30-year old Michael Saba, an Italian-Colombian national, has been sentenced to the maximum 30 years in prison for the premeditated murder of Venezuelan national, Yenny Carolina Pérez Canelón. The killing took place on 21 December 2023, in the upscale Piantini neighborhood. The case has garnered significant attention due to its gruesome nature and the swift action taken by the authorities.
A three-judge panel from the Third Collegiate Court of the National District found Saba guilty of violating multiple articles of the Dominican Penal Code, including those related to premeditated homicide and the illegal use of firearms.
Prosecutors presented a compelling case, including forensic evidence, material evidence, and witness testimony that directly linked Saba to the crime. The court found that Saba had shot Pérez Canelón in the heart and subsequently dismembered her body.
“The accusation was backed by robust and sufficient evidence,” said Judge Evelyn Rodríguez in justifying the sentence. “This is a heinous crime that must be punished with a commensurate penalty.”
The court rejected the defense’s attempt to blame the murder on a third party known as “El Chamo,” concluding that the evidence unequivocally pointed to Saba as the sole perpetrator.
The sentencing comes just over a month after Saba was arrested by the National Police. His arrest followed a public outcry over the brutal nature of the crime and the subsequent investigation.
The court also ordered Saba to pay a combined five million pesos in compensation to the victim and the plaintiff, Yeisy Carolina, the deceased sister.
The court also ordered the confiscation of material evidence in favor of the Dominican state and the payment of the legal costs associated with the trial.
The defendant’s defense team requested a specific prison facility for the execution of the sentence, but the request was denied. Michael Saba will serve his sentence at the Najayo-Men Correctional and Rehabilitation Center.
Prior to the ruling, Saba had expressed in court that he did not kill the young woman and that he is innocent.
The Public Ministry’s accusation established that on 21 December 2023, Saba killed the young Venezuelan Yenny Carolina Pérez Canelón with a shot in the heart and decapitated her keeping her head in the refrigerator. He dismembered the body, putting the legs, back, and arms in suitcases and packages that he had previously taken to the Airbnb-booked apartment he had secured in the upscale Piantini area in the capital city through 23 December 2023.
The authorities are looking for three people identified as “La Rubia”, “Lalo” and “Bisair,” for their involvement in the death of the Venezuelan woman.
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29 January 2025