
Edesur is lighting up the city

Edesur Dominicana has recently installed 1,500 LED lights in avenues and streets of the National District, general administrator Milton Morrison told N Digital. The improved lighting contributes to citizen security.

Morrison announced the lighting up of Gustavo Mejía Ricart Avenue, from Gregorio Luperón Avenue to Ortega y Gasset Avenue, about five kilometers. Also, Anacaona Avenue was wholly illuminated with LED lights for the first time, from Gregorio Luperón Avenue to Pedro A. Bobea Avenue.

In addition, Sarasota Avenue, from Núñez de Cáceres Avenue to Abraham Lincoln Avenue, and Rómulo Betancourt Avenue, from Núñez de Cáceres Avenue to Winston Churchill Avenue, are being intervened to improve their lighting, too.

New street lights were placed on Jiménez Moya Avenue, between Salud and Independencia Avenues; from Independencia Avenue between Jiménez Moya and Huáscar Tejeda Street, and on Máximo Gómez Avenue between the Malecon and Bolívar Avenue.

Edesur’s illumination works cover Máximo Gómez Avenue from John F. Kennedy to the Malecón.

Previously, Edesur had added LED illumination to the sea-fronting Malecon and the capital’s periphery by placing more than 800 LED lights.

“This is one of the most extensive lighting programs developed by Edesur, and in a short time; our goal is to provide quality energy, protect the environment and beautify these important roads,” said Milton Morrison.

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N Digital
DR1 News

16 March 2023