When to send additional proof of relationship - Immigration Canada


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I agree with Lexi...don't wait until January send it as you get it. Once you have your new passport send off all of the information you have collected to that point by courier to Haiti. I have read in a few places it is best to have your file as up-to-date as possible before the decision for an interview is made. That being the case if you wait until January your file may already be in the process for interview consideration without your new information.

I would also recommend you order your CAIPS notes once you are 3-4 months in process to see what outstanding questions they have regarding your file. I'm waiting to get mine and see what information they have written about our relationship and then plan to send more 'proof' if it seems necessary before my bring forward date of November 30. I'm also curios to see who will be reviewing my file at the bring-forward date.


New member
Apr 15, 2007
Thanks for the help.
You don't think it's too early? As I mentioned, my husband won't have his cedula until the end of november. I have a bunch of my stuff together, I was gonna write another short little letter with all the new stuff.
Ok maybe I will get a package together to send off for the beginning of november.
Thanks again, it's so nice to have encouragement. :)


May 16, 2006
Depending on what you have ready to send, I personally might suggest to wait.

It is a tough call to know when is the right time and reason to send extra things in.

Identity documents such as cedula and passport are important. Including phone bills, emails, plane tickets, photos of recent trips are good but they can likely make a decision based on the ones you included when you sent in your original application.

In my opinion, I would say that as soon as you have the most important (quality) items ready, then you should send them.

I don't think they will want to receive a bunch of small packages from you over the next few months....I think its better to send 1 quality package to them.

You might want to order the CAIPS notes sooner than later to get your B File number and an idea of when your BF date is.

As long as you get it in before the BF date then you would be ok.

I do agree with Lexi that you want it there before the Interview Decision is made....now the hard part is figuring out exactly when that is!!!