What are Dominican woman like? What are Dominican man like?

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bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
they like to dance.
Beyond that it is generalizations based on ones good or bad experiences.
Left out one. Dominicanas spend time and money on clothes, nails, hair and shoes.

My wife spends money on shoes and clothing but not on nails or going to the salon. She looks after her own hair and nails, doesnt drink smoke or go out dancing. She makes plenty of money and doesnt need or spend mine. I pay for most of our vacations the car gas and insurance, Thats it. She is fiery and stubborn but that suits me fine. She is intelligent and compasionate.
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yacht chef

Sep 13, 2009
He gets it, there are also quite a few here that have to play the game eather due to the need to feel wanted or the desire to get a good hard sex up and down. Thy do not do it for the money just some kind of mental illness or need. I like the going to a hotel for a few days to make a point. I am going to a job but my girl will not know why i took of as to make a point we are not getting along will she get pounded by a tiger or 2 i garinty it. Will this end her and me most likely will she relize what she had and lost? For shour in time. But you can not let them destroy you. And thy will if you let them. 


Jan 21, 2006
My wife spends money on shoes and clothing but not on nails or going to the salon. She looks after her own hair and nails, doesnt drink smoke or go out dancing. She makes plenty of money and doesnt need or spend mine. I pay for most of our vacations the car gas and insurance, Thats it. She is fiery and stubborn but that suits me fine. She is intelligent and compasionate.

After being married to you all these years she is a Candominicana and no longer qualifies for the generalization.


Jan 21, 2006
Dominican women order Langosta if you are buying.
Rice and beans if she buys her own

And if your Dominican woman was buying you would order the beans? Come on!!
Human nature is what it is.
I like beans too but do not pick them over lobster when you are paying.


Jul 5, 2010
I actually thought that I would settle down with a Dominican girl at some point, but it never happened. It sounds superficial and politically incorrect but you just need to look at the girls parents to get a good idea of her character and future prospects.

There are lots of good Dominican girls who work hard, study and are not overtly promiscuous. The poor people in the barrio are more often than not the victims of single parent families, sexual abuse and have had horrible influences in their life forever. For decent first world folks, expecting them to show gratitude and social norms that we would expect is not realistic.

I feel pity for these poor folks who have grown up eating platano, with holes in their roof, loud music surrounded by terrible people spreading their negative influence.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
After being married to you all these years she is a Candominicana and no longer qualifies for the generalization.

She never qualified for the generalization although she has some primas that do. In general her family are non drinkers and honest hardworking people. All the younger ones are fluent English speakers.


Oct 4, 2013
I actually thought that I would settle down with a Dominican girl at some point, but it never happened. It sounds superficial and politically incorrect but you just need to look at the girls parents to get a good idea of her character and future prospects.

There are lots of good Dominican girls who work hard, study and are not overtly promiscuous. The poor people in the barrio are more often than not the victims of single parent families, sexual abuse and have had horrible influences in their life forever. For decent first world folks, expecting them to show gratitude and social norms that we would expect is not realistic.

I feel pity for these poor folks who have grown up eating platano, with holes in their roof, loud music surrounded by terrible people spreading their negative influence.

I'll definitely address this post and its stereotypical content tomorrow. Merry Christmas all.


Oct 4, 2013
I actually thought that I would settle down with a Dominican girl at some point, but it never happened. It sounds superficial and politically incorrect but you just need to look at the girls parents to get a good idea of her character and future prospects.

There are lots of good Dominican girls who work hard, study and are not overtly promiscuous. The poor people in the barrio are more often than not the victims of single parent families, sexual abuse and have had horrible influences in their life forever. For decent first world folks, expecting them to show gratitude and social norms that we would expect is not realistic.

I feel pity for these poor folks who have grown up eating platano, with holes in their roof, loud music surrounded by terrible people spreading their negative influence.

I'll definitely address this post and its stereotypical content tomorrow. Merry Christmas all.


Oct 4, 2013
And if your Dominican woman was buying you would order the beans? Come on!!
Human nature is what it is.
I like beans too but do not pick them over lobster when you are paying.

Really? My Dominicana gets her gear on and dives for her lobster when she wants them so it costs me nothing. She also hates when I take her to a gringo restaurant to the point where I order what I think she will like before ordering for myself. It's a 50/50 chance she will eat anything non Dominican although she does like chicken cordon blu and roast duck. She also likes hash brown potatoes and eggs not fried until their dead.


Oct 4, 2013
One thing to consider when men are discussing traits of a Dominicana is if she is a Dominican woman or a prostute. There is a huge difference between the two and unfortunately many male outsiders cannot differentiate between the two because their only interaction with Diminicanas is with prostitutes. Just stating facts.


Sep 27, 2017
For those having such a hard time within this thread understanding what Dominican women are like, I have to wonder if your shortcomings are limited only to the RD. You may need to take a long look in the mirror, and discover yourself first. Yes, real women can be found in la Republica Dominicana, for those men deserving of them. With credit and appreciation to poet Tay Reid, allow me to submit the following piece that I happened to come across a while back.........

The Definition Of A Real Woman
(W)- A real woman knows that the wages of sin is death so she is not concerned about the wages of a real man, because money comes and goes like day and night; but true love comes just every blue moon. A real woman isn't loud and doesn't have to be the center of attention. Money is a gold-diggers virtue, while patience is a real woman’s virtue. A real woman is always wary of the image she displays to the world because she knows her children are watching her every move. A real woman’s wisdom comes from the teachings of her elders and the experiences and hardships life brings. A real woman is the wings that help a broken man learn to fly again. When you become the object of a real woman’s affection, winning is the only option.

(O)- A real woman’s main obligation is to better herself, before she attempts to become someone’s better half. A real woman is very obliged with all that God has blessed her with. When a man takes a real woman for granted, she makes up her mind to put him away into oblivion. A real woman is use to jumping hurdles because overcoming obstacles in life keeps her on the right track. A real woman doesn't spend her time worrying if failure is around the corner, because she occupies her freedom chasing her dreams in her most comfortable running shoes. A real woman is a hopeless romantic ready to be wooed with an odyssey of love with a real man by her side.

(M)- A real woman’s presence is magnanimous and captures attention because of the poised and elegant stature of her classy nature. A real woman is like the magnet of ecstasy. All women don't attend college or hold prestigious employment, but for many being the Valedictorian of mothers everywhere is the major of their lives. A real woman respects the art of marriage and believes in monogamy. A real woman’s life is the motion picture of sophistication. The mythology of a woman began within a man’s ribs and ends in the beat of his heart.

(A)- A real woman sticks to her man like glue and never abandons his side. A real woman has the ability to do anything a man can. A real woman has the power to fill the abyss of a man’s pains with joy. A real woman prays with her other half because faith is the key of remaining on one accord. A real woman will amaze you with the way she adapts to changes in her ambiance. A real woman is the architect of her own destiny.

(N) A real woman needs a man to understand and love her for everything she is and for everything she is not because a good support system is a leading factor in longevity within relationships. A real woman is the nexus between love and happiness. When you converse with a real woman you will realize that she is nimble with her every response. No man can ignore the nymph of a real woman, because it is in her D.N.A to be notable.


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
Haven't had the chance to log in for a couple of days because of the holidays and surprise to say that everyone has been playing nice and to the point making this thread 100% DR related.



Jul 2, 2015
Dominicanas like any other woman have their plus and minuses, but I must admit they can be very impatient and rarely plan for tomorrow. It is the old “El Dominicano pone el candado después que le roban” mentality, but on the flip side many of them know how to take care of their man, home, and kids.  My biggest and only beef with some of them, is the expectation of providing for her and the extended family, I would not mind helping out elderly parents, but extended abled body adults! That truly gets my goat and makes it hard to decide to go down that looooong expensive road.:paranoid:


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
One thing to consider when men are discussing traits of a Dominicana is if she is a Dominican woman or a prostute. There is a huge difference between the two and unfortunately many male outsiders cannot differentiate between the two because their only interaction with Diminicanas is with prostitutes.

Having been with both "Dominican women or a prostitute" I find both to
be very impatient. How they choose to eek out a living doesn't seem
to have much to do with it.
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Sep 7, 2012
Haven't had the chance to log in for a couple of days because of the holidays and surprise to say that everyone has been playing nice and to the point making this thread 100% DR related.


Don't get used to it Bronxboy.....by the way Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, let me know when you are headed back to Santiago.


Jan 30, 2012
And if your Dominican woman was buying you would order the beans? Come on!!
Human nature is what it is.
I like beans too but do not pick them over lobster when you are paying.

I find that Dominicanas are typically not considerate when it comes to your money. I returned from SDQ early this morning; got a text later today. "I got no food or water". "May I suggest that you return your hair, nails, hookah, and weed for a refund". The resultant reply was not for the faint of heart.
Needless to say, I feel that the tour of duty for this chica has come to an end.


Sep 27, 2017
I find that Dominicanas are typically not considerate when it comes to your money. I returned from SDQ early this morning; got a text later today. "I got no food or water". "May I suggest that you return your hair, nails, hookah, and weed for a refund". The resultant reply was not for the faint of heart.
Needless to say, I feel that the tour of duty for this chica has come to an end.

We all choose the company we keep.
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