
Alliance for Development in Democracy countries calls for transparency in Venezuelan election

The Ministry of Foreign Relations reported on the issuing of a statement by the members of the Alliance for Development in Democracy that groups Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic.

The statement reads:
“The members of the Alliance for Development in Democracy (ADD) have reiterated their call for the Sunday, 28 July 2024 elections in Venezuela to be transparent, free, peaceful, and inclusive. These elements are crucial for achieving democratic stability, sustainable development, and social peace in the country.

In response to Nicolás Maduro’s recent comments suggesting potential “bloodshed” if the ruling party loses the elections, we urge Venezuelan authorities to adhere to the Inter-American Democratic Charter and to align their actions with the goals set out in the Barbados agreements. The will of the Venezuelan people, a cornerstone of democracy, must be respected.

We also emphasize our demand for today’s elections, July 28, to be conducted fairly, justly, and transparently, with the support of recognized international organizations and in an atmosphere of peace and full respect for the rights of all political actors.

We condemn the Venezuelan authorities’ actions that restrict access to international observers, including the recent ban on several former Latin American presidents who were en route to Venezuela on July 26 to assess the democratic conditions of the electoral process.

We urge the Venezuelan people to turn out in large numbers to vote.

For the election results to be deemed legitimate, they must accurately reflect the transparent will of the people, as expressed freely at the polls.”

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DR1 News

30 July 2024