
Chamber of Deputies will overhaul Extinction of Domain bill

For months, the Extinction of Domain Bill that would allow the forfeiture of assets obtained through illicit means, including drug trafficking and government corruption, was studied in a committee made up by representatives of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. At the end, the bill would pass in the Senate and move to the Chamber of Deputies.

Now, legislators in the Chamber of Deputies say they will make major changes. The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Alfredo Pacheco, announced that they will try to reach a consensus with all the blocks that make up the legislative body on a series of amendments to the bill.

Pacheco says there are many complaints and issues raised by legislators and the society in general regarding the bill, which will be discussed among the deputies. If the bill passes in the Chamber of Deputies with changes it will need to be returned to the Senate for a second passing.

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El Dia
El Caribe

20 July 2022