14 year old girl attacked, Cielo Garcia Sena

La Profe_1

Moderator: Daily Headline News, Travel & Tourism
Oct 15, 2003
i have tried numerous times today to donate and it is not going through.....any ideas?

If the problem is that they are set up for Canadian dollars, I would suggest asking the Canadian children's charity "Beyond the Beach" if they would be able to accept the US funds and send on the Canadian equivalent to the person who set up the crowdfunding page.

It might be something that is restricted because of Canadian laws governing non-profits, but I know that they are set up to accept US funds.

If I am not mistaken, several members here are involved with Beyond the Beach.
May 5, 2007
If the problem is that they are set up for Canadian dollars, I would suggest asking the Canadian children's charity "Beyond the Beach" if they would be able to accept the US funds and send on the Canadian equivalent to the person who set up the crowdfunding page.

It might be something that is restricted because of Canadian laws governing non-profits, but I know that they are set up to accept US funds.

If I am not mistaken, several members here are involved with Beyond the Beach.

Thanks for that, I also tried and thought It was just me being stupid That really tugs at your heart strings, not only what she is currently going through but the mental and physical issues that will follow during her entire life


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
I know Haitans, I live next to several of them, I often eat with them and I sleep next door to them.
The only time I have ever known a Haitan man to give money to a younger Dominican women has
been for "service" and a very hush hush service at that.

Something about this story seems a little strange and I find it very hard to beleive what I'm reading regarding what caused this to happen. I'm wondering if this tragic incident was over a "business deal"
gone bad.

La Profe_1

Moderator: Daily Headline News, Travel & Tourism
Oct 15, 2003
Thanks for that, I also tried and thought It was just me being stupid That really tugs at your heart strings, not only what she is currently going through but the mental and physical issues that will follow during her entire life

I hope they can help.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Here's a Facebook update posted by Terry Huff:

It is believed that the evil Haitian that macheted 14 year old Cielo 34 times, left her for dead that caused both of her arms to be amputated is hiding in Haiti ...The world is still waiting for the Dominican government to step up with financial assistance as shame on the government for not doing right not only for such a deserving family, but for the the poor living in poverty conditions that most of us cannot imagine ...A few weeks ago I connected with a Canadian humanitarian Cindya Halo that vowed she would do everything she could to get this story out to the world and seek help from the world needed for Cielo, her single parent father Fausto and her 7 siblings ...Like most of us I have known good times, sad times, tough times but my life is so blessed so how could I not help which lead to Michael Huff & I sending the first donation as a spark with hope to set the much needed fundraiser on fire ...Well it has been 2 weeks and the fund is now sitting at $5109.00 of the much needed $10,000 goal ...Cindya Halo continues to be extremely busy having Cielo's story heard, raising funds, being there for the family and making sure their immediate urgent needs are covered while planning how best to use funds raised that will allow for as many needs as possible to be taken care of so that Cielo and her family see a brighter future...Cindya Halo has now realized she alone cannot do all that has to be done and that realization has lead to a bond forming and the CCC Team (Cielo, Cindya, Caring Team) being formed to help where we can behind the scenes ...Donna Howell-Ardington,Franco Jackie Marcie Willis-Barrow it is an honor to have become soul sisters with each and everyone of you. Everyone says they would help a stranger in need, well here is a chance not only to help, but to follow how your kindness changed the lives of an entire family that is so deserving ...My challenge is that 15 new people within the universe step up this weekend and accepts the challenge to donate so that Cielo's 15th year is so much brighter. In closing I am also searching for a special soul to take on a very special challenge ...Cindya Halo was heart broken when she went to the cement shack that Cielo and her family reside in as there was no proper roof, no floor, no proper windows, no secure door to keep them safe and the list goes on, but what reached her soul was the fact that the children fought over the use of an old bike ...It is important to Cindya Halo that she is accountable for all funds raised and honestly there just is not room in the budget to provide bikes as they are a desire not a need and the list of needs is so long ...So if there is a special soul out in the universe that is able to help with bike's for Cielo's 7 siblings please grant this wish so that each one of them can each make a wonderful childhood memory riding their very own bike xoxox...https://www.youcaring.com/cindyahebert-834492 — with Cindya Halo.


Nov 3, 2010
I know Haitans, I live next to several of them, I often eat with them and I sleep next door to them.
The only time I have ever known a Haitan man to give money to a younger Dominican women has
been for "service" and a very hush hush service at that.

Something about this story seems a little strange and I find it very hard to beleive what I'm reading regarding what caused this to happen. I'm wondering if this tragic incident was over a "business deal"
gone bad.

Sorry, but you don't know all Haitians. You know some individual Haitians just like the person who committed this heinous act is an individual Haitian and should not be lumped in with all Haitians.


Sep 27, 2006
an update on that case in local press, for those interested:

the girl is currently in a hospital recovering from new infection in her wounds due to unsanitary conditions in her house. the clinic is paid for by a person whose identity has not been revealed by the family.
since the story appeared in the media the family received some much needed help and the person paying for the hospital also promised to try to obtain the prosthesis.
the article also mentions that there is a website set up with the intention of helping the girl but the family has not received any funds from this source as of yet.


Jan 1, 2002
Here's a Facebook update posted by Terry Huff:
....Cindya Halo was heart broken when she went to the cement shack that Cielo and her family reside in as there was no proper roof, no floor, no proper windows, no secure door to keep them safe and the list goes on, but what reached her soul was the fact that the children fought over the use of an old bike ...It is important to Cindya Halo that she is accountable for all funds raised and honestly there just is not room in the budget to provide bikes as they are a desire not a need and the list of needs is so long ...So if there is a special soul out in the universe that is able to help with bike's for Cielo's 7 siblings please grant this wish so that each one of them can each make a wonderful childhood memory riding their very own bike xoxox...https://www.youcaring.com/cindyahebert-834492 — with Cindya Halo.
Call me jaded but what kind of childhood memory is "I got my own bike because my sister almost lost her life to a crazed person with a machete."?

Donations should be used for her health care needs, prosthetics, and anything else needed to help her try to have a "normal" life. By all means put a new roof on the home and give the family the means to have clean drinking water so that they aren't faced with constant infections.

But 7 bikes?

I'm open to reading any comments from anyone who disagrees with me.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Call me jaded but what kind of childhood memory is "I got my own bike because my sister almost lost her life to a crazed person with a machete."?

Donations should be used for her health care needs, prosthetics, and anything else needed to help her try to have a "normal" life. By all means put a new roof on the home and give the family the means to have clean drinking water so that they aren't faced with constant infections.

But 7 bikes?

I'm open to reading any comments from anyone who disagrees with me.

Completely agree with you.


May 1, 2005
Call me jaded but what kind of childhood memory is "I got my own bike because my sister almost lost her life to a crazed person with a machete."?

Donations should be used for her health care needs, prosthetics, and anything else needed to help her try to have a "normal" life. By all means put a new roof on the home and give the family the means to have clean drinking water so that they aren't faced with constant infections.

But 7 bikes?

I'm open to reading any comments from anyone who disagrees with me.

Most definitely agree with you. It sure won't do much good for the little girl who lost her arms to sit there and watch her siblings ride their new bicycles.

Focus on the prosthetics would be a wonderful idea, forget those bicycles. A roof, maybe paint a room and clean the place up.


Sep 27, 2006
agreed too. the girl's wound got infected again because the family basically lives in a pigsty, to put it brutally. it's a poor barrio, and the family is dirt poor too, judging by the pictures. a 50 lbs bag of rice would be of more use than a bike. sure, not everything in life is about filling your belly but it's a good start. that someone looks at undernourished kids dressed in rags and what pulls their heartstrings the most is an old bike is a testament to first world comforts.


May 1, 2005
.................the article also mentions that there is a website set up with the intention of helping the girl but the family has not received any funds from this source as of yet.

..... a 50 lbs bag of rice would be of more use than a bike. sure, not everything in life is about filling your belly but it's a good start. that someone looks at undernourished kids dressed in rags and what pulls their heartstrings the most is an old bike is a testament to first world comforts.

I know ain't really none of my business but to just hand over a large lump sum of money to the family doesn't seem like a very smart thing to do. I don't know if there are legit organizations that could handle the funds and make sure every month they get that bag of rice and some other staples. Also the funds should be in like a trust fund or something like that where in the future if the girl needs medical care the money is already available.

Big, big thanks to that kind hearted person who stepped up to cover her current medical bills.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
The criminal is a Haitian... Arresting one can be problematic because then, if it reaches international proportion, the police will be accused of arresting the guy because he's Haitian... You know drill with this...
Let me guess, the police hasn't caught him yet...

Hmm, wonder why...

I do wonder if this would had reached international proportions by now had the criminal been Dominican and the victim a Haitian. Just wondering...
Last edited:


Nov 3, 2010
Let me guess, the police hasn't caught him yet...

Hmm, wonder why...

I do wonder if this would had reached international proportions by now had the criminal been Dominican and the victim a Haitian. Just wondering...

Really? I respectfully disagree with your statements. The Dominicans that I know would have given the assailant the same treatment regardless of his nationality. Trying to make it into an us against them issue does not solve anything.


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
It is horrible what happened to this girl. I would gladly give but before I hit the send button I would like to know that my money will be used for the girls care not a bike, etc... (I realize that it was a separate request). I understand the conditions can be overwhelming and those visiting the family want to do everything they can to bring some happiness to the family. But it can deter some people from donating when things like buying a bike for the other children is mentioned.


Jul 27, 2011
I know Haitans, I live next to several of them, I often eat with them and I sleep next door to them.
The only time I have ever known a Haitan man to give money to a younger Dominican women has
been for "service" and a very hush hush service at that.

Something about this story seems a little strange and I find it very hard to beleive what I'm reading regarding what caused this to happen. I'm wondering if this tragic incident was over a "business deal"
gone bad.
This is not really strange behavior. I remember a Haitian who offered his ex a ride, then took her to an isolated area and chopped her head and arms off with a machete.
When asked why he did that, he said that it was ´cause she was using the stuff he had bought for the house with another man. It was not fair since he had paid for it. He talked about it like it was well justified.


New member
Aug 29, 2010
The criminal is a Haitian... Arresting one can be problematic because then, if it reaches international proportion, the police will be accused of arresting the guy because he's Haitian... You know drill with this...

What he is saying after the last round of BS in the media with every one crying about Haitians being rounded up and deported all they need is one bleeding heart journalist post a misleading story and same crap again.


Jun 7, 2008
What he is saying after the last round of BS in the media with every one crying about Haitians being rounded up and deported all they need is one bleeding heart journalist post a misleading story and same crap again.

The problem is; the flip side of that. Allow a Haitian or whatever nationality for that matter get away with such a heinous crime?


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
It is horrible what happened to this girl. I would gladly give but before I hit the send button I would like to know that my money will be used for the girls care not a bike, etc... (I realize that it was a separate request). I understand the conditions can be overwhelming and those visiting the family want to do everything they can to bring some happiness to the family. But it can deter some people from donating when things like buying a bike for the other children is mentioned.

It was made very clear that none of the donated money would be used for bikes, only for the girl and her needs.  

It was more of a "wish list" item for the siblings. Hopefully it won't deter contributions for the poor girl. 


I love infractions!
Sep 2, 2011
Is there anybody on DR1 who lives close to the area in question, who could provide a 1st hand report, as opposed to what's published in the news or social media? Preferably a longterm member. Just asking.