Wild West in Santo Domingo


Dec 5, 2013
I'm with you on that one. She points a loaded gun at people for beeping their horns??

As my wife kindly puts it, if someone is parked in the middle of the street, neglecting the obvious traffic jam caused and just talking there or doing something else completely idiotic and insane, there must be sufficient something wrong in that person that you don?t want to mess with that...

Echoing AE, remember where you are...


Born to Ride.
Oct 17, 2015
Once upon a time in Luperon/ No country for old men!

It's been said before: "Remember where you are".

I accidentally witnessed a similar even more bizarre scene in down town Luperon a few years ago. A very young
son of a friend of mine took his golf cart and went for a drive down the main street. No big deal right? Two policia stop him at gunpoint. It gets worse. Another friend of the boy's father happened to be passing by and pulls out
his gun and aims it at the two cops. I'm standing on the street sucking back a cold Corona watching this unfold,
totally awed by what is happening, and not thinking about my own safety. Eventually common sense kicked in
and everyone put their weapons away. It was entertaining beyond belief.

What I learned was this is a country filled with passionate people and a lot of handguns. Remember where you
are became my mantra. It's served me well so far. Only wounds I've sustained after six years spending winters
in the DR are holes in my wallet caused by young gorgeous chicas. Their self inflicted and heal pretty quickly, so no big deal. Life here is definitely gooooooood!


May 4, 2015
I accidentally witnessed a similar even more bizarre scene in down town Luperon a few years ago. A very young
son of a friend of mine took his golf cart and went for a drive down the main street. No big deal right? Two policia stop him at gunpoint. It gets worse. Another friend of the boy's father happened to be passing by and pulls out
his gun and aims it at the two cops. I'm standing on the street sucking back a cold Corona watching this unfold,
totally awed by what is happening, and not thinking about my own safety. Eventually common sense kicked in
and everyone put their weapons away. It was entertaining beyond belief.

What I learned was this is a country filled with passionate people and a lot of handguns. Remember where you
are became my mantra. It's served me well so far. Only wounds I've sustained after six years spending winters
in the DR are holes in my wallet caused by young gorgeous chicas. Their self inflicted and heal pretty quickly, so no big deal. Life here is definitely gooooooood!

That story took a long, circuitous route just to make us jealous, once again, of your young, gorgeous women. BUT IT WORKED!!! :D


Feb 3, 2009
I'm with you on that one. She points a loaded gun at people for beeping their horns??

No she didn't, she was cocking it, or whatever it is that you do when you pull the top of a gun back.


Born to Ride.
Oct 17, 2015
Heading down soon. Can't wait to be in the middle of all that craziness. I could write a book about life in Luperon. The place is
an endless source of entertainment. The crime rate, mostly petty crime and prostitution skyrocketed when the big resort closed years ago and a lot of the local employees are still owed salary. Despite that, it has an indescribable charm, and I have many
friends there.
I always correct people when they say prostitution is the worlds oldest profession. My guess is some horny guy has to be there
to beg for it and eventually the ladies started charging for their wares. That makes begging the oldest profession in the world!


Dec 12, 2009
No she didn't, she was cocking it, or whatever it is that you do when you pull the top of a gun back.

it it was a semi auto, its calling Racking it, ie chambering a round....

i dont need to watch the video,, just idiots all of them.. but I did not see anyone in fear of their lives..the cab driver was very calm in fact.
its a different Culture..

Wasnt there a FeMALE lawyer who walked into the old EL FLOW waving her Pistola around.. around a year or 2 ago.
Security camera captured it all... no one seemed in fear of their lives.
they are used to this type of behavior. and yes, it is the Wild West, and dont forget where you are..

If people playing with their guns scare you folks that much , maybe the DR is not for you.. just saying..

How do you think our SOLDIERS differentiate who is a nut job, on the other side, or on their side ??
they know how to read body language.. they become experts at it or they would lose their minds.
Dont look at the gun, look at the body language and you will know if it is about to pop off or they just Posturing and showing off.

and if this sounds too casual, then tell me, how do you know for sure that Security guy with the shotgun is not drunk or has the safety on his gun off, or is maybe pi**sed off ?
them security guards can be more dangerous , cuz I bet you half of them cant even remember if they got one in the chamber or not, and Do you really think they dont PLAY with their guns and point them in UNSAFE directions ?


Sep 27, 2006
i have seen people grab guns in road rage disputes before. people kinda lack patience and self control here. this is why i don't fume while driving anymore because you never know what someone else's reaction will be...


Dec 12, 2009
i have seen people grab guns in road rage disputes before. people kinda lack patience and self control here. this is why i don't fume while driving anymore because you never know what someone else's reaction will be...

I have ZERO Roadrage in the DR.. .ZERO...
Back home in the US, not so much control...
I wont stop, or curse or even make eye contact BUT I sometimes get EXTREMELY upset when someone does something Illegal, cuts me off, almost causes an accident , etc..

I am astonished when I see Ex Pats who DO display Road Rage in the DR , even when they are wrong.. have witnessed it many times..
they are playing with Fire.


Sep 27, 2006
i curse inside my car ;)

gringos are kinda strange drivers here. they are either too slow or too aggressive.


Feb 3, 2009
Dominican just are different animals. A couple of examples. I uses to live by the school on the bottom of lincoln next to the hotel/casino. Two dads in big vehicles were trying to pick their kids up and get rght of way while all the kids were swarming out of the gates. This turned into two grown men, waving guns out of the window and firing into the air. Had they been humanoid it would have been much more comprehensible for one of then to pull into the side to let the other through, and then be on their way. Most worrying thing was that only some of the kids 9-16 showed any concern.

Another when I had the munsters (the witches family) the car with me going to Coral Mall. I was trying to get past a car with a bunch of wannabe American Gangstas in it in the car park. I hit my horn and two guys jumped out the back of the car and walked towards me taking guns out of their pants. I was angry as heck because they would start this when they could see the car was full of family, and kids. So I jumped out of the car to take the attention of any bullets away from the car onto me. And a lot of BS began, as I was expecting the security to do something rather than shrug shoulders and continue to lean against the uprights. Meanwhile some of the family had got out of the car and were chatting away with the driver in the other car. They knew them ad were laughing. No none felt it important to stop the possible gunning down me, as if they knew I would just deal with it. In the end we all ended having a beer upstairs in the pizza place.
If anyone pulled a gun on me and my family anywhere else, the last thing I could possibly consider is having a beer with them.
And so two exmples there of this not even being a class thing in DR, it is a thing thing in DR. People are generally more stupid and have less value on your life and their own.


May 4, 2015
i curse inside my car ;)

gringos are kinda strange drivers here. they are either too slow or too aggressive.

Haha! George Carlin did a whole routine on that. The slow poke in front of us is an idiot (he used a more colorful word) and the speeder on our back bumper is a maniac.


May 4, 2015
I uses to live by the school on the bottom of lincoln next to the hotel/casino. Two dads in big vehicles were trying to pick their kids up and get rght of way while all the kids were swarming out of the gates. This turned into two grown men, waving guns out of the window and firing into the air.

The parents may simply have been overreacting to the news that a man named "HUG" lived near their children's school.

Gringo Starr

*** I love DR1! ***
Aug 11, 2014
I use horn a lot when somebody is too slow in Santo Domingo traffic, but nobody never tried to jump off their car with a gun and point their gun on me. 10 years in Santo Domingo. I can't say this kind of things is typical for DR.

Gringo Starr

*** I love DR1! ***
Aug 11, 2014
And, by the way, these days you show your gun in public and you get in trouble with police and lose your license, it's not like 10 or 15 years ago. So it's not the Wild West thing, it's just a Drunk Bltch thing.

Gringo Starr

*** I love DR1! ***
Aug 11, 2014
I personally know somebody who got in trouble with PN and had his gun confiscated after walking with the gun visible and playing with it in Zona Colonial.

You can try to show your gun in places like Blue Mall or Acropolis and then tell me about the results.

Gringo Starr

*** I love DR1! ***
Aug 11, 2014
Another point: 10 or 15 years ago it was a macho thing to show that you have a gun, at the car wash or anywhere else.

These days you show that you have a gun, then somebody follows you and kill you just to take your gun.


Feb 3, 2009
I personally know somebody who got in trouble with PN and had his gun confiscated after walking with the gun visible and playing with it in Zona Colonial.

You can try to show your gun in places like Blue Mall or Acropolis and then tell me about the results.

Yeh, and that gun is now on Ebarriobay!