body chemistry and poor diet could be the cause....we need to eat healthier foods if we want to stay healthy, live longer and slow the aging process...
here is an article about something that can help.
Benefits of Green Juice.
Leading medical authorities, nutritionists, dietitians, and other known experts in the medical field recommend that we consume three to five servings of green leafy vegetables a day. No vitamin or medicine is a legitimate substitute. The healing elements that are found in green leafy vegetables are so powerful and synergistic, no combination of synthetic medicines or supplements could ever match their power.
Five main benefits of green foods are:
Trace minerals
Vegetable Protein
Alkalizing abilities
Take a look at each of these benefits in more detail.
Chlorophyl power
Chlorophyll, a green plant pigment, is quite possibly the most powerful element that exists in the universe. Chlorophyll is one of the most intensely researched elements in history and has been used in the treatment of everything from periodontal disease, diabetes and low iron, to open wounds, ulcers and body odor.
Today, foods that contain chlorophyll are gaining wide acclaim for their ability to prevent disease.
While science does not fully understand the miracle of chlorophyll, we do know that its chemical makeup strongly resembles hemoglobin (the portion of the blood that carries oxygen). The major difference between the two chemical structures is that the center element of chlorophyll is magnesium, while the center element of hemoglobin is iron.
Some research is now suggesting that chlorophyll can efficiently release magnesium, and replace it with iron. In other words, chlorophyll can actually be converted to hemoglobin, which increases the flow of oxygen to all parts of the body.
The ability of the body to maintain an environment rich in oxygen is important for several reasons. One of the most important benefits is that it allows the body to release more carbon dioxide, which in turn, reduces stress on the body, creates greater energy and endurance, and creates an aerobic environment. In an aerobic environment, disease cannot get started.
An aerobic environment also is beneficial to the so-called friendly bacteria, and detrimental to bad bacteria. The good bacteria promote digestive health, while bad bacteria contribute to such things as disease, body odor, and bad breath"
but remember that is always best to eat the fresh foods to obtain these elements.