
28th Iberoamerican Summit: Declaration of Santo Domingo

President Luis Abinader lead the discussions on occasion of the hosting of the 28th Ibero-American Summit in Santo Domingo, a meeting of foreign relations ministers and heads of state and government. 13 Presidents came for the meeting. More than 1,500 business people came for the business forum that was also part of the summit.

During his opening remarks on 24 March 2023 at the event, President Luis Abinader called for rethinking the global financial system. President Abinader urged his colleagues to move from words to actions to improve quality of life of citizens in Ibero-American countries. He spoke at the opening that took place at the Fortaleza Ozama in the Colonial City.

“Only with concrete results, based on broad national consensus, is it possible to dismantle the extremism that endangers democracies,” he said during the inaugural event of the 28th Ibero-American Summit.

Participating in 28th Ibero-American Summit in Santo Domingo were:
President Luis Abinader (Dominican Republic)
President Alberto Fernandez (Argentina)
President Luis Are Catacora (Bolivia)
President Gustavo Petro (Colombia)
President Miguel Díaz Canel (Cuba)
President Gabriel Boric (Chile)
President Rodriguex Chavez (Costa Rica)
President Guillermo Lasso (Ecuador)
President Xiomara Castro (Honduras)
President Mario Abdo Benítez (Paraguay)
President Luis La Calle Pou (Uruguay)
Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalvez (St. Vincent & the Grenadines)
Governor Pedro Pierlusi (Puerto Rico)
Vice President Félix Ulloa (El Salvador)
Vice President José Gabriel Carrizo (Panama)

For Spain and Portugal:
President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa (Portugal)
King Felipe VII (Spain)
President Pedro Sánchez (Spain)

A Declaration of Santo Domingo was issued under the leadership of Dominican President Luis Abinader. The very long document stressed fairness and sustainability as key issues for the Iberoamerican countries. Foremost among the various statements in the Declaration of Santo Domingo was the assembly’s commitment to the principles of the United Nations Charter and international law. The environment, food security, gender equity, the empowerment of all people are mentioned. The document contains 49 points.

The organizers of the 28th Iberoamerican Summit concluded with six main points:

Face global environmental challenges that impact Ibero-America with particular severity, such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, pollution, soil degradation, scarcity of water resources (Environmental Charter).

Prevent the intensification of hunger in the region by developing inclusive and resilient agrifood supply chains and consolidating family farming (Critical path to achieve inclusive and sustainable food security in Ibero-America).

Contribute to a people-centered information society and the protection of human rights in the digital environment, closing the technology access gap (Ibero-American Charter of Principles and Rights in Digital Environments).

Strengthen regional cooperation with new areas to accelerate compliance with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (III Quadrennial Action Plan for Ibero-American Cooperation 2023-2026).

Recognize the need for a structural reform of the international financial architecture to allow a greater influx of resources for sustainable development and expand access to financing for our countries (Special Communiqué International Financial Architecture).

The 28th Summit also served to call on the international community to commit itself to the pacification and normalization of life in Haiti, and to recognize the efforts of the Dominican Republic to help the Haitian people.

Twenty-two countries are members of the Ibero-American cooperation group that organizes the Ibero-American Summit. These are for Iberia: Andorra, Portugal and Spain. For Latin America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Uruguay and Venezuela.

The 29th Iberoamerican Summit will take place in Ecuador in 2024.

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Ministry of Foreign Relations
Declaration of Santo Domingo
Iberoamerican Summit
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27 March 2023