
Boston Celtics vs Indiana Pacers: Al Horford says the key is to never give in

Puerto Plata-born Al Horford is a former member of the Dominican Republic national basketball team and that is why many Dominicans are following the Boston Celtics as they play the Indiana Pacers for the NBA Eastern Conference playoff spot. 37-year old Horford seeks his first championship in a career that has spanned over almost two decades.

The Tuesday, 22 May 2024 game that ended 133-128 in favor of Boston was a dramatic one from start to finish.

With 6.1 seconds to go in the fourth quarter, an unbelievable shot by Jaylen Brown landed the three-pointer with which the Boston Celtics tied the game with the Indiana Pacers Eastern Conference game and forced the game to go to overtime.

Boston had led several times in the game but the Pacers would dig right in and respond taking advantage of many failed three-point throws to several times tie or lead the game.

In a post-game interview, team veteran player Al Horford said: “The key is to never give in.” He acknowledged the strength of the Indiana Pacers, another team that battled until the last minute in the Tuesday, 21 May game.

That first game was as electrifying of a basketball thriller as it can get. Neither of the teams gave in. The quarters ended 34-31, 30-33, 30-29, 23-24 and 16-11.

The Boston Herald reported that throughout the game, the home club Boston Celtics were “pushed to the brink by the lightning-paced, high-scoring Indiana Pacers”.

The best-of-seven series continues with the next games on 23, 25 and 27 May.

Read more:
Boston Herald
USA Today
Al Horford interview
Full game highlights

Wikipedia Al Horford

Boston Globe

Boston Globe

Boston Globe

Boston Globe

22 May 2024