Cracking down on sex trafficking; victims are young South American women


Staff member
Feb 20, 2019

The Attorney General Office prosecutors cracked down on a criminal network of people trafficking in the capital city and Punta Cana area. The Attorney General Office has named the investigation, Operation Cattleya.

More than 80 women, ages 18 to 23 years, were rescued, and deemed as victims of sexual exploitation. The traffickers kept 50% of the high fees the women charged for their services. The sex services were contracted via a catalog sent by Whatsapp.

The prosecutors searched two small hotels in the capital city and a residential area in Bávaro to make the arrests following nine months of investigations. The prosecutors ordered the temporary shut down of the hotels Caribe and Oscar in Gascue, Santo Domingo and Residencial Coco Real in Bavaro.

As reported, the victimized women were from Colombia and Venezuela, and had traveled to the Dominican Republic...

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Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
perfectly stated! These women (mostly) make a business decision. Work as a store clerk or house cleaner or sell themselves and make more money in two days than they make in six weeks as an hourly earner.

Something tells me it's not that simple. Maybe there are $ signs in their eyes in the beginning, but I'll bet that wanes rather quickly. And then there is no way out.

We all f up from time to time, that's humanity. I'm just glad they will get another chance.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2016
perfectly stated! These women (mostly) make a business decision. Work as a store clerk or house cleaner or sell themselves and make more money in two days than they make in six weeks as an hourly earner.
And the individuals arrested that were taking advantage of them.
They made a decision to conduct an illegal business.
They are the accused.
They are the ones who were deceptive and did the wrong thing.

I do not see the point of blaming the victims.
Unless you are looking at things from the view point of being privileged and thinking everyone has had the same opportunities as the privileged posting among us have.

Individuals making statements about how much these women would have made compared to regular work:
1. Do not know how much money they actually go to keep
2. That they had any other opportunities after finding themselves in another country without the option to take regular jobs.

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
And the individuals arrested that were taking advantage of them.
They made a decision to conduct an illegal business.
They are the accused.
They are the ones who were deceptive and did the wrong thing.

I do not see the point of blaming the victims.
Unless you are looking at things from the view point of being privileged and thinking everyone has had the same opportunities as the privileged posting among us have.

Individuals making statements about how much these women would have made compared to regular work:
1. Do not know how much money they actually go to keep
2. That they had any other opportunities after finding themselves in another country without the option to take regular jobs.
It's extremely difficult for them to find jobs other than the informal. You can drive around SD and even San Cristobal and find Colombian and Venezuelan women on street corners selling trinkets and other things.
There is one I buy chocolate from near my house who is always in the gas station where I buy fuel.
I have even encountered them driving for UBER in another person's vehicle.
They are dignified people trying to make an honest living.
The ones that are picked up in these raids? Not so much.
I do believe they were sold a bill of goods to convince them to come here.
Feb 7, 2007
Something tells me it's not that simple. Maybe there are $ signs in their eyes in the beginning, but I'll bet that wanes rather quickly. And then there is no way out.

We all f up from time to time, that's humanity. I'm just glad they will get another chance.
No way out ?

Come on, are you really so naive???

What they want is easy money, big $$$, they learned to spend big and earn big.

Case in point, #1:
1. Watch a series on HBO Max called El Negocio (the business). It's an eye opener, and HBO high quality made TV (8/10 on IMDB)

Case in point, #2:
2. Many many young girls in the DR and other countries get involved as virtual and real life escorts. OnlyFans is a huge earning machine for many of them. My DR side family also counts with one of these OnlyFans girls. There is this youtube and Instagram "influencer" called la Gigi, earning big $$$ on OnlyFans : "La Gigi RD Gana Mensual 2 Millones De Pesos En Only Fans"
I am sure most of these onlyFans girls earn money as real life escorts. This "family member" I mentioned, she does. She brings in something like 10k USD per month, tax free.

Case in point, #3:
3. I have a business associate who used to work for a company that sent him frequently from Santo Domingo to Punta Cana on business trips. The company rented an apartment in an upscale residential complex in Punta Cana. The apartment above his company's apartment housed 10 Colombian girls who worked as prepago/puta/escort/exotic-dancer/whatever. It was really nicely decorated, luxurious apartment, as per this guys words (we talked about this case and topic just a few days ago in our business whatsapp group). The girls had their needs taken care of and left guarded in upscale vans when they moved around during "work hours", but they had free days every week like any worker and at that time they came and left as they pleased, no restrictions. Had they been "under duress" I am sure they would have escaped from there. Oh, and he was talking to them in the building, in hallways, even in THEIR (girls') apartment, and nobody wanted to beat him, kidnap him, threaten him, kill him or do any other type of harm to him. There was even one who was into him and he got quite some ferebies during his travels to Punta Cana. I am quite sure had those girls been under duress, they would have found a way to talk to him about it or send some kind of message through him. But that would have make no sense, as they were free to come and go as they pleased during their free days.

So tell me again... there is no way out ? Really ??? Not that there is no way out, there is no such way THEY would want to take to get OUT.


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
No way out ?

Come on, are you really so naive???

What they want is easy money, big $$$, they learned to spend big and earn big.

Case in point, #1:
1. Watch a series on HBO Max called El Negocio (the business). It's an eye opener, and HBO high quality made TV (8/10 on IMDB)

Case in point, #2:
2. Many many young girls in the DR and other countries get involved as virtual and real life escorts. OnlyFans is a huge earning machine for many of them. My DR side family also counts with one of these OnlyFans girls. There is this youtube and Instagram "influencer" called la Gigi, earning big $$$ on OnlyFans : "La Gigi RD Gana Mensual 2 Millones De Pesos En Only Fans"
I am sure most of these onlyFans girls earn money as real life escorts. This "family member" I mentioned, she does. She brings in something like 10k USD per month, tax free.

Case in point, #3:
3. I have a business associate who used to work for a company that sent him frequently from Santo Domingo to Punta Cana on business trips. The company rented an apartment in an upscale residential complex in Punta Cana. The apartment above his company's apartment housed 10 Colombian girls who worked as prepago/puta/escort/exotic-dancer/whatever. It was really nicely decorated, luxurious apartment, as per this guys words (we talked about this case and topic just a few days ago in our business whatsapp group). The girls had their needs taken care of and left guarded in upscale vans when they moved around during "work hours", but they had free days every week like any worker and at that time they came and left as they pleased, no restrictions. Had they been "under duress" I am sure they would have escaped from there. Oh, and he was talking to them in the building, in hallways, even in THEIR (girls') apartment, and nobody wanted to beat him, kidnap him, threaten him, kill him or do any other type of harm to him. There was even one who was into him and he got quite some ferebies during his travels to Punta Cana. I am quite sure had those girls been under duress, they would have found a way to talk to him about it or send some kind of message through him. But that would have make no sense, as they were free to come and go as they pleased during their free days.

So tell me again... there is no way out ? Really ??? Not that there is no way out, there is no such way THEY would want to take to get OUT.

Did you miss the part where they say the accused keep 50% of the proceeds and the other half goes towards paying off their debt ?

Said debt that probably never be paid off in whole.

Like with restaurants, factories, farms, etc ....... i am guessing in the " sex business" there are "normal" business models where the employees are treated fairly,. but also bad apples who run their business like gangsters and treat the girls like slaves.

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
Those in handcuffs are probably the "madams", or who knows maybe the night receptionists from the hotels where the girls did their trade. There are several female names on the list of accused published in the press.
They're probably surprised they were even grabbed. The local free on line classifieds have been chock full of Vennies/Colombians for the past few years both in SD and the east coast and they far outnumber the local women.
Check out some of the "Cupid" websites and do a search for Dominicans in Punta Cana and you'll see where all the lookers are.

chico bill

Dogs Better than People
May 6, 2016
The girls are the guns, the johns are the bullets. Which is guilty ?


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2016
Does not take much research or asking around in order to know what the law is.
I am sure the accused will find out very soon.
As for those who have to ask...well (you know).

Much success to those wishing to put up the (guns/bullet) analogy.
My understanding is that ignorance of the law is not a defense.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2016
Remember that "Elvis" bar in Sosua that was closed down a few years ago for "trafficking" girls? The girls were actually shown on video protesting about losing their livelihoods afterwards!
Straight gangster move on the the part of DRGOV.
Did you miss the part where they say the accused keep 50% of the proceeds and the other half goes towards paying off their debt ?

Said debt that probably never be paid off in whole.

Like with restaurants, factories, farms, etc ....... i am guessing in the " sex business" there are "normal" business models where the employees are treated fairly,. but also bad apples who run their business like gangsters and treat the girls like slaves.
I read this post carefully.

Need to compare apples to apples.
A group of independent working girls operating out of a facility that they liked
Compared to a group of individuals importing women to perform sexual services.
I will keep saying it until someone understands it.
Learn what the law is in the 🇩🇴 about in regard to this activity.


Jul 27, 2011
I don't think the girls are as innocent as they proclaim to be, but still glad these parasites got nabbed.
These networks often bring girls under false promises. They offer to cover their visas or travel expenses, lodging or whatever, but once they get to the country they learn they are in debt, and not only have to pay for everything, but also the traffickers get most of what they make. Also, their passports are taken away, they have to sign questionable contracts, have sex with a certain number of "clients" a day, their families are threatened, you name it!

I once attended a class with a human trafficking and smuggling expert, and he presented multiple cases, not only about foreign women brought here, but also about Dominicans abroad. Sometimes they make them sign illegal contracts.

Even though there are cases where the woman, who is allegedly coming as a dancer or an escort, knows that her activities might include "more than dancing", that doesn't mean they know they'd end up beaten, literally sold, isolated from their family, having no documents, forced to have unprotected sex with whatever amount of men someone tells them too, etc.


Mar 13, 2017
Trust me these women know exactly what they are getting into. also everyone women in DR has a price that they are willing to sleep with a man.and its they body they can do as they choose. same stuff in the states all the teachers from northern California go to las Vegas on the weekends to hook ,,,