the events as described are true, then maybe you can tell us how Brewster is responsible.

there is a difference between being answerable, and being responsible. Brewster is the head of the operations, and therefore is answerable, because if someone has to be quizzed about the events, then i do not expect that person to be the cleaning lady. as to responsible...that apellation falls upon the guys who did it.


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
The news story mentioned 'consuls'.

Now as I understand 'diplomacy speak', there can only be one ambassador posted to a country, with consuls each assigned to major cities in that country where they have a consul per consulate.

Perhaps the story has used wrong terminology or are they talking perhaps about diplomatic staff outside SDO and in other countries as well?
Jan 9, 2004
so go start a thread about his qualifications, if you feel like that. this thread deals with malfeasance on the part of consular employees, not Brewsters lack of qualifications as an ambassador.

This thread deals with an allegation only. I posted my opinion nothing more, nothing less.

You disagree....fair enough.

But please do not dictate to me.

Have a nice night.



Dec 14, 2008
Wally's Responsibility

I agree 100% that the ambassador is responsible for any irregularities in the embassy or its consulate section.

I concur.

But wait, this is the Dominican Republic, where nobody is responsible for anything.

Thus, Wally may just say No fui yo.

Mind you, he can't supervise everything... alas, is he not a newly wed? :rolleyes:
Let's cut him some slack. ;)



Mar 14, 2002
disconsolate about the consulate

I thought the only U.S. consulate in the Dominican Republic is the one is Santo Domingo. I am not an expert because I have never had a reason to be a client.

The news story mentioned 'consuls'.

Now as I understand 'diplomacy speak', there can only be one ambassador posted to a country, with consuls each assigned to major cities in that country where they have a consul per consulate.

Perhaps the story has used wrong terminology or are they talking perhaps about diplomatic staff outside SDO and in other countries as well?


Mar 14, 2002
For me, it's OK to post ceremonial ambassadors in countries with relatively little military or intelligence sensitivity (e.g. Dominican Republic, Japan/Caroline Kennedy, UK/Joe Kennedy) but I think it's more important to appoint career diplomats in places like Yemen, Iraq, Colombia, Somalia, etc.). I think the distinction between military, intelligence, and diplomatic can be close. A patronage post is more clear cut.


I do not disagree. These have been in large part political patronage positions for far too long.....but should they be?

Should we not appoint qualified foreign service officers to these posts.

I say that as the relative of a career service ambassador who has more than once lamented about the appointments of less than qualified individuals to important diplomatic posts.

As to blaming the ambassador Chris Stevens in Libya for his own demise after he requested more defenses... is not even a close analogy.



Apr 20, 2011
Good evening, Contrary to popular belief it is not US territory. For instance if a pregnant woman gave birth there he/she would not automatically become a US citizen. It is private property owned the US no more no less.