Attitude toward missionaries

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Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
What racist remark did he make?
I didnt see anything racist in his posts.

But I guess you are right when you say 'whenever you go looking for it, you'll usually find it.'
Of course you don't.



*** Sin Bin ***
May 6, 2009
This is where it all started

I don't believe Mountain Annie has ever mention anything about about White American Christians, but perhaps I'm wrong. Perhaps you are assuming she ment White Chritian American when really she ment Christian Americans. As for El Profe I also received an e-mail and while it was polite is was solicitation. I have been meaning to answer him, just haven't got around to it yet. El Profe is in my opinion a white Cuban, not that it makes any difference.

So who is racist?????

You Guys are a bunch of clowns

Get a Life, Get A Job, and Get GOD:cheeky::cheeky::cheeky::cheeky:


Dec 11, 2003
Oh yeah, NC and Blacks, for sure, I worked with group getting the first hate crimes conviction in NC from a skin head group in NC. We still have deep segregation in the South. I am not saying it doesn't exist. I am not saying that it didn't exist then. And certainly I will be the first to say that outside of South Africa the US is the most viciously racist place in the world but we have come a long, long. long way in a hundred years, even longer in the last forty.

And we have been really hard on this guy, I will admit. But wow. you just can't come on to us like that. Like we owe you something because you are trying to do something good for the folks here. EVERYONE who is here is trying to do something good for the folks here in their own way. You can't come on firing your pistols from your hips like that telling me to get a life and get God like you don't think I have an up close and personal relationship with the Almighty in my own personal way. You just gotta take it slow and easy.

I am sure that you, El Profe, are hurtin, I know. But maybe you have learned something from our ranting at you like ---You can't hold up the picture of the weeping children for us like we don't see hungry children every day. You can't ask for our trust and friendship and respect with one post and then lash out and attack us in the next.

Most of us on this Board have been robbed, and cheated and lied to and stolen from and had plans A, B, C, D, and maybe even down the alphabet shot to hell..... but we came here, like you, perhaps, thinking that we would find something better, something a bit more challenging, something that we didn't know, something that would keep us on our toes,,,, and perhaps a bit more productive.....

So perhaps you have learned your lesson here and we will stop the pile up and ease up on you a little and you will just munch on down on some humble pie and decide that perhaps it would be better to have us perhaps as allies than adversaries.

Because, as you have seen, we can all be pretty mean when we get our backs up.

Except for Lambada who evidently trained as a diplomat and always manages to keep her cool.

But, of course, you may not make it here. I would venture to say that the majority of people who come here to stay do not, actually, stay.....


Nov 27, 2007
Both Texas and LA had huge Spanish populations 40 years ago.

That does not mean Latinos or other ethnic groups in the area dont experience discrimination. There is also a large black population in LA and that community talks about the discrimination they still face.
The black prosecution lawyer in the OJ Simpson case even talked about the discrimantion based on his race that he faced and police profiling.

Are you denying there is racism in Texas, especially towards Mexicans...the largest Latino group? Large population but it still exists.
My white American friends boyfriend is Mexican, and they live in Texas and she tells me about the discrimination they both face, even from her own family members.

Or maybe you just think ALL accounts of discrimination/racism are figments of peoples imagination who want to be victims and not succeed.
That is not the case for the majority.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
so is he a missionary or related to any organization?
or is he a expat teaching kids classes as a business?
or is he a expat running a school for those kids for free, just funded by donations?


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
So who is racist?????

You Guys are a bunch of clowns

Get a Life, Get A Job, and Get GOD:cheeky::cheeky::cheeky::cheeky:

hey hey hey
what sounds that one like??
time for a clean up, guys.

and disregard my questions in my post 3 minutes ago,
that been seriously asked from my side before i read this other new thingy quoted here.
no more interested.
sorry for the kiddies


I love AZB!
May 5, 2009
Listen Lambada,

Take a look at everybody talking about my school when they have never been to one of my classes.

So me what you are doing to help the Dominican Children.

You seen to have your little gang of DR1 Posters that spend their day writting trash about anything anyone has to say. You guys are like vultures waiting on someone to post something so you can atack them.

I don't know is anybody is "reading" this guy the same way I'm doing but something is fishy here, something is not clicking right;

- The guy started a thread asking for money, then started sending pm's and now has hijacked another thread still pleading his case for help. These to me are clear signs of desperation and that's not good when money is involved.

- The guy said he came at a very young age to the States but his english doesn't appear native, the more I read his posts the more he looks like a Dominican who learned english in DR.

- One would expect somebody who has a school, call himself "El Profe", was educated in the States and claim to be doing some charitable work to be able to handle this situation much better, to be more controlled and be able to stand some criticism without lashing back. That is clearly not the case, one post this guy is telling people to get God and the next he's calling everybody a "vulture".

- The guy said he teaches computer to his students, but his posts suggest he is not crafty with pc's, he answers posts without copy and paste, unless you are familiar with the post he is addressing you wouldn't know what he is talking about.

I hope I'm wrong but you've been warned already.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
You Guys are a bunch of clowns

Get a Life, Get A Job, and Get GOD

i have a life since the moment i stopped to just have a job,
and and shouting out loud a hundred 'hallelujas' per day was not the reason that i finally manged to be where i am and who i am.

so your advice sounds just like a very bad joke to me.


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
I'm just a dumb southern "The White Man*", so what would I know?

All any of us can really do and get verifiable results is not act toward others is any untoward manner.

We are all responsible for our own actions.

Of course, I've been around racists. REAL racists, not the ones accused of racism to forward some agenda. And my best way to deal with them is...isolation. Don't pay attention to them. Leave them to boil in their own swill. Without me.

I refuse to let folks live in MY head rent-free. I own my head, and will choose what I think. I won't give a racist (or sexist/homophobe/ageist/pink-hairist) access to my thoughts, time, energy or life.

Of course I DO understand some folks need a cause to hang onto. It's like a Life's Work. I just wonder how large a chip one shoulder can bear...

*copyright El Profe


*** Sin Bin ***
May 6, 2009
Thandie; Forget about this bunch of losers. They will all have to be Judged someday and they will all pay. I will pray for you all.

P.S. GOD still loves you even though you are a bunch of losers.

Get a Life, Get a Job, and Get GOD


I love AZB!
May 5, 2009
Thandie; Forget about this bunch of losers. They will all have to be Judged someday and they will all pay. I will pray for you all.

P.S. GOD still loves you even though you are a bunch of losers.

Get a Life, Get a Job, and Get GOD

I'll pray that you get back those Pam Anderson's pics stored in those computers, that's what got you upset.


Aug 22, 2008
Thandie; Forget about this bunch of losers. They will all have to be Judged someday and they will all pay. I will pray for you all.

P.S. GOD still loves you even though you are a bunch of losers.

Get a Life, Get a Job, and Get GOD

Well I think it is too late for me.
I couldn't go to heaven in all good conscience. It just wouldn't be right.

I am a very, very happy sinner, thank you.

And I fear my fate is already sealed in your eyes.(Subject to the get-out clause of giving my life to Jesus?)
Should it turn out that this god of yours exists, I shall have a few choice words for him when we get round to judgement day.
Seems a bit of an underachiever recently - as gods go.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
- The guy said he teaches computer to his students, but his posts suggest he is not crafty with pc's, he answers posts without copy and paste, unless you are familiar with the post he is addressing you wouldn't know what he is talking about.
and he did not even intend to get a bit of knowledge about the people he feels offended by while he himself is offending all together as one bunch, like we would be one race and from the same blood and could be thrown in one bag.

hey Ginnie,
i know you don't waste your time to anser to the other remarks up there,
but after our Honduran discussions i would never had believed that some nuthead would accuse You, Me, Cobra, Bob, Annie aso
as ONE bunch of people who jump together on one person.
the few people mentioned above could within the little group of posters they are, not be more different than they are.
different blood,
different skin,
different age,
different education,
born and raised in very different countries,
lived very different lifes before they entered the DR,
live still very different lifes since they are here in the DR.

but i can tell you one thing for sure they all have in common:

WE read what is written out there first,
We think about the written word,
WE build each on his/her own his/her own opinion about a theme,
and then WE answer by expressing OUR opinion.

and in case of children WE smell the bad part,
if some smells fishy WE ask questions and await answers.

shouting out loud "halleluja" is usual for religious nuthead fanatics all around the globe, WE give a shi$$ on such.

you should have focused on helping your kiddies by answering some open Q's to your person and your school to peple interested in giving a hand instead of attacking around in a not teacher educated way.

don't let your kids wait for God,
get your a$$ up by DOING,
then you may find the right way.



Dec 11, 2003
I am answering anyway

so is he a missionary or related to any organization?
or is he a expat teaching kids classes as a business?
or is he a expat running a school for those kids for free, just funded by donations?
According to his homepage, which he has linked to his DR1 page, he was born in Cuba and then moved to LA, then to Texas.

(If he grew up in heavily Hispanic neighborhoods in the States he probably did not have very good English teachers which would account for his spelling errors).

While he says he is on a mission from his Church in the US, he lists his pastor as Joel Osteen who runs one of the great mega churchs and is extremely popular but considered sorta "feel good" rather than "gospel" El Profe says that he is not receiving any support now from his "Church".

He says he has a degree in Computer Sciences and further training in real estate.

He says that he teaches the kids 5 hours a week for 30 pesos a class for 600 pesos a month and has some sponsorship for some of the kids. This covers only the expenses of the operation which amount to about 14,000 pesos a month. He says his income is less than 350,000 a year.

Since the regulations for starting a complete school in the DR are very strict and require complex licensing, I assume that he is simply giving classes.

But 600 pesos a month is what kids in Las Terrenas were paying for a month of full time private school two years ago. At the third best private school in the Village.

So I would say that he is trying to run a business, with some televangelism thrown in for good measure.

To his credit, I got all this from his own home page so that I really do not think that there is any sort of a sophisticated scam going on here, just a guy trying to make it.
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Nov 27, 2007
Look el Prof,

You are new to this board. You may be new to posting on message boards and dont know how things work. You made a mistake sending out those PMs. You apologized and said it wont happen again. Be careful how you you respond to even those who may be unfairly attacking you! Dont give them ammunition. You said nothing racist, just ignore comments like that. Some on this board just like to argue, are know it alls, experts on every will find all types, the good and the bad just like in real life. The more time you spend here you will get to know who those posters are.

I think people were very harsh with you just like some were to the original poster IMO, the fact that you are an evangelical Christian rubs some posters the wrong way. They cant hide their biases and prejudices. They are letting the bad apples tarnish the entire bunch.
As MLKjr said judge people by the content of their character not based on their race or religious affiliation, etc. When they attack people for partying and going to the Hard Rock Cafe their 'concern' and argument looses all CREDIBILITY in my eyes. They are obviously trying their hardest to unfairly discredit people.

BUT dont get baited into flame wars, they will attack you not based on facts and then use your understandible anger to discredit you. Most people get angry when they are attacked and accused of things like being a sanky, racist or a con....that is just human nature, Christian or not. No one is perfect, even those who call themselves Christian. Dont fall into the trap!

Google flame war and flamers and that will help you conduct yourself differently on message boards.
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