
Purdue University to help train semiconductor industry workforce in DR

The Ministry of Industry & Commerce reports signing an agreement with Purdue University of Lafayette, Indiana, USA to prepare young Dominicans in manufacturing of semiconductors.

Industry & Commerce Minister Victor (Ito) Bisonó said the agreement seeks to strengthen human capital and foster national development, particularly within the high-growth semiconductor industry. The alliance is expected to bolster research, ignite innovation, and prepare the Dominican Republic for the 21st century’s technological advancements.

Purdue University representatives, Alyssa Wilcox, Senior Vice President of Partnerships, and Vijay Raghunathan, professor and Vice President at Purdue University for Global Partnerships and Programs, Semiconductor Education, expressed their enthusiasm for the partnership. They consider the collaboration a significant opportunity for academic exchange and joint research efforts, benefiting Dominican students, faculty, and researchers. Purdue University will spearhead the development and implementation of various programs designed to boost the Dominican Republic’s growth in the semiconductor industry and other high-value-added sectors.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Economy (MEPyD), Minister Bisonó and his team at the MICM will focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) careers and their alignment with strategic sectors like medical devices, pharmaceuticals, electronics, semiconductors, and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). This strategic approach aims to position the Dominican Republic as a prime destination for investments, particularly in the booming semiconductor industry.

The announcement of the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding was attended by Economy Minister Pável Isa; Higher Education Minister Franklin García Fermín; the general director of the National Institute of Technical and Professional Training – Infotep, Rafael Santos Badia and Omar Méndez Lluberes, rector of the Technological Institute of the Americas (ITLA).

Purdue University is a world-renowned institution consistently recognized for its excellence in education, research, and innovation, especially in the areas of engineering, science, and technology.

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Ministry of Industry & Commerce

27 May 2024