Young Dominican American Starting Over! Wish me luck...


Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
This sure does JMB773 I am more interested in finding accurate information with references, names and locations. So for instance you may live in DR somewhere, perhaps you guys can tell me where and appr cost of a 3-4 bedroom home with 2 or more bathrooms y cuarto de servicio, agua potable and with or without inversol for instance.

Schools - names, location and cost.

One of the many great people that replied to my post said to me earlier DR is not what it use to be I say, Florida is not what it use to be, lol. I am outta here me, my business and my kids!

There is a difference though. In the states if one place is not right for anyone, they have the
option of moving to another state. Not so in the DR as the situation affects the entire country.

But I wish you and your family the best.:) Good Luck.
Sep 4, 2012
Kareline, don't worry about anything; I have the Apt for you in SD, 3BR, 2 Bathrooms and Cuarto de Servicio, seriously I do. Now, answer my question por favor -- where you ship vehicle out of in the states?
Where do you ship vehicles out of in the states?

I ship vehicles all over the United States. My drivers can service any route to and from any location. They are experienced with private party residential moves, car dealership/online vehicle purchases, Insurance Auto Auctions, Repo houses and can deliver to any port for export or to whatever delivery address you provide. Feel free to visit my website to learn more Home- Nationwide Vehicle Shipping Services. Call 888.616.5415. I also have this posted in the directory.

BTW... I also need assistance developing some other websites, content/copy etc that I wonder I could get help with and hire someone there that can aide me in this. Thoughts?
Where do you ship vehicles out of in the states?

I tip my hat off to you... I dont know how you do it with 4 kids.... usted es una luchadora....

oceanspear, I'm on auto-pilot. I just keep going and going and going... I don't know how I do it myself. Somehow I feel this can't be it for us =) Did I mention we ship to and from anywhere you need us too.


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
Here in the Capital where I live electric monthly for a 3 bedroom and 2 bath (maid room plus bath also) and AC's in all rooms plus fans is for me about $180 to $210 per month. Now in the US for a 4 bedroom 3 bath central air in the desert southwest, set at 78 degrees in the hot summer months (roughly may-sept) is about $175. From Oct -April is roughly $75 plus gas for heating which will depend on how warm you like it. But for the hot summer months the most my family has paid is $210 and that is when it was 118 outside.


Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
Bronze, I thought this meant running water, lol jokes on me. Drinking water runs around $45 - $60 peso el botellon, no?

Yes, that is correct. Which is cheap by the way, for a botellon. I usually bought
around 10 botellones as I would use it to wash my salad greens too. It would
last me a few weeks.


Nov 4, 2011
This sure does JMB773 I am more interested in finding accurate information with references, names and locations. So for instance you may live in DR somewhere, perhaps you guys can tell me where and appr cost of a 3-4 bedroom home with 2 or more bathrooms y cuarto de servicio, agua potable and with or without inversol for instance.

Schools - names, location and cost.

One of the many great people that replied to my post said to me earlier DR is not what it use to be I say, Florida is not what it use to be, lol. I am outta here me, my business and my kids!

I will tell you what I pay for my ex wife and daughter in Santo Domingo. They live in a very nice building and the rent is like 12,000RD for 3bed 2bath in Alma Rosa II.

My ex wife have not worked in almost 3 yrs she had a job for 2 weeks in that span LOL so I am forced( no that is not a good word) I happily send her around 1000USD a month give or take a 100 here and there. My ex take care of herself, my daughter, sister, and her sister boyfriend LOL I am not mad at him that is MY MAN!!! He works sometime but he does not make that much when he finds work. If my ex wife can manage a home in Santo Domingo with 1000USD a month you should be fine, BUT your children are Americans and Americans kids enjoy a certain lifestyle because I also have an 11 yr old here in the states so I know how different the two worlds are.

Also I sorry LOL and her mom also I thought I type her but I forgot.
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Sep 4, 2012
I will tell you what I pay for my ex wife and daughter in Santo Domingo. They live in a very nice building and the rent is like 12,000RD for 3bed 2bath in Alma Rosa II.

As far as I can tell, Kareline is not Alma Rosa material......just sayin'g


Nov 4, 2011
One more thing I will add and since you are a cool chic from the NYC I will let you in on a secret but don't tell DR1 members LOL.

You see I am Black and Puerto Rican from the city of wind aka Chicago and my ex wife is from Los Mina two people who DR1 won't considered wise. KD if you only new how much I sit back and just LMAO at all the posters spending 300USD 200USD or 175USD a month lights. What I am about to tell you will knock your socks right off. My wife pays no more then maybe 50USD a month and they have lights ENOUGH my wife pays a guy under the table, so as long as the expats and the "good" Dominicans keeping paying their bills all is well. My wife has told me she will NEVER pay for lights in DR one of the BIG advantages living in Santo Domingo Este. My ex wife is slick with a lot of things in Santo Domingo we NEVER pay what majority of DR1 posters pay with anything.

Santo Domingo is the city of backdoors and loopholes my wife could have a 5000 mins on her cell phone LOL and she will ask a woman or guy if they have mins on their phone so she can use it.

I am just trying to give you a different outlook on Santo Domingo because everyone lifestyle is different from the next. No two households are ran the same in SD.

Once you learn how to work your magic in SD you will see how easy it is to find loopholes because one of the good things about SD paying its workers so low, people are willing to make an extra buck anyway they can.

RENT and FOOD is my ex wife household two biggest expense by far.


Nov 4, 2011
And that makes you proud?

Are you a Dominican born and raised in Santo Domingo??? You maybe but I am not how am I going to tell my wife how to conduct herself in her own city??? My wife is not the only person using loopholes in DR many expats take advantage of loopholes everyday in DR as well. I could be here all night telling you some of the loopholes expats benefit from in DR.

If you want Dominican Republic to be very expense she will, if you want Dominican Republic to be medium to average she will as well, and if you want Dominican Republic to be a low cost living country guess what she offers that two.

If it was only my daughter and her mom 1000USD a month will make her way above average in DR, because it is not too many Dominican women that make 250USD a week in SD.

Only telling people about a handful of neigborhoods Gazcue, El Million, La Castellana, Naco, Bella Vista etc does not do people any good give them the WHOLE city of Santo Domingo and allow them to make their own choice.
I was just asking, I can turn it off and turn it on. In NY there's this facade of toughness that makes everyone just rude. In Fl that charming, pleasant side of you will take you further. You have to adapt. In GA it was easy I'm latina and Dominican at that those black men were drooling all over me. I love me a brother... I am not in any way shape or form green, lol. Everyone has been helpful, THANK YOU. I've gotten a few laughs along the way and even made some connections and possible friendships what more can you ask for? You guys are proving to be more helpful then my own family. They all hate the idea because it's unconventional but I'm not afraid of life and am confident in my own ability. I have 4 children, am 31 yrs. old, have my own business, have fallen in and out of love, have gone through ups and downs as we all do, have traveled a little, had amazing jobs that have prepared me for where I'm going. I've been through it all and truely nothing amazes me anymore so moving to DR will be nothing less than a venture and an adventure for me and my kids. Someone sent information about other websites to explore to purchase vehicles other than supercarros, the car prices on there are highway robbery! arms-crossed, ****ed off...

Where do you ship vehicles out of in the states?

Calm down, Alma Rosa is just a barrio in SD. No recommending it for you.


Nov 22, 2007
If you give me until tonight, I will give you my whole expense list. I just have to check everything and I'm at work right now. (As I stated in PM, I fly back and forth to NY to work so I will not include those expenses), only the DR expenses since you will have your own business.



New member
Aug 20, 2013
Welcome! As a dominican privaten schools are best, i can assure.. We do have all extracurricular you are intrested in for example
*ballet concierto Carlos veitia: great with ballet,jazz,flamenco,etc.
*Alina Abreu:also great with ballet
*swimming lessons in any club (naco,dominican firsta,etc.)

If you have any questions please let me know


Sep 1, 2012
What can I say girl? I like the way you are approaching things and life in general. You have received replies of most of our resident pesimist and our resident optimists and have handled them both well. I think people with that approach can do no wrong wherever they go.

About expenses, I live in SD. My monthly expenses are about US$ 3,000. I'm single, no kids, I do support my mother and pay her own rent. But I'm not exactly a financially cautious guy. If I was to watch my expenses I could easily live on half that amount. I eat out at least once a day, own a nice car and a SUV that I change at least every two years. I sleep with A/C on every night and my power bill is less than us$ 100 a month. My DSL internet bill + phone bill is about US$ 50 a month, and I work in software development and telecommunications so Internet is a must for me. I have no complaints about it. It's not super fast, but one of the best things you learn living in DR is that you don't need everything they tell you you need in the US. You can live happy with a lot less.