
Here are 25 items that might change the Ministry of the Environment

Op ed page contributor Yomayra Martinó writes in the Listin Diario on 25 areas where the Ministry of the Environment could act to truly celebrate its 25th anniversary this coming August 2025. Over the past 24 years-plus, the Ministry has had to face a lot of challenges, and, to its credit, it has earned some victories.

The General Law on Environment 64-00 was approved and enacted in 2000. As a result of the passage of time, the contributor has suggested that the ministry attempt to achieve new milestones in the coming years.

Among these are a re-engineering and modernization of the Ministry, a new design for the Marena Fund and payments for environmental services, and an alignment with climate commitments and national goals.

The very long laundry-list of issues that might or should be addressed by the Ministry includes better pay, and better equipment for the teams in the field, as well as training programs for its personnel and a renewed digital platform.

She recommends establishing regional centers for the treatment of dangerous waste such as industrial chemicals and hospital bio-waste that is covered under Article 55 of Law 64-00.

There is also a push for volunteer programs, perhaps like the “Smokey the Bear” campaign of years ago in the United States that said “Only YOU can prevent a forest fire” and which was the theme of Boy and Girl Scout training.

Another two items on the list were the need to make very clear just what are the bans on hunting or fishing certain species that are endangered, and really get strong on the punishments for violators of these bans that affect the flora and fauna as well as the bans on illegal mining activities that destroy the rivers.

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Listin Diario

3 February 2025