Dominican women

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New member
Apr 25, 2003
I would like to correspond via email etc with a nice Dominican princess and get to know the DR through talking about life in general. She should be smart and over 21.

This isn't a 'hookup search' although I guess she won't be able to rule that out until we get to know each other, but, it would be nice to get to know someone of the opposite sex.

I may eventually be moving to the DR...and want to visit again this would be a great chance to find out more about the real DR.

I'm attractive (can send pics), 32 years old, athletic, and have no problems with dating in the States...but I am curious and interested in finding female penpal(s) abroad in the DR to make traveling there a better experience, and to possibly prepare for a move. Not sure how this will be recieved...oh well.

Just PM me and we can chat?!?

"Why no guys?" you ask.

"Is that any fun?" I reply!


"an unexamined life is not worth living"
Jan 2, 2002

This should be fun! hold on to your keyboard the replies should start shooting in anytime soon.

Good luck I hope you meet a real nice DR lady. You didn't mention if you are loaded ($$$$) that always atracks a crowd.


Negro Lindo

New member
Dec 26, 2002

With the power outages and prices for using the internet, would't it be kinda hard to keep in contact with a Dominicana via the internet?
Just asking.


Grande Pollo en Boca Chica
Jan 9, 2002
Doesn't Even Have a "Good Girl" Yet

A different case, went there met NOBODY and wants to meet someone after leaving. At least he cannot be sending $$ yet.


New member
Apr 18, 2002
Do research

There are numerous penpal sites that are free if you use a google search. If you want a good site,, charges a minimal amount(10US a month?) but that's all I can think of and they have several thousand Dominican women alone not including from other countries. Just don't rush anything and don't go looking for love, if you want sex you will find it but a good girl that reciprocates your feelings may take awhile without those asking for Western Union. Hanging around the tourist areas will be much more difficult to meet a good girl.
There is no problem with communicating by computer because there are numerous internet centers. My advice is go visit and look over the country and if you see a girl who you are attracted to, ask her out on a date but be wary of the I need money routine. Dominican women love to go out dancing so bring your dancing shoes, lol. The same thing you would do in almost any country to meet a nice girl, ask them out.


Jan 2, 2002
Brasi here's one to start you off. I'll try and find her email for you ;)

Dear Brasi,

I'm sorry for my bad English, my friend Jose does all the emails for us at the Internet cafe. You would like Jose, he has taught all of us so much. How to cut n paste and how to check Western Union online. When you have 10-12 different Hotmail accounts it can get really confusing, thank god for Jose!

I have been thinking about you ever since you left last week Brasi. I'm having trouble concentrating in my dance classes. I could never truly find the words to say how much our time together meant to you. My family was truly grateful for the wonderful SEA FOOD lunch you brought us. The surprise on your face at the end of the meal was truly priceless. Your generosity makes my heart skip a beat.

Did I tell you about my second cousin (Lucy) twice removed that ate that 5lb lobster? I was going to call and tell you, but the phone card you brought me ran out. Maybe I could call you via the operator and we can chat, I so miss your voice.

Back to Lucy...
She was sitting at the end of the table with my 3 aunts and 4 new cousins. Not the table in the corner, the one near the door. The table in the corner had all my uncles on it.

Anyway, Lucy is apparently allergic to lobster. The doctor said she needs some fancy medication to stop the convulsions. It's so expensive, I was wondering if you could help?

Oh, about the search...

I could, but I need you to send me US$150 via Western Union as my friend is sick and he does all the programming.
Please let me or Jose know when your coming back.
The exact dates!


Jan 2, 2002
OMG look what I'm doing. I'm slowly turning into what I dislike the most.

Tony C

Jan 1, 2002
Re: Hmmm

Negro Lindo said:
With the power outages and prices for using the internet, would't it be kinda hard to keep in contact with a Dominicana via the internet?
Just asking.

Jeez dude have you even been to the DR?

I have no problem keeping in contact with many friends and family members via the internet.
There are people in the DR with Computers and electricity

Negro Lindo

New member
Dec 26, 2002
Yeah, Tony C.
I've been to the D.R before, only for a few days though. While I was there were a few power outages, and I can imagine the internet centers get pretty crowded, as do the phone centers with people waiting and time limits. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's why I asked, remember the last part of my post......Just asking. Of course there are people there with computers and electricity otherwise it would be kind of stupid for this board to exist with only people from everywhere exept the DR. But a lot of the people that actually live in the DR and post here are not Dominican. The people I know that live in the DR are not rich and don't have computers. Thanks for your input though.


New member
Jan 12, 2002
Anna Coniglio said:
Brasi here's one to start you off. I'll try and find her email for you ;)

Dear Brasi,

I'm sorry for my bad English, my friend Jose does all the emails for us at the Internet cafe. You would like Jose, he has taught all of us so much. How to cut n paste and how to check Western Union online. When you have 10-12 different Hotmail accounts it can get really confusing, thank god for Jose!

Why do you have to be so condescending? What is sooooo bad about Brasi wanting a female pen pal from the DR that you have to make fun of him?

He comes here seeking serious advice and all you can do is patronize him? This is so mean spirited.

So you mean to tell me that ALL dominican woman just want a Western Union? This really sucks Anna and I'm disappointed in you... well actually not.

To Brasi. Good Luck in finding your Dominicana friend. Pay the simpletons on the board no mind.. As you can see they can be very simple. You do you. And if finding a pen pal from DR is what you want to do... Go for it. It's your life.

I'm more familiar with Cuban people and I have a ton of friends from there that I keep in touch with via email so I think if I can communicate with people from Communist Cuba, you should be able to carry on an email friendship with people from Dominican Republic.

I met my Cuban friends while in Cuba both males and females and we've stayed great friends. None of them have tried to use me in any kind of way and we have sincere frienships and I'm sure you can find the same. However I met my friends first, pen pals second. Maybe you could travel there first and find your friends?

Good Luck Brasi


Jan 2, 2002
Lighten up clipped it was only meant as a joke. I took it from another thread.

I think it's great to have penpals and I hope brasi can find many to write to.

Jon S.

Jan 25, 2003
This is the deal........

Not all Dominican women want the Western Union thing, but it happens alot, it's just that most people on this site are foreigners and they are seen as targets and life-size piggy banks so they speak from experience.........The thing is that posts like these are a dime a dozen and the long-time posters get tired of seeing the same BS all the time. They'll usually be the first ones to respond to a post. Something to remember is that alot of these posts are made can't take everything too serious, you know. It's only a webpage, this isn't anyone's life(well, thats questionable with some people here:p :laugh: ;) ) It's always helpful to search before you ask, one of the moderators always puts that as his reply to first-time posters. Listen to what Dale7 said on his post, probably the most practical advice you'll find in regards to your situation.......Hope you find what you're looking for.


May 9, 2002
To Negro Linda

Don't forget how many people have access while they are at work.

To: ClippedWing
This really sucks Anna and I'm disappointed in you... well actually not.
Pay the simpletons on the board no mind.. As you can see they can be very simple.

Take a Chill-Pill, PLEASE!!!!!
You presonal attack on Anna, was not very nice!:hurt:
I think you owe Anna an apology.
But that's my opinion, and like A**HOLES, everybody has their own.

I THINK YOU DO A GREAT JOB, as a playground monitor!!!! :bunny:

Tim H.


New member
Apr 25, 2003
I've been coming here a week and
I've been ridiculed twice (and this post is my fifth).

Tough crowd. I can tell you're all jaded, wrapped up in a rut that you can't get out of. That's up to you all. If you got to know me and my reasons you might think before you replying.

I see the DR as a great place, with strong people, a country that has tremendous potential in many ways. It's beautiful. Your replies are not representative of the country, I hope.

One of my favorite authors is Dominican (Julia Alvarez). I met some really nice people from Santo Domingo on my last trip. We talked for hours on the beach, me, my friends, and two Dominican brothers, their mom, and a sister---about all sorts of things. It was eye-opening. I'm looking to find more of that kind of experience.

I am not the typical skank looking for a sex hookup. If you can't understand that, then please don't bother replying to my posts.

Jon S.

Jan 25, 2003
Once again.......

Read what some people are saying. Look at what Dale7 and I said. It might help you out man. Like I said, some posts are made tongue-in-cheek because some people like to piss others off. Take it with a grain of salt. Take it easy


New member
Jan 12, 2002
Re: To Negro Linda

Timex said:
Don't forget how many people have access while they are at work.

To: ClippedWing

Take a Chill-Pill, PLEASE!!!!!
You presonal attack on Anna, was not very nice!:hurt:
I think you owe Anna an apology.
But that's my opinion, and like A**HOLES, everybody has their own.

Tim H.

Get real.... An apology? To Anna? For what? Her attack on Brasi wasn't very nice. How about this... when she apologizes to Brasi I'll apologize to her okay?

And how right you are...Opinions are like A**HOLES Everybody has one... including you.


Jan 2, 2002
ClippedWing said:
Get real.... An apology? To Anna? For what? Her attack on Brasi wasn't very nice. How about this... when she apologizes to Brasi I'll apologize to her okay?

ok lady you got it.

Brasi, I'm sorry if my reply offended you in any way. I was in a silly mood and I posted a silly letter taken from another thread. Brasi I hope you get a ton of emails from Dominican women. Again I'm sorry if you took my reply as an insult or an attack.



New member
Jan 12, 2002
Anna Coniglio said:
ClippedWing said:
Get real.... An apology? To Anna? For what? Her attack on Brasi wasn't very nice. How about this... when she apologizes to Brasi I'll apologize to her okay?

ok lady you got it.

Brasi, I'm sorry if my reply offended you in any way. I was in a silly mood and I posted a silly letter taken from another thread. Brasi I hope you get a ton of emails from Dominican women. Again I'm sorry if you took my reply as an insult or an attack.


Okay, Back at you.

Anna, I'm sorry I called you a simpleton. I get frustrated at how new posters are treated on this board and decided to speak up. Hopefully with these rounds of apologies, Brasi and others like him will not be scared off and post on the board more regulary.



Jan 14, 2002
You are just upset that you got ridiculed when you came here looking for sex. You think everybody should embrace what you say and feel but it "Aint gonna happen".

Now you just need to get over yourself and stop lashing out if you can but you probably can't and will continue to be unhappy with this board.


New member
Jan 12, 2002
jazzcom said:
You are just upset that you got ridiculed when you came here looking for sex. You think everybody should embrace what you say and feel but it "Aint gonna happen".

Now you just need to get over yourself and stop lashing out if you can but you probably can't and will continue to be unhappy with this board.


Okay Jazzcom... Here you go again... If I ignore you will you stop following me from thread to thread? I can't recall posting, responding or caring about anything you have said on this board the two years I've been coming here yet you hang on my every word. Can I ask that you get it all out now so that I can post in peace without having to have you follow up all my posts with your opinions? I'm listening... vent... let's dicusss the source of your anger towards me so we can move on.

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