DR1 Daily News - Dominican Republic

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Amelia Vicini, president of the Inicia Education Foundation’s board of directors, emphasized money isn’t everything when talking about education. The Dominican Republic has learned this the hard way after funneling billions into public education and having little to show in improvements in quality education.

When speaking during the Education Cannot Wait: Guaranteeing Conditions and Financing for a Better Future in Latin America and the Caribbean, the businesswoman said that while increased funding is crucial for improving education in the Latin American region, it is not sufficient on its own.

Vicini highlighted the need for effective management and oversight within education systems. “To ensure quality education, we need structures that are focused on providing a high-quality service, with stable, coherent, and consistent management over time,” she stated...

President Luis Abinader stood up for democracy while calling for a new model of global governance during his turn at the 79th General Assembly debate. He urged countries to turn their promises for Haiti into cash and acknowledged history would judge him for acting or not acting.

He said the Dominican Republic is committed to effective and renewed multilateralism. He called for a widespread consensus on the urgent need for a new model of global governance. “Without concerted principles-based action, the foundations of the international community will continue to erode,” he stressed, adding that democracies rarely go into war against others.

“We stand at a crucial junction for democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean,” he went on to say, referring to the Latinobarómetro Poll, according to which support for democracy has fallen significantly between 2010 and 2023...

The US Department of State announced on 25 September 2024 that the US Treasury is sanctioning a former member of Haiti’s parliament, Prophane Victor, for his role in forming, supporting, and arming gangs that have committed serious human rights abuse in Haiti, as well as the current leader of the Gran Grif gang, Luckson Elan, for his involvement in serious human rights abuse related to gang activity in Haiti’s Artibonite Department.

Both Victor and Elan are highlighted in the recent final report of the United Nations Panel of Experts as being significantly responsible for the crisis in Haiti. The report states that the “levels of violence and the depths of cruelty that gangs will go to in violating human rights are unprecedented, with regular indiscriminate attacks against the population and the obstruction of humanitarian assistance. Sexual and gender-based violence and rape...

The Dominican Republic was honored with the prestigious NCD Task Force Award 2024 for its outstanding achievements in combating non-communicable diseases. Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), also known as chronic diseases, are non-transmissible diseases of often long duration. Examples of NCDs include mental health conditions, stroke, heart disease, cancer, diabetes and chronic lung disease.

Health Minister Víctor Atallah accepted the award on behalf of the nation during the ongoing United Nations General Assembly.

Dr. Atallah highlighted the significance of the award, emphasizing that it underscores the country’s commitment to public health and its pioneering approach to addressing non-communicable diseases. The minister specifically mentioned the “Saludable y Sabroso” initiative, a groundbreaking program that promotes healthy eating habits while respecting Dominican...

The Dominican Institute of Telecommunications (Indotel) announced that the first phase of the digital terrestrial television (DTT) switch-over will begin on 21 November 2024.

This initial stage will cover Greater Santo Domingo, including the National District and Santo Domingo province, the eastern region, and the province of San Cristóbal.

As part of the nationwide project, Indotel is distributing around 940,000 converter boxes to vulnerable households that rely on over-the-air antennas and do not have paid television services. The goal is to ensure universal access to the new digital signal. Distribution will be carried out by Indotel staff in coordination with religious and community organizations.

Indotel aims to complete the distribution of converter boxes nationwide by 2025. These devices will allow households with antennas to receive the new DTT signal...

The Abinader administration has yet to deposit in Congress its proposed fiscal reform. Meanwhile, generalities of what is coming are being socialized with the general public.

Hacienda Minister Jose Manuel (Jochi) Vicente has been promoting the need for tax reform, arguing that significant public spending increases are necessary to improve living standards and public services. Vicente describes the tax proposal as one that calls for broad-based participation, will protect the vulnerable, promote tax equity and combat tax evasion.

Speaking at the American Chamber of Commerce’s monthly luncheon, Vicente said the additional resources collected through the tax reform would be used in key areas such as public safety, transportation, and primary healthcare. He emphasized that the increased expenditures should be funded through revenue generation. “Even churches need to...

Emil Alejandro Peralta and Enmanuel Starlin Germosén / Ministry of Education

Two Dominican students have brought home bronze medals from the 39th Ibero-American Mathematics Olympiad (OIM) held at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés in Tarija, Bolivia from 19 to 25 September 2024.

Enmanuel Starlin Germosén De los Santos, from the Instituto Politécnico de Haina, and Emil Alejandro Peralta Cabrera, from the Colegio Inmaculada Concepción, emerged victorious after competing against students from over 20 Ibero-American countries.

The OIM, an annual event targeting students under 18, aims to promote the study of mathematics and foster opportunities for educational exchange among students and teachers.

Joining Germosén and Peralta on the Dominican team were Ananda María Vélez...

The National Archives of the Dominican Republic (AGN) has announced the 11th Dominican History Book Fair, a cultural event aimed at promoting reading and making the nation’s history accessible to all. The fair will take place from 14 to 18 October 2024, with a central theme of “The History of Dominican Law.” The event is held at the premises of the National Archives at Calle Modesto Diaz No. 2, Zona Universitaria.

This year, the fair will pay tribute to renowned lawyer Wenceslao Vega, who will deliver the opening keynote address on Monday, 14 October, answering the question “Why Have Dominicans Had So Many Constitutions?”

The inaugural night will also feature the launch of Vega’s book, “Foreign Mediation in the Dominican Wars of Independence, 1849-1856.”

On Tuesday, 15 October, the presiding judge of the Supreme Court of Justice, Luis Henry Molina, will...

The National Botanical Gardens announces its 18th National Plants and Flowers Festival for 17, 18, 19 and 20 October 2024. These are the days to visit the Botanical Gardens and appreciate the wide variety of plants and flowers on exhibition and for purchase.

The festival features exhibitions of unique plants, sales of ornamental flowers and plants, educational talks, talks on gardening and more. It is an experience recommended for all the family.

Manny Cruz, famous for his Santo Domingo ode, has just launched the catchy song intended to get everyone in tune with the FIFA U-17. Women’s World cup to be held in the Dominican Republic 16 October to 3 November 2024.

The song, titled “En la Isla” (On the Island), was unveiled on Wednesday, 25 September 2024 by FIFA and the Local Organizing Committee as part of the build-up to the highly anticipated tournament.

Accompanying the song is a vibrant music video that encapsulates the spirit and cultural exchange that will take place throughout the 20-day tournament, set to take place mostly in venues in Santo Domingo and Santiago.

The merengue pop track, co-written by Daniel Santacruz, Elizabeth Mena, and Manny Cruz himself, and produced by Antonio González, is a captivating blend of rhythm and passion, perfectly reflecting the Dominican spirit and the excitement of the...

If you are fortunate to work in air conditioning or live in an area marked by breezes, you are lucky. Most people in the Dominican Republic are now experiencing afternoon highs of 33-35C on average. Temperatures in Montecristi are reaching 36C. Nationwide, lows in the early morning just drop to 23C-25C. Not enough to impact the intense hot of the rest of the day.

Constanza’s mountain hills are the exception. While noon time temperatures may reach 29C-30C, the National Weather Institute (Indomet) says that morning temperatures can drop to 17C-19C.

The weather forecast for most of the country for the rest of September is hot weather and only some short showers brought by a weak trough passing nearby. A tropical wave moving our way by Friday may bring some refreshing rain. But the weather people expect this storm to keep to a northernly path so it is unlikely to negatively impact the...

President Luis Abinader announced the Dominican Republic will host in December 2025 the 10th Summit of the Americas, the leading regional conclave. The President made the announcement when speaking during his presentation of advances of foreign policy during the 23 September 2024 weekly press conference, this time held in New York where Abinader has been since Sunday to attend the UN General Assembly and related activities.

Hosting the 10th Summit of the Americas would bring the President of the United States on an official visit to the Dominican Republic. This would be the first time a President of the United States visits in the 21st Century. The only other US President to make an official visit was John F. Kennedy on 16 December 1962 as part of a trip to the Caribbean, which included discussions on regional security and cooperation.

The celebration of the summit here...

President Luis Abinader is scheduled to speak during the United Nations General Assembly debate. He is scheduled 13th of 19 speakers for Wednesday, 25 September 2024 at the headquarters of the United Nations in New York.

President Abinader’s speech is set for 11am, depending on the duration of previous speakers on the agenda.

Abinader is in New York for a series of engagements from 22 to 26 September 2024, coinciding with the 79th session of the UN General Assembly and the UN Summit of the Future.

Following his address to the General Assembly on Wednesday, 25 September, Abinader will continue to hold bilateral meetings with key figures present in New York for the summit.

At 5:30pm, he will attend a reception hosted by US President Biden, alongside other world leaders participating in the UN General Assembly and the Summit of the Future.

The Presidency says that President Abinader...

Presidents Luis Abinader and William Ruto / Presidency

There continue to be major differences in the leadership in Haiti. Indeed, Diario Libre reports that there seems to be two separate Haiti delegations doing lobbying among participants in the UN General Assembly in New York.

Citing the Haitian newspaper Le Nouvelliste, Diario Libre reported that Leslie Voltaire, a member of the Haiti Presidential Transition Council was not allowed to participate in the meeting of Prime Minister Gary Conille with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Diario Libre explains that Voltaire was in New York to represent the president of the Haiti Presidential Transition Council, Edgar Leblanc Fils, whose trip was delayed. Conille’s meeting with Lula da Silva reportedly lasted 15 minutes.

Voltaire had to leave and not participate in the meeting with the Brazilian head of...

President Luis Abinader called the upcoming 10th Summit of the Americas 2025, the most important event the Dominican Republic has hosted, when speaking on foreign policy during the 23 September 2024 press conference held in New York City. President Abinader is in New York to participate in events related to the annual UN General Assembly.

Heads of state from the Americas are invited to attend the event launched by the US government to foster regional relationships, trade and democracy in the region. The First Summit of the Americas was held in Miami, Florida from 9 to 11 December in 1994.

The 10th Summit of the Americas would mark the first time a US President visits on an official visit to the Dominican Republic since when John F. Kennedy came in 1962 for a regional cooperation and security meeting.

The past summits were held:1st. Miami, Florida 19942nd...

US President Joe Biden and representatives from 24 other nations during the Global Coalition Leaders’ Summit against Synthetic Drugs chose President Luis Abinader to lead for the Caribbean the initiative aimed at combating synthetic drug trafficking. Belgium was designated to lead the European initiative. The invitation to both Abinader and Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo places these at the forefront of discussions and new actions.

President Abinader attended along with US President Biden and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni the meeting in New York City for the sharing of experiences in the fight against drug trafficking at the Intercontinental NY Barclay Hotel. Fentanyl is the No.1 killer of Americans aged 18 to 49 years.

“The threat of illicit synthetic drug trafficking knows no borders; alongside our armed forces, the...

President Luis Abinader urged action on climate change, accessibility to artificial intelligence (AI), and the need for international stability during his address at the United Nations headquarters in New York on Monday, 23 September 2024. Speaking at the Future Summit, part of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, Abinader emphasized the importance of collaborative solutions that would improve the lives of both current and future generations, advocating for a more just, equitable, and sustainable future.

“The primary message of this summit must be to set aside our divisions and focus on what unites us,” he stated.

Regarding climate change, Abinader stressed the urgent need for economies to prioritize decarbonization. He argued that major greenhouse gas-producing nations should contribute according to their resources and impact, emphasizing the importance of...

President Luis Abinader took time off his busy agenda of activities when in New York for the 79th United Nations General Assembly to meet with former three-term New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, founder of the financial information company Bloomberg L.P. On Monday, 23 September 2024, Abinader and Bloomberg reportedly met to discuss a range of topics of mutual interest, the Presidency reported.

The Dominican leader arrived at Bloomberg’s headquarters around 1pm and spent approximately 40 minutes in the meeting.

In reporting on the win by President Abinader of his bid for reelection, Bloomberg had stressed Abinader is a pro-business head of government.

President Luis Abinader opened the debates on education at the UN headquarters within the framework of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly. He spoke of the country’s investing 4% of GDP in education for the past decade. The meeting on Tuesday, 24 September 2024, sought to highlight enabling conditions and investment in education for a better future in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Regional leaders, international organizations, and development experts gathered at the high-level event to address the future of education in Latin America and the Caribbean. The event was convened by the Government of the Dominican Republic, with the support of the Government of Chile and in collaboration with multilateral organizations such as UNICEF, UNESCO, ECLAC, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the World Bank, the Development Bank of Latin America and the...

To better serve the Dominican population abroad, the Dominican Republic government has submitted the request for new consulates in cities with large expat populations.

President Luis Abinader announced that the general consulates in Baltimore, Maryland; Providence, Rhode Island, and in the US states of Connecticut and North Carolina are “in process.”

President Abinader also mentioned the Dominican government will be also opening full service consulates in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Santiago, Chile.

The President made the announcement during the press conference held in New York City on 23 September 2024 when presenting advances in Dominican foreign policy.

Follow the story: La Semanal 23 September 2024

25 September 2024

President Luis Abinader announced during his 23 September 2024 press conference in New York that he is giving government officers another 15 days to present their wealth statements after taking on positions in government. Over the years, governments have been lax in imposing penalties on government officers who do not comply with the legal requirement of making public their assets and obligations. The President is abroad attending the UN General Assembly.

The story became a trending topic when acting President Raquel Peña said she wouldn’t have given government officers the extra days to declare their wealth.

Banco de Ahorro y Crédito Fondesa, S.A. (Banfondesa) has issued the country’s fist sustainable bond as an investment alternative for pension funds. The issuance is valued at RD$500 million. The Presidency says this is a significant step for the Dominican Republic’s economy due to its widespread social impact.

The Risk Classification and Investment Limits Commission (CCRyLI) cleared the first sustainable bond issuance as an investment alternative for pension funds.

The Superintendency of Pensions (SIPEN) announced that Resolution No. 265 from CCRyLI cleared the public offering instrument for pension fund investments called the “Sustainable Bond Issuance Program” from Banco de Ahorro y Crédito Fondesa, S.A. (Banfondesa).

Francisco A. Torres, the Superintendent of Pensions, stated that pension funds can now invest in sustainable bonds, which will primarily contribute to job creation...

President Luis Abinader’s first term saw the highest government spending on salaries as a percentage of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Diario Libre reported. This is despite making the smallest increase to the public payroll in the past four administrations.

Between August 2020 and June 2024, the number of public employees rose by 11.41%, from 515,314 to 618,687. While this growth is lower compared to the 39.83% increase during Danilo Medina’s first term, the cost of the payroll as a proportion of the GDP has significantly increased.

In 2020, the government allocated 4.2% of the GDP to salaries, which rose to 6.2% in 2024. The average monthly salary for public employees also jumped 34% during this period.

The Ministry of Public Administration attributed the payroll growth to an increase in the number of teachers, police officers, and healthcare workers...

The Ministry of Interior and Police says that 45 night clubs have been temporarily shut down in the first month of new authorities. The shutdowns are part of the Operation Guarantee of Peace. During the raids on businesses, 337 illegal weapons were seized. The business owners are instructed they need to comply with the law to reopen and stay open.

Minister Faride Raful highlighted the significant number of weapon seizures, noting that most crimes and homicides are committed with illegal firearms. Her remarks followed a two-and-a-half-hour meeting on the Citizen Security Plan, chaired by Vice President Raquel Peña at the National Police headquarters on Monday, 23 September 2024. The meeting focused on progress in combating crime across various provinces. President Luis Abinader regularly chairs the weekly meeting, but did not do so because he was in New...

The Santiago Prosecutor’s Office has formally charged 21 individuals, including two corporate entities, in connection with a cybercrime network that defrauded hundreds of elderly Americans out of millions of dollars through electronic scams. The investigation, known as Operation Discovery 2.0, successfully thwarted these fraudulent activities.

The indictment, submitted on Monday, 23 September 2024 to the general secretariat of the criminal jurisdiction in Santiago, spans 950 pages and includes over 450 pieces of evidence, ranging from documentary to testimonial materials.

Evidence collected during the investigation, supported by the National Police’s Special Division for Transnational Crime (Deidet), the New York Police Department, and US Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), illustrates how the accused siphoned funds from insurance and retirement systems, harming...

Authorities from the National Drug Control Agency (DNCD) and members of the Public Ministry apprehended Miguel Rodriguez Almonte, linked to the recent seizure of 360 cocaine sheets at the Port of Manzanillo in Montecristi province.

This latest arrest brings the total number of detainees in this case to four, with coercive measures expected to be imposed in the Montecristi Permanent Attention Court for violations of Law 50-88 concerning drugs and controlled substances.

Authorities had previously launched a verification operation after receiving intelligence reports, which resulted in the interception of a container filled with bananas. Inside, they discovered 360 sheets of what is believed to be cocaine. The illicit cargo hidden among the banana boxes was set to be shipped from Manzanillo to the Netherlands.

The joint interdiction operation also...

The Instituto Guzmán Ariza de Lexicografía (Igalex) and the Academia Dominicana de la Lengua have officially launched the second edition of the Diccionario del Español Dominicano. The dictionary provides cultural insights into special ways Dominicans communicate. Online access is now possible as part of the second edition launch at [URL]https://www.igalex.org .

The launch ceremony took place at the Pedro Henríquez Ureña National Library auditorium in Plaza de la Cultura. María José Rincón, a member of the academy, presented the new edition, which features over 4,000 particular Dominican expressions and proverbs.

Rincón, who is originally from Spain but now resides in the Dominican Republic, emphasized the significant responsibility involved in dictionary creation, both academically and personally. “However, we have given in to the temptation of making...

23 September 2024

DR1 News will not be updated on Tuesday, 24 September 2024. The date in 2024 celebrates the religious holiday of Our Lady of Mercedes. Our Lady of Mercedes is regarded as the patron of the Dominican people by the Roman Catholic Church.

News for Tuesday will be compiled for the 25 September edition.

Headline breaking news can be posted by readers at 24/7 at the DR1 Forums.

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President Luis Abinader flew to New York City with cabinet members on a private plane to attend the 79th United Nations Assembly. He took advantage of the trip to participate in events with the Dominican community in New York. The events were coordinated by Dominican ambassador Sonia Guzman and newlyt named New York consul general Jesus (Chu) Vasquez.

On Sunday, 22 September 2024, Abinader held several meetings with leaders of the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM) and the Dominican community in New York, including meetings with Dominican-American legislator Adriano Espaillat and New York City Mayor Eric Adams.

On the same day in New York, President Luis Abinader hosted a recognition ceremony for 21 outstanding Dominicans in the United States, honoring their contributions to the Dominican community across various fields and reinforcing national pride.


President Luis Abinader traveled to New York City with First Lady Raquel Arbaje and several cabinet members to participate in the 79th United Nations General Assembly and related events.

Abinader is scheduled to speak on Monday, 23 September 2024 during a panel on Global Economic Politics at 9am at the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel.

At 2:20pm, he will participate in a USAID-organized event on A Future without Lead at Unicef House.

At 3pm he will speak at the Summit of the Future in the General Assembly of the United Nations, ahead of UN General Assembly High-Level Week. The Summit of the Future seeks to forge new consensus around how our international system can evolve to better meet the needs of current and future generations.

Abinader is expected to focus on the ongoing crisis in Haiti, a recurrent topic in his previous UN appearances. Other issues on...

Dominican food exports to Haiti are subject to new Creole labeling regulations as of 1 October 2024, the Haitian Ministry of Industry and Commerce announced on 18 September 2024. The new rule requires all exports from the Dominican Republic to bear labels in either French or Creole. As reported in Diario Libre, the move has caught Dominican exporters off guard.

The measure is another in a series of seemingly hostile actions led by the new government under Prime Minister Gary Conille.

It is unclear whether the measure applies to all imports to Haiti, or just to those coming from the Dominican Republic.

Dominican exports to Haiti have been declining for years, as the security situation and actions or lack of actions by the Haitian government make trade more difficult.

“The apparent goal of these measures is to ensure that Haitian consumers have access to...

Public Health Minister Víctor Atallah announced plans for a National Micronutrient Survey aimed at thoroughly assessing the nutritional components of the Dominican diet. Minister of Public Health, cardiologist Victor Atallah also took advantage of the celebrating of the American College of Cardiology (ACC) conference in Punta Cana to announce that the government will soon introduce front-of-package labeling to educate people when buying processed food, as reported in Diario Libre.

The findings from the survey will be used as the facts for an upcoming widespread educational campaign, which will include front-of-package labeling on food items, preventive health checks in schools, and enhancements to the school breakfast program. The latter initiative has already begun, with the introduction of fresh fruits and the removal of...

President Luis Abinader on Thursday, 19 September 2024 introduced to the Senate the bill that seeks to amend the recently created National Intelligence Agency (DNI) under Law No. 1-24. The proposal aims to clarify and strengthen the constitutional framework of the intelligence agency, according to a statement from the Presidency.

The bill, presented by legal advisor Antoliano Peralta, comes after a working group comprised of government officials, representatives of newspaper companies and civil society representatives reached a consensus for changes to the law as previously passed in the ruling Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM) congress.

The proposed changes focus on Articles 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 26, and 32 of Law No. 1-24. Key modifications include:• Merging Articles 1 and 2: This would create a new Article 2 that defines crucial terms such as intelligence...

Vice President Raquel Peña has taken on significant responsibilities at the behest of President Luis Abinader since the current administration first took office. On Tuesday, 16 September 2024, President Abinader issued Decree 540-24, appointing Peña as the head of the Cabinet of Education. This sector, despite receiving 4% of the GDP as its budget (RD$297 billion) continues to grapple with structural issues that impact the quality of education across the country.

Peña brings extensive experience as an educator, having previously served as the Vice Rector for Administration and Finance at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM), the largest local private university. During her tenure, she led initiatives that promoted educational quality and institutional well-being, enabling optimal learning outcomes and effective administrative management to meet...

Dominican exports have continued to grow for the fifth consecutive month, improving by 6.1% year to year. August 2024 was, indeed, the hottest month, with exports up by 18.3% to US$1.12 billion in 1,122 items.

So far, in 2024, exports have produced US$8.6 billion and counting.

According to the ProDominicana export and investment agency, part of this success is due to a significant promotion carried out in over 50 countries around the world. This is all part of a National Plan for Promoting Exports (PMFE).

One of the interesting aspects of this good news is the fact that this improving export picture comes in spite of some important regional and international negative situations. For example, there is the current chaos in Haiti, which traditionally has been one of the Dominican Republic’s main customers. Then there are the conflicts in Ukraine, Israel, China and the Philippines...

The discovery of another species of tarantula is not very exciting to arachnophobes, but to the curious and ecologically conscientious folks, it is good news.

The Antillena miguelangeli is the second tree-dwelling tarantula to be discovered on La Hispaniola. It was found in the province of Valverde, in the northwestern part of the Dominican Republic, along the banks of the Gurabo river in the Wildlife Refuge located there.

The new species was found by Gabriel de los Santos, from the Museum of Natural History in Santo Domingo and the Brazilian expert, Rogerio Bertani from the Butantan Institute.

So far, this species is known to only inhabit areas in the Dominican Republic. Actually, the first species of this tree-dwelling spider was found over 10 years ago in Pedernales.

These large spiders (some two inches or five centimeters of body length) weave silken nests...

Apparently the many entanglements for the celebration of the series between the Aguilas Cibaeñas and the Tigres del Licey in New York City have been resolved. The Aguilas won the first series that was held in 2023 at the Yankee Stadium.

Listin Diario announces the playing dates for 2024 will be the 8, 9, and 10 November, but this year the games will be held both at the New York Yankees’ Yankee Stadium in the Bronx and also at the Mets’ Citi Field in Queens.

As most people know, the rivalry between the Aguilas and the Tigres is intense, much like Dodgers-Giants in the old days. Given the fact that the largest, single, migrant group in the New York metropolitan area is Dominican, these games are almost a guaranteed sell-out, as happened in the first edition in 2023.

The announcement comes after months of serious negotiations and talks between the Dominican...

On 12 October 2024, the Tigres del Licey and the Aguilas Cibaeñas, the two teams of the Dominican Winter Professional Baseball League that have won the most championship, have been chosen to play the inaugural game at the newly remodeled Jose Briceño Baseball Park in Puerto Plata City. The stadium has capacity for 6,000 seated fans.

Minister of the Presidency Jose Ignacio Paliza, a native-born and former senator for Puerto Plata, announced that President Luis Abinader will attend the inaugural game.

Puerto Plata city leaders are lobbying so that a Puerto Plata team be given a franchise to participate in the Lidom Championship and the games be held at the new stadium. The argument against the team is that it rains too frequently in Puerto Plata which could result in several game cancellations, more than the average for stadiums in Santo Domingo, Santiago, San...

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