
Virtual tour of the Presidential Palace

The Presidency launched a 360° virtual tour of the Presidential Palace, available online at palacionacional.gob.do or on social media accounts on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook as @PalacioRD.

Administrative Minister of the Presidency, Jose Ignacio Paliza described the virtual tour as an immersive and interactive tool that provides an insider look into the most iconic buildings in Dominican history.

“With the launch of the digital platforms of the National Palace, we seek to highlight the historical and cultural importance of one of the most symbolic works of the country,” said the Administrative Minister of the Presidency. “Technology unites us and allows us to be more competitive every day by opening a window to the world that allows us to show our wealth and heritage,” said Paliza.

The virtual tour is just one of many innovations on the government’s online platforms. During the presentation of the new tour, Paliza said that President Luis Abinader has always felt that the doors of the Presidential Palace need to be open.

Paliza recalled that this initiative is part of a plan to bring government institutions and the National Palace closer to all Dominicans, an agenda that has already allowed the development of different initiatives such as in-person visits (more than 14,000 students have visited the National Palace), family meetings, the opening of the gardens for Christmas and Epiphany, meetings with neighborhood councils, associations, guided tours and innovation workshops, all as part of the programs.

He said that it was in this administration, after 75 years of its construction, when the title deed for the Presidential Palace was obtained that accredits the Dominican state as owner of the land where the Presidential Palace is located. He said this administration has made significant investments in the restructuring and restoration of the entire physical plant.

Paliza said the 360° virtual tour adds value to who we are, following the example of similar initiatives that have been implemented in various countries such as the White House in the United States and the Casa Rosada in Argentina.

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Palacio Nacional
Diario Libre
Diario Libre

15 March 2023