
More rains on Thursday but weather to start to clear by Friday

President Luis Abinader returned promptly from his trip to Washington D.C. to receive a leadership award and participate in the 54th Meeting of the Americas Society and Council of the Americas to go direct to the Presidential Palace for a meeting on government actions now that the country has been under intense rains for weeks. There has been major flooding in cities and damages to farms and road infrastructure. Several troughs have brought intense rains in April and May.

Diario Libre reported that the meeting convened at the Presidential Palace gathered Defense Minister Carlos Diaz Morfa; Civil Defense director Juan Sala; ministers of the Presidency, Joel Santos; Public Works, Deligne Ascención; Public Health Víctor Atallah; Energy and Mines, Antonio Almonte; the directors of the Santo Domingo Water Corporation (Caasd), Fellito Suberví; the director of the National Institute of Potable Waters (Inapa) Wellington Arnaud; the director of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (Indrhi) Olmedo Caba. Also the Commander general of the Army, Major General Carlos Antonio Fernández Onofre; the director of the National Police, General Ramón Antonio Guzmán Peralta; the director of the General Transit and Transport Security Agency (Digesett) General Francisco Ozoria de la Cruz; the director of 911, Colonel Rodolfo Rijo Gómez; and the president of the Dominican power distributors (Ede) Cesar Marranzini.

The National Weather Office (Onamet) is forecasting more bad weather for most of May. Nevertheless, Onamet says the present trough will have moved on and by Saturday and Sunday there should be some sunshine.

Meanwhile, weather for Thursday is expected to impact Greater Santo Domingo and the northern provinces of María Trinidad Sánchez, Samaná, Duarte, Sánchez Ramírez, Hato Mayor, San Pedro de Macorís, Monseñor Nouel (Bonao), La Vega, Santiago, and the southwestern and border provinces of San Juan de la Maguana, Independencia, Dajabón and Elías Piña.

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Diario Libre

9 May 2024