what are you people thinking?

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New member
Jan 19, 2004
Today is my first day as a member of this forum. First, I'd like to make sure everyone knows I am a Dominican-American female born in New York City raised in Chelsea.
I started looking at this forum with hopes of finding relevant and useful information, but to my surprise I've come across a lot (and I mean A LOT) of ignorant and worthless rambling of uneducated so-called elite. Give me a break...many of you have a point, but the rest of you should attend a Latin American Studies class before you decide to pour out your souls about hating the lower class. I know Dominicans are the most racists of them all, but really think about it - you had to have gotten that nappy hair from somewhere...and Europe just wasn't the place it came from.
However, even that did not cause so much pain as did all of the grammatical errors I came across. Even the elite cannot be excused from that.
I hope many of you realize the image you are portraying to people who happen to stumble into this forum.

I have to admit I'm not a forum-posting fan, but I just had to do it!


Jan 1, 2002
Well, your post is gramatically correct and the spelling is, too. Beyond that I won't comment.

Look forward to seeing more of your posts.

Tony C

Jan 1, 2002
What does "nappy hair" have to do with anything about the elite class in the Dominican Republic?
Perhaps you should read some of the posts again and learn to seperate those written by people who have no clue.


New member
Feb 1, 2002
Does grammatically correct racism meet with your approval.

When it comes to ignorance you are top of the class.
Your "first day on the board" and you feel qualified to comment on the members of this board.
I suggest you spend less time under your brolly and more on your broomstick.


Grande Pollo en Boca Chica
Jan 9, 2002
Grammar and Grampa Too

undrmyumbrlla said:

> I am a Dominican-American female born in New York City raised in Chelsea.

That would be either comma, raised in Chelsea or "and" raised in Chelsea. NYC wasn't raised in Chelsea.

>I've come across a lot (and I mean A LOT) of ignorant and worthless rambling of uneducated so-called elite.

It would be rambling "from" not "of" the uneducated so-called elite.

>I know Dominicans are the most racists of them all,

That would be the singular "racist" as you are referring to Dominicans as a class not as a plural.

>but really think about it - you had to have gotten

"Have gotten"? tsk, tsk.

>that nappy hair from somewhere...and Europe just wasn't the place it came from.

Passive - should be: and it didn't come from Europe

>However, even that did not cause so much pain as did all of the grammatical errors I came across. Even the elite cannot be excused from that.

In this context you are saying they can't be excused for you coming across something when you mean to say they can't be excused "for" making the grammatical errors.

Now you shold go criticize other people's web logs as your work is done here, rabble-rouser.


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003
Let me guess!!!

undrmyumbrlla said:
Today is my first day as a member of this forum. First, I'd like to make sure everyone knows I am a Dominican-American female born in New York City raised in Chelsea.
I started looking at this forum with hopes of finding relevant and useful information, but to my surprise I've come across a lot (and I mean A LOT) of ignorant and worthless rambling of uneducated so-called elite. Give me a break...many of you have a point, but the rest of you should attend a Latin American Studies class before you decide to pour out your souls about hating the lower class. I know Dominicans are the most racists of them all, but really think about it - you had to have gotten that nappy hair from somewhere...and Europe just wasn't the place it came from.
However, even that did not cause so much pain as did all of the grammatical errors I came across. Even the elite cannot be excused from that.
I hope many of you realize the image you are portraying to people who happen to stumble into this forum.

I have to admit I'm not a forum-posting fan, but I just had to do it!
Let's see, first day as a poster. You are dominican, came along a lot( and you mean A LOT) of ignorant and worthless rambling of uneducated so called elite, some at this site should attend a Latin American Studies class, dominicans are the most racists of them all, their nappy hair came from somewhere, our grammatical errors caused you much pain.

Let's see now. You are part dominican so that makes one of your parent a racist (or is it that both parents are dominicans but you were born in the US, in that case they are both racists). I gather that you are an educated so called elite, I also gather that you have a bachelor's degree in grammar, you don't have nappy hair (what is the chance you don't).

To top it all up : Who gives a sh.. what you think!!!. This site is to have fun and to learn the good and the bad about the DR. I may not like some of the things that are said but I have a choice and my choice is to come back to the site and see what's going on and if there is something to dabate about or defend myself, I will do it. It's my choice. You think that we have nothing better to do than to sit in a computer looking to see how many misspelling or mistakes a person makes ( what a life!!!).

Since you seem to think that you, your honor, are above us, instead of honoring us with your pressence, why don't you go .....

PS: you wrote " A LOT", but I thought that the correct spelling was ALOT. If I am wrong, sorry because I am just an uneducated peon.
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New member
Dec 5, 2003
What is nappy hair? does it grow in a garden ? is my spelleing ok ? is ok good grammer ? do I give a do do ? should I end this ramblihg ? Get real if you do not like the low level of uninteligent
elite on this board please leave ! I have been reading it since
My first trip to the Dominican Republic in 2001 and have read a wealth of information , which has helped Me greatly nuff said .


Jan 2, 2002
You are all feeding her ego. Just ignore her and she'll blow away like the rest. After all she hasn't contributed one thing to help anyone so far and this is what this site is all about. Info on the Dominican Republic.

Did I slepp all ny words wright?

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Dear,"undermyumbrella" thanks for posting!

And Welcome to DR1! Hope you continue to contribute your insight.We don't have nearly enough smart people ,especially Dominicans,posting here.We try to treat all newcomers with the respect that they "Deserve"!Can't wait to read your next post! Cris Colon,Moderator


Mar 5, 2003
Jealousy is a terrible thing. For someone to actually take time out of their busy schedules to post such garbage, is beyond me. Don't you get it? noone cares.

simpson Homer

Nov 14, 2003

Where are you coming from exactly?

I am Dominicano but not like you, first than every thing don't insult my people in DR1, some of them are America, Dominican, European, Dominican, Canadian and many places what can I say to you is that you were having a Bad day and then you were holding it against to DR1.

This People in DR1 are helpfull and what they say is the true if you or any body is looking for help you find it, information you find it, good people you find it, humor sense you find it. PROBLEM stay in NY or look some place else that not be DR1 website.

I am a BLACK DOMINICAN with white mother, white brother, white girl,BLACK father, white friends and white blood if that bothers you stay where you are. I guess you are the kind of people who pretend to say I am Dominican to other people hear about you but at the true moment you dont say it.

you must be ashamed about calling people racist maybe is you who are.

"Pon una fritura muchacha y dejate de pendeja"

Homer Simpson


Mar 2, 2003
Which ones are the elite?

I didn't know there were any "privones" or "comemierdas" on DR1, if someone could point them out to me so I can take cheap shots at them it would be great, Thanks.


El Mujeron
Jan 7, 2004
Ivana, is that you?

Hey, is Ivana now Dominican?

Ditto to all the other posts... one thing though, what does nappy hair have to do with being elite? Can you show me the thread that was about being nappy headed and Elite to be a part of this?

Lastly, Mi amor, si tu eres Dominicana, you or SOMEONE in your family has nappy hair. Hey, it might be el lechero or el del colmado de la esquina, or in your case, the bodeguero in Chelsea! check him out, he might be the culprit as to why you need a desrrizado now!! :mad:

BTW - Even Miss Universe herself needs a good dominican blow dry every once in a while.


Grande Pollo en Boca Chica
Jan 9, 2002
A lot is alot not alot

miguel said:
PS: you wrote " A LOT", but I thought that the correct spelling was ALOT. If I am wrong, sorry because I am just an uneducated peon.

Frequent error, seen a lot here. Alot is not a word. You can allot something , probably from allocate ( i.e. like give out) but to mean a large quantity , e.g. lots vs. little it is "a lot".

Allot: Verb:
possession: Give out.
possession: Allow to have.
possession: Administer or bestow, as in small portions.

But hey at least you asked vs. being told by this young person.
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