How to help a chica?

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New member
Jun 23, 2017
I'm an American. I took a trip to the DR for the first time a week ago, and i met a girl there. She's a single mother (ex boyfriend knocked her up and left her). She works as a bartender, but doesn't make much money and when i met her, she was starting to prostitute herself to make ends meet. She lives in Santiago and has experience cutting hair and bartending, but no schooling or any other work experience. I would really like to figure out a way to help her, and thought the regulars on here might have some insight.  

Now, i'm guessing that a lot of people will say that i'm being foolish for even thinking of trying to help her. I do understand that dominican women have ulterior motives for making themselves liked by foreigners. I also understand that if i help her, i shouldn't expect anything in return. Yet, i do feel like she's a genuinely good person who's trying to provide for her daughter, and i believe most of the things she told me about her life. So my question is, if you wanted to help someone in this position, how would you go about it? 


Dec 12, 2009
Well, you need to start by getting yourself a Western Union Gold Card ...after that , it will be very convenient for your to "help" her when she needs it ...
And please do tell us more as this Lovely story unfolds ...

making sure she has the Latest Model Iphone also helps a lot , so you can keep in touch .. do not get discouraged if she breaks or loses the first on though... accidents do happen ..
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May 1, 2005
Easy, link your bank savings account to a Western Union office. Set up an account with WU where they will automatically wire her $200 USD per week. If this amount is too much for you than I am sure she will be happy with only $100 USD a week.

This is sound advice coming from Dr. Save a Hoe.


Dec 12, 2009
And once every couple weeks, or month or so, add a little extra for a Sick Tia or Abuela ....
Its the right thing to do ..
Jun 18, 2007
Mooboy, first of all they're all genuine!!!! I never met a not genuine Dominican woman, never I swear to God. ;)
Don't be a boy be a man just slam that booty, give her a good time and when you leave make sure she has a smile on her face, that's all you have to do for her.
Make sure you don't get pimped, these women got a lot of game. :bunny:


Dec 12, 2009
If you need help with a K-1 Visa... we got that covered here .....There is even a picture section of Lovely couples who met the same way you did and are still together after many years
.. does not matter what her past Career choices were ..or how many Tattoos she has..
you are in for the best time of your life... so Relish every moment of it .
and Don't read any of the Haters comments ... or get discouraged ..
Be Positive and only good things will come to you..


Nov 3, 2010
I'm an American. I took a trip to the DR for the first time a week ago, and i met a girl there. She's a single mother (ex boyfriend knocked her up and left her). She works as a bartender, but doesn't make much money and when i met her, she was starting to prostitute herself to make ends meet. She lives in Santiago and has experience cutting hair and bartending, but no schooling or any other work experience. I would really like to figure out a way to help her, and thought the regulars on here might have some insight.  

Now, i'm guessing that a lot of people will say that i'm being foolish for even thinking of trying to help her. I do understand that dominican women have ulterior motives for making themselves liked by foreigners. I also understand that if i help her, i shouldn't expect anything in return. Yet, i do feel like she's a genuinely good person who's trying to provide for her daughter, and i believe most of the things she told me about her life. So my question is, if you wanted to help someone in this position, how would you go about it? 

Dude, do what I did. I did it for 4 chicas that I am currently supporting and they were extremely greatful. Just send her a debit card linked to your bank account and while you're at it, put her name on your life insurance and 401k plan if you have one. Doing all of those things will ensure that she is well taken care of in the event of your unfortunate demise. I mean this from the bottom of my heart. Thanks for helping this unfortunate soul and her offspring. By the way, some how, all 4 of them spontaneously became pregnant while I was not there and they named all 4 children after me. Miracles do happen. I now have 4 juniors. God bless you.
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May 29, 2002
I recommend you buy her a hair salon while you finalize the visa paperwork. Her male cousin , you know, the guy she introduced you to can help her run it. He will help in all way imaginable. :)

If she becomes pregnant, rest assure it will be your child. Ignore that doctor that told you that you are sterile due to that horse accident you had as a child.

It's a miracle! hallelujah!

you found a diamond in the rough!


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
I live here in Santiago. PM me her name and contact information and I'll send you mine in return.
Going forward you can (you can trust me, I'm a fellow American) do a wire transfer once a week to
my bank account and I promise ya, I will make sure she is very well taken care of.. :cheeky:


May 22, 2004


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Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Moved to Mars/Venus.

And everyone wonders why newbies don't usually hang around, this thread is a perfect example. AttackersRUs.


I love infractions!
Sep 2, 2011
Can you help me ?

I am genuinely very nice, I could use more money and...I have a big ass.:smoke:

PM me for my bank account info

Hold on, I'm logging on to the Uber app right now. One other small problem, I'm on Day 29 of my 30 Day Tourist Card. What should I do?


New member
Jun 23, 2017
I was surprised to get this many responses already, although I expected cynicism (although the sheer number of very similar cynical comments has me surprised). I'm cynical myself, but surely you all don't think it's impossible for a westerner to meet someone in the DR who's worth helping? I'll tell you what i'm pretty certain about and what i'm not. 

I feel confident that her ex used her, knocked her up, and abandoned her. 
I feel confident that she lives in Santiago, doesn't make much money there, has only just started traveling to Sosua to supplement her income, and doesn't like having to do that. 
I feel confident that she's doing this to support her 3 year old daughter. 
I feel confident that she's very religious. 
I feel confident that she enjoyed the sex a lot and that it's been a long time since she's had good sex.
I feel confident that she'd act as if she likes any westerner, no matter if she really does or not. 
I feel confident that i can't expect any kind of sexual loyalty from her. She has a kid to feed. 

I'm not sure whether she really likes me. It wouldn't surprise me if she did. I'm 35, look like i'm 25, and handsome. She'd probably be considered a 7 physically and I would be higher then a 7. Combine that with being a good lover, willing to date a girl who has someone else's kid (which i doubt most dominican men would), and being genuinely caring. I don't find it hard to believe that i'd be a good catch in her eyes for reasons beyond just the prospect of a visa and money. On the other hand, it wouldn't surprise me at all if she doesn't really like me. I'm not getting my hopes up in this respect. 

I feel pretty confident that she's a genuinely good person. Under normal circumstances, i trust my instincts about people completely. These however are not normal circumstances. This is someone who has an ulterior motive to having me like them, who has been trying to manipulate me to some extent, who comes from a culture that's alien to me. I understand that. Yet, even taking into account those things, my judgement is that she's a good person who's worth me caring about and that if i could help her, it wouldn't be a mistake. 

Whether or not i'm capable of helping her is another question however. 
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