
US continues to prepare for arrival of UN forces

Very large cargo planes from the United States Air Force continue to fly in and out of the Toussaint L’Overture International Airport in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. They bring in supplies and civilian contractors that are constructing a base of operations for the United Nations force that is expected to arrive on 26 May 2024.

This force is tasked with restoring some semblance of order in the poorest nation in the Americas which has been wracked by the gang-domination of its capital and the loss of a functioning government. Just recently, the prime minister, Ariel Henry, was forced to resign, and a multi-member Presidential Council was selected to hold the reins of government until the United Nations can get to the task of restoring order.

Spokesmen for the gangs have rejected any foreign intervention. However, in the face of a powerful UN task force, this might seem foolish, and would only lead to more violence.

Spokesmen for the United States Southern Command have said that they are tasked with the construction of the complex that will house the MSS (the Mission to Support Security) from the UN.

According to a New York Times article, over 100 cargo planes are expected to arrive in Port-au-Prince over the next few days to carry out the construction project that will provide temporary housing for the police forces that will compose the MSS.

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Diario Libre
Diario Libre

13 May 2024