
JCE orders first IDs to be issued to 12-year olds

On Monday, 19 October, the Central Electoral Board (JCE) announced it had reduced the age for the first identity card to 12 years down from 16 years at present. The JCE is responsible the nation’s civil registry. On the same day, the JCE announced it would be issuing ID cards to girls under 12 years old that are pregnant. The action acknowledges the increasing number of pregnant children in the Dominican Republic.

The decision is in Resolution 74-2020. The measure is one of the final actions taken by the present JCE board whose term expires this year. The Senate is assessing the replacements for the five-member board made up by Julio Cesar Castaños Guzmán, and members Henry Mejía, Rosario Graciano, Roberto Saladín and Carmen Imbert Brugal. The new board will be announced later this year. Two members seek to continue — Rosario Graciano and Carmen Imbert Brugal.

As announced, Resolution 74-2020 has guidelines to impede the fraudulent issuing of Dominican nationality for foreign minors. The minors’ parents or legal tutors need to accompany these when they request their ID at a JCE office. The JCE reserves the right to delay issuing the card to investigate the validity of the documents presented for the issuing. 

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Central Electoral Board

20 October 2020