
It’s a fence, not a wall, says Migration director

The Migration Agency (DGM) director stressed the Abinader administration is holding talks for the construction of a security fence on the border, not a “wall.” The Dominican government is in conversations with suppliers from Spain and Israeli.

Migration director Enrique Garcia Vargas made the remark when visiting vulnerable crossing points on the border. “It is not a simple border security fence, it is a whole project, which contemplates technological advances including facial recognition, fingerprints, infrared cameras, equipment for the military and other security,” García Vargas emphasized during a tour of the northern border of Dajabón and southern Jimaní and Pedernales.

President Abinader announced the border fence in his 27 February annual speech. He spoke of new measures being taken to reinforce security along the dividing line between both countries. A dual perimeter fence is considered for the most conflictive stretches and a single fence for the rest.

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8 March 2021