With Haitians having almost decided who gets on the transitional council, the members now need to move to choose the acting prime minister.
In a late development, on Sunday, 24 March 2024 it was known that Dominique Dupuy, the only woman in the nine-member council, had resigned in response to derogatory remarks following her appointment.
Le Nouvelliste of Haiti reports that the negotiations are moving at a snail’s pace at the Presidential Transitional Council. Prime Minister Ariel Henry is now in California as he has been impeded to return. He has said he will officially resign once his successor is appointed by the new higher government council.
The PTC was appointed as a result of the 11 March agreement on a transitional governance arrangement for Haiti that the Caribbean Community (Caricom) facilitated following the continued escalation of gang violence mainly in the capital city of Port-au-Prince.
While the names of the members of the Haitian Presidential Transitional Council announced, the announcement of the acting prime minister or president is pending. The members are seven voting members and two non-voting observer members.
Acting Prime Minister Ariel Henry is reportedly awaiting the list of names (from Caricom) to publish them in the official newspaper Le Moniteur.
This council would then replace the government of the resigning Prime Minister, Ariel Henry.
Non-voting observers:
Civil Society: Pastor Frisnel Joseph.
Rally for a National and Sovereign Entente (REN): Rene Jean Jumeau. Jumeau is a former minister delegate to the prime minister, responsible for energy security under the Martelly-Lamothe administration.
Voting members:
Platfom Pitit Desalin political party: Emmanuel Vertilaire
Vertilaire is a former investigative judge from the Court of First Instance in Cap-Haitien.
Pitit Dessalin is led by former presidential candidate Moise Jean Charles and had backed convicted former Cap Haitien police chief Guy Philippe and the alternate proposal for a three-man team.
Coalition EDE/RED and Compromis Historique political commitment and allies: Haitian ambassador to the Unesco Dominique Dupuy.
This is the alliance between the political party of former Prime Minister Claude Joseph (Les Engagés pour le Développement, EDE) and the platform of the Democratic Resistance (RED) and the members of the historic coalition and their allies, which includes around 40 political parties and movements like Ayiti An Aksyon (AAA), led by former senator Youry Latortue, and the Rally of Progressive Democrats (RDNP), of which Mirlande Manigat, member of the previous High Council of the Transition, is a member.
30 January Collective: Edgar Leblanc Fils. He is a former senator and coordinator of the the Organization of the People in Struggle (OPL) political party.
This collective brings together the signatories of the declaration of 30 January 2023 another effort to pull Haiti out of the crisis. Signing this collective are the Haitian Tèt Kale Party (PHTK, in power since 2011), the National Union for Integrity and Reconciliation (UNIR-Haiti), the Dessalinian People’s Party. Patriotic Movement (Mopod), the Alternative League for Progress and Haitian Emancipation (Lapeh), the party of former president René Préval, the Organization of the People in Struggle (OPL) and the Grand Rally for Haiti party Evolution of Haiti (GREH).
Montana Agreement: Fritz Alphonse Jean. He is a Haitian economist, politician and writer who served as governor of the Banque de la République d’Haïti from 1998 until 2001. He served as prime minister in Haiti in 2016.
The Montana Agreement was signed on 30 August 2021 by 431 civil society actors, 106 grassroots organizations, 362 individuals and 86 political parties or movements.
Private business sector: Laurent St. Cyr. He has served as president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Haiti and as president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the West Department.
This group is made up of personalities, organizations and associations from the Haitian business sector, such as the Haiti Tourism Association (ATH), the Association of Haitian Industries (ADIH) and the Chambers of Commerce and Industry, including the Western Chamber of Commerce (CCIO) and the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham-Haiti).
Agreement of 21 December 2022:
Former senator Louis Gérald Gilles. This agreement was signed between Prime Minister Ariel Henry and representatives of political parties, civil society organizations and members of the private sector. published in the official journal “Le Moniteur” on 3 January 2023.
Fanmi Lavalas: Leslie Voltaire. This is the party founded by former President Jean Bertrand Aristide. Fanmi Lavalas is described as one of the most powerful parties in Haiti, having produced two presidents and dozens of senators and deputies.
Efe reports that persons with close ties to the Fanmi Lavalas lead the list of participants in the presidential transitional council, with four – Fritz Alphonse Jean, Edgar Leblanc Fils, Louis Gerald Gilles and Leslie Voltaire.
Read more:
Le Nouvelliste
Diario Libre
Diario Libre
Haiti Times
Haiti Libre
Security Council Report
Listin Diario
Relief Web
25 March 2024