Priests of the Roman Catholic Church in the Dominican Republic blasted big business in the Dominican Republic, primarily financial entities that control social security and pension plan coverage in the country during the Seven Last Words Sermon from the podium of the Santo Domingo Cathedral.
Every year, on Holy Friday, the first Cathedral of the Americas in Santo Domingo is the scene of the Sermon of the Seven Last Words. This is in commemoration of the words spoken by Christ during his crucifixion. This event is often used by the Church to point out what it feels are important issues in the country that should be addressed by the government.
Sometimes there are high-ranking officials in attendance, and sometimes there are none at the Santo Domingo Cathedral. Last Friday, according to the newspaper reports, there were none in attendance. Priests, a deacon and a nun pronounced this year’s sermon.
The issues discussed were those that have made headlines in the recent past: immigrant issues, the justice system, social security issues, the role of women in society, political corruption, government indifference regarding mental health issues, the cost of basic foods, and the Haitian crisis were main topics. Issues such as the condition of Dominican penitentiaries and the lack of an effective system of social security were prominent, as were calls for women to use a renewed spirituality to abolish inequities.
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1 April 2024