
Record year for free trade zones

The Dominican Association of Free Zones (Adozona) reports 2022 was a record year for Dominican export manufacturing. Dominican free zones continue to consolidate themselves as one of the most dynamic economic sectors. The local free zone manufacturing makes up around 65% of the country’s total exports.

During 2022, the free trade zones had a good performance in exports and employment generation, with close to US$8 billion in sales and an additional 10,000 jobs generated in the labor market. This performance placed 2022 as the most successful period for the Dominican free zone sector, according to the Dominican Association of Free Zones (Adozona).

There are 785 companies operating in the country in 84 free zone parks, with an overall payroll that exceeds 190,000 direct jobs, reports Luis José Bonilla, president of Adozona. He says 2022 closed as the best year in the history of that sector in the Dominican Republic, in terms of value exported, number of companies installed and free zone parks in operation. Bonilla, to highlight the recovery of the free zones in the country in the last two years, as well as the climate of investment confidence that the country presents.

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El Caribe

19 January 2023