
Former AG Jean Alain Rodriguez defense set for 12 April

With 26 of 63 of those accused telling on him, the court hearings in the corruption case now give way to the statements by lead accused former Attorney General Jean Alain Rodriguez Sanchez. Rodriguez Sanchez was attorney general from August 2016 to August 2020. Rodríguez was scheduled to answer to accusations starting on Friday, 5 April 2024, but presiding judge Amauri Martinez, of the Third Investigative Court, postponed the hearings for Friday, 12 April.

Jean Alain Rodriguez Sanchez needs to refute accusations that he directed a corruption network when he was in charge of the Attorney General Office (PGR) from 2016 to 2020. The case is known as the Operation Medusa.

The court allowed the postponement at the request of the defense of the accused Altagracia Guillén, who presented a seven-day medical leave due to health problems.

The head of the Specialized Prosecutor’s Office for the Prosecution of Administrative Corruption (Pepca), Wilson Camacho, expressed his concern that this could be a “strategy” by Rodríguez to delay the judicial process, to buy time.

“This court must keep in mind that this gives notice of a pattern of conduct. And that pattern of conduct could continue with other defenses that Jean Alain Rodríguez Sánchez controls,” said the prosecutor.

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8 April 2024